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点击按钮进一步了解 Click the button for more information 2022全球创业大赛 HICOOL 2022 Global Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship Competition

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HICOOL 2022 Part 1. HICOOL 2022全球创业大赛 HICOOL 2022 Global Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship Competition

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HICOOL 2022 HICOOL品牌创立于2020年,是由北京海外高层次人才协会作为主办方的 一站式创业生态平台,依托大赛、峰会、生态建设等模式,夯实人才的挖 掘、引入、服务、保障等各项工作,以科技赋能创业,用价值驱动创新, HICOOL旗下建设了包括大赛/峰会、商学院、产业园、管家、基金、数字 化平台等六个版块,通过多维度和国际化的创业服务体系,帮助创业者和 初创企业在北京落地和发展。HICOOL依靠全球化合作渠道网络资源搭建 了一个创业生态内信息及资源的展示、匹配平台,让价值链条各方通过 HICOOL的服务形成对接。 HICOOL brand was established in 2020, is an all-in-one startup ecosystem platform managed by Beijing Overseas Talents Association,!ntroduce and service entrepreneurial talents through the Competition and Summit. Especially we empower the technology- based startups and encourage innovations by value creation. In 2021, HICOOL has built 6 business units including the Competition/Summit, the Business College, the Industrial Park, the Service Manager, the Investment Fund and the HICOOL@ON-LINE Digital Platform. Through the multi-dimensional and international service matrix, we facilitate entrepreneurs and startups to base and develop in Beijing. Based on the global partnership networks, HICOOL has built an information and resource matchmaking platform for the startup ecosystem. All parties on value chain can connect to each other through the services of HICOOL. ALL FOR STARTUPS 全力成就创业者 About HICOOL 关于HICOOL HICOOL 2022

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HICOOL 2022 HICOOL 2022 HICOOL-Creates Value Through Connections HICOOL平台-让链接产生价值 快速高效对接投资人,赢得投资机会、 人才政策、高额奖金、孵化加速服务和 头部企业合作机会 Opportunities to reach investment institutions, talent policies, prize money, acceleration services and leading enterprises 创业者 Startups 展示服务产品价值,获取客户资源,对 接潜在客户 Opportunities to display the value of services or products, acquire customer resources and connect with potential customers 可快速对接优质创业项目,提高投 资效率 Instant and efficient matchmaking opportunities with high- qualitied startups 可全方位展示自身的核心产品和服务 ,获得和创新技术直接对接交流的 机 会 Opportunities to display the core products and services in an all-round way. Direct matchmaking and exchange opportunities with innovative technology 提升区域整体创业活力和氛围,为经济 注入新的增长点 Enhance the overall entrepreneurial vitality and atmosphere of the region, and inject new growth points into the economy 孵化园区 Incubation Park 投资机构 Investment Institution 头部企业 Leading Enterprise 企业服务商 Enterprise Service Provider 各级政府 Governments at all levels 引进高成长性的优秀项目,以及 产业相关性强的项目落地 Opportunities to bring in excellent projects with high growth and strong industrial relevance to land in

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HICOOL 2022 HICOOL All-in-One Startup Ecosystem HICOOL一站式创业生态平台 科技赋能创业,价值驱动创新 Enables entrepreneurship with science and technology and drives innovation with value HICOOL一站式创业生态要素联系紧密,协同分工,由大赛及峰会导入项目和人才,通过商学院赋能加速,经管家孵化培育后,形成不同层次阶段的创业项目发展集群, 由产业园将聚集效应最大化,并依托基金投资手段,帮助创业项目实现更好的资本连接和发展飞跃。线上平台全面支撑整个创业全周期生态链条,帮助各方快速对 接资源,实现高效和精准。 The HICOOL All-in-One Solution Startup Ecosystem are closely connected and work in coordination. Startups and talents are introduced from the Competition and the Summit, accelerated through the empowerment of Business School, and incubated by Service Managers to form entrepreneurial project development clusters at different levels. The Industrial Park maximizes the aggregation effect and helps entrepreneurial projects to gain better capital connection and development leap by relying on fund investment instruments. The digital platform fully supports the entire cycle ecological chain of entrepreneurship and helps all parties to quickly connect resources with higher efficiency and accuracy.

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HICOOL Global Entrepreneur Summit and Entrepreneurship Competition HICOOL全球创业者峰会暨创业大赛 HICOOL紧密围绕创业全生命周期,帮助创业项目在北京落地和快速发展。报名参赛即有机会获得一系列HICOOL平台专属服务。 HICOOL helps startups settle and grow smoothly in Beijing throughout the whole process of entrepreneurship. Sign up for HICOOL Competition to enjoy a series of services. 两年来, 共有来自全球84个国家和 地区的6,044个创业项目与 8,162名创业人才参加了 HICOOL大赛。 Over the past two years, a total of 6,044 startups and 8,162 entrepreneurial talents from 84 countries and regions around the world have participated in the HICOOL Competition. 报名参赛,让HICOOL为创业全面加速! Sign up now to be accelerated by HICOOL!

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HICOOL 2022 What you may get_Value by participating in the HICOOL Competion? 参加HICOOL大赛可获得哪些? 奖金Bonus 高额奖金 多重名额 Attractive Bonus Multiple Award-winning Places 政策Polices 在京落户 子女入学 Settled in Beijing Children’s Education 荣耀Glories 颁奖典礼 领导接见 Award Ceremony Meet with Municipal Leaders 展示Exhibition 高峰论坛 展览展示 Forum in the Summit Exhibition and Showcase 投资Investment 基金直投 持续赋能 Diect Investment by the Fund Continuously Empowerment 对接Matchmaking 创投对接 业务合作 Startup Matchmaking Business Cooperation 落地Registration 免费空间 项目孵化 Free Office Space Startup Incubation 传播Publicity 媒体报道 品牌营销 Media Coverage Brand Marketing

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HICOOL 2022全球创业者峰会暨创业大赛已正式启动,本届大赛在全球范围内设置7大报名赛区,广泛征集海外创业项目和本土创业项目。大 赛共设置140个项目奖席位和28个伯乐奖席位,总奖励资金为1亿元人民币。 The HICOOL 2022 Global Entrepreneur Summit and Entrepreneurship Competition will set up 7 major global competition areas for enrollment worldwide, attracting both overseas and local startups. There are 140 awards for the startupsand 28 Talent Scout Awards set with a total bonus of CNY100 million for awarding. 1 亿元 总奖金 100 Million RMB Bonus 7 大全球 报名赛区 7 Competition Areas 7 大专业 赛道 7 Tech Verticals 赛 道 设 置 人工智能/虚拟现实/金融科技 AI/Virtual Reality/Fintech 医药健康 Medical Health 新一代信息技术 New Generation of Information Technology 高端装备 High-end Equipment 新能源/新材料/节能环保 New Energy/New Materials/ Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection 文化创意 Cultural Creativity 农业科技/食品科技 Agricultural Technology Food Technology Europe | 欧洲 North America | 北美洲 South America | 南美洲 Africa | 非洲 Asia | 亚洲 Oceania | 大洋洲 China | 中国大陆 HICOOL 2022 Global Entrepreneurship Competition-Basic Information HICOOL 2022全球创业大赛-基础信息

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报名 APPLICATION 线上初评 ONLINE ASSESSMENT 初赛 PRELIMINARY 复赛 SEMI-FINAL 决赛 FINAL 截止至4月30日 The Deadline is April 30th 5月 May 6月 June 8月 August 8月至9月 August- September 组别 设置 Groups OVERSEAS GROUP LOCAL GROUP 海外组 本土组 期别 设置 Stages MAKER STAGE GROWTH STAGE 创客期 成长期 一等奖 First Prize 7 200万元/项目 2 million CNY/Number 1400万元 14 million CNY 二等奖 Second Prize 21 100万元/项目 1 million CNY/Number 2100万元 21 million CNY 三等奖 Third Prize 42 50万元/项目 500k CNY/Number 2100万元 22 million CNY 优胜奖 Winner Prize 70 20万元/项目 200k CNY/Number 1400万元 14 million CNY 奖项 Awards 获奖名额 The award-winning places 奖金 Bonus 奖金总额 Total Bonus HICOOL 2022 Global Entrepreneurship Competition-Agenda&Awards Setting HICOOL 2022全球创业大赛-赛程安排与奖项

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基础参赛要求——Basic Entry Requirements 全部报名参赛项目均须满足如下基础参赛要求: (1)可选择个人或团队两种形式参赛。如以团队形式参赛,团队成员不得超过3人。每个参赛人只能参与一个参赛项目。 (2)如参赛项目已经在北京注册成立公司,则成立时间应在2012年1月1日(含)以后。如参赛项目尚未在北京注册成立公司,则参赛人应 有来京创业意愿和具体落地规划。 (3)参赛项目主体不能为上市公司(新三板挂牌企业除外)。 (4)参赛个人或参赛团队所有成员须无重大失信记录、无犯罪记录,遵守中华人民共和国法律。 (5)参赛项目应符合北京现行法律法规、产业政策或规划的相关规定,拥有产品、技术相关的自主知识产权(须无纠纷)或关键技术,具有一定的 创新性和商业化潜力。 All applicants must meet the following basic entry requirements: (1) Participants can get enrolled both as an individual or as a team. For a startup enrolled as a team, there should be no more than 3 individuals, each participant can only participate in one startup. (2) If the startup has been established and registered in Beijing, the establishment time shall be after January 1st, 2012. If the startup has not been registered and established in Beijing, the participants shall have the willingness to start a business in Beijing with specific landing plans. (3)The participating startups cannot be listed companies (except for those listed on the new third board). (4)The individual or all members of the team must have no record of material dishonesty, no criminal record and abide by the laws of the People's Republic of China. (5)The participating startups shall comply with the relevant provisions of Beijing's current laws and regulations, industrial policies or plans, have independent intellectual property rights (without disputes) or core technologies related to products and techniques, and have certain innovation and commercialization potential. HICOOL 2022 Global Entrepreneurship Competition-Entry Requirements HICOOL 2022全球创业大赛-参赛要求

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专属参赛要求——Exclusive Entry Requirements a. 在海外取得学位或工作、创业1年以上,回国(或来华) 时间不超过10年; b. 个人名义参赛: * 参赛人为在京创立公司的主要创始人、第一大自然人股东; * 持股比例不低于30%; c. 团队名义参赛: * 团队成员均应在京创立公司中持有股权; * 团队每人持股比例不低于5%; * 团队合计持股比例不低于50%。 (注:以上持股比例均为穿透合并计算后) a. AU individuals or team members of the startup shall have obtained an overseas educational degree or have studied, worked, or started a business overseas for more than 1 year, and returned/came to China for less than 10 years; b. For startups enrolled as an individual: *That individual shall be the company's main founder and largest natural person shareholder of the company registered or to be registered in Beijing; *Holding no less than 30% of shares; c. For startups enrolled as a team: *The main applicant shall be the main founder and largest natural person shareholder of the company registered or to be registered in Beijing; *All team members shall be a shareholder of no less than 5% equity; *The total shareholding of the team shall not be less than 50%. (Note:the shareholding ratio after equity penetration and merger) a. 无海外经历要求; b. 个人名义参赛: * 参赛人为在京创立公司的主要创始人、第一大自然人股东; * 持股比例不低于20%; c. 团队名义参赛: * 团队成员均应在京创立公司中持有股权; * 团队每人持股比例不低于5%; * 团队合计持股比例不低于30%。 (注:以上持股比例均为穿透合并计算后) a. There is no requirement on the overseas background ; b. For startups enrolled as an individual: *The individual shall be the main founder and largest natural person shareholder of the company registered or to be registered in Beijing; *The shareholding shall not be less than 20%; c. For startups enrolled as a team: *The main applicant shall be the main founder and largest natural person shareholder of the company registered or to be registered in Beijing; *All team members shall be a shareholder of no less than 5% equity; *The total shareholding of the team is not less than 30%. (Note:the shareholding ratio after equity penetration and merger) 海外组 本土组 HICOOL 2022 Global Entrepreneurship Competition-Entry Requirements HICOOL 2022全球创业大赛-参赛要求

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HICOOL Global Entrepreneur Summit and Entrepreneurship Competition HICOOL 2022 报名说明 / Required Information 基本信息 Basic Information 团队信息 Team Members 1. 项目名称 2. 公司介绍 3. 融资情况 4. 产品服务 5. 统一社会信用代码 6. 近期收入 1. 申报人信息 2. 联系方式 3. 身份证件 4. 教育背景 5. 荣誉 6. 持股比例 1. Startup Name 2. Company Introduction 3. Financing Status 4. Products & Services 5. SSN 6. Revenue 1. Applicant Information 2. Contacts 3. Personal ID 4. Education 5. Achievements 6. Shareholdings

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HICOOL Global Entrepreneur Summit and Entrepreneurship Competition HICOOL 2022 报名说明 / Required Information 项目计划书 Business Plan 1. 上传格式PDF,建议使用PPT 导出 2. 公司介绍 3. 产品服务详细信息 4. 行业分析 5. 市场调研/分析 6. 商业模式 7. 现有竞品分析 8. 企业发展规划(近期 | 中长期) 9. 融资需求(非必须) 10. 企业商标及其他 快速报名通道 Quick Access to Online Application: 1. Recommend to Upload PDF File (converted from PPT) 2. Company Introduction 3. Details of Products & Services 4. Industry Analysis 5. Market Research & Analysis 6. Business Model 7. Competitor Analysis 8. Development Plan (Short-term & Medium-to-long Term) 9. Needs of Funding (Not Required) 10. Trademarks, Logo and Others

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HICOOL 2022 Part 2. HICOOL 2020年及2021年回顾 HICOOL 2020 and HICOOL 2021 Recap

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HICOOL 2020 – 首届大赛启动 Launching Ceremony 希望创业者们面对困难和挑战时, 始终保持积极乐观、开拓创新的精 神,善于从危机中捕捉和创造机遇, 实现更好发展。作为峰会主办方, 我们将努力为全球创业者搭建一个 高水平的思想碰撞、交流互鉴的平 台,真诚欢迎全球创业精英来北京 创业发展。 --北京市委副书记市长---陈吉宁 2020年,HICOOL坚持“以创业者为本,为创新者赋能”,以“创想未来”为主题,成功举办了首届全球创业者峰会暨创业大赛,形成了与疫情防 控特殊形势相契合、与国内外创新创业资源相联动、与国际科技创新中心建设相接轨的安全高效的新格局。 Apperance of Chen Jining Deputy Secretary of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee and Mayor of Beijing

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HICOOL 2020 – 首届大赛启动 Launching Ceremony Them of Keynote Speeches: “Future Insights of Startup Economy”

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Impact of Speakers Future Insights of Startup Economy 洞见 · 创业经济的未来 讲者的思想碰撞 Speakers 峰会讲者 18 Minutes Keynote 主题演讲 时长 150 + HICOOL 2020 – 峰会盛况 Summit

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HICOOL 2020 – 全网传播 Media Coverage 峰会活动媒体覆盖数据 Media coverage audience 4.5 亿 M 人次 新闻联播报道 CCTV News 2 亿 M 人次 纸质媒体报道 Traditional Media 5 千万 M 人次 门户网站报道 Beijing ring road advertisment 9 千万 M 人次 社交媒体话题和报道 Social media 5 千万 M 人次 直播平台互动 Live-broadcasting platform 5 千万 M 人次 北京环路户外广告 Web portal 1 千万 M 人次

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北京市将全力以赴为一切想创业、能创新的人才创造机会、搭建舞台、提供空 间,让大家在HICOOL这个平台上,找到最需要的资源要素、拥有最全面的政 策支持、享受最优质的创业服务,心无旁骛、潜心创造。 北京市委副书记、市长陈吉宁 Beijing will spare no effort to create opportunities and provide a stage for all those who are innovative and want to start a business in Beijing. Through HICOOL, startups can find the most needed resources and enjoy the most comprehensive policy support and entrepreneurial services, so that they can devote themselves to innovation without distractions. Deputy Secretary of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee and Mayor of Beijing Chen Jining HICOOL 2021 启动仪式 HICOOL 2021 WELCOME DAY HICOOL 2021 Welcome Day

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HICOOL 2021 – 峰会展商及观众数据 Exhibitor & Audience 展商 Exhibitors 284+ 国际展商(20个国家和地区) International exhibitors (20 countries and regions) 53+ 投资机构 VCs 40+ 北京各县区 Counties and districts in Beijing 11+ 合作渠道 Competition partners 20+ 大型企业创新中心 Enterprise innovation centers 10+ HICOOL优秀项目 Outstanding startups 150+ 展商人数 Number of Exhibitors 1,454 3,821 累计参会人次 Visits 7,939

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HICOOL 2021 – 峰会传播数据 Media Coverage 293+ 148+ 家 超过 145+ 家 超过 3,000,000+ 40,700,000+ 26 媒体累计视频 发布报道 505 2,000,000 35,000,000 900,000 覆盖全网 媒体 Media 峰会报道覆盖人次 Audience 全网检索结果 Research result 媒体累计图片发 布报道 Photo reports 新媒体话题流量(人次) Social media 国内媒体 Domestic media 海外媒体 Overseas media 预计触达人次 Estimated audience 预计触达人次 Estimated audience

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HICOOL 2021 – 主旨嘉宾 Highlight: Keynote Guests 科技创新创业进入新 时代,早期投资要有 “半公益”理念 Scientific innovation andentrepreneurship enters a new era, and early investment calls for philosophy of the greater good. 沈南鹏 红杉全球执行合伙人 红杉中国创始及执行合伙人 硬科技创业正当时 Hard Technology Entrepreneurship is the Right Time 李开复 创新工场董事长兼CEO 人工智能工程院院长 AI科研与创业新机遇 SNew Opportunities for AI Research and Entrepreneurship 张宏江 北京智源人工智能研究院 理事长 探索发展新机遇,释 放制造新动能 Exploring New Possibilities, Unleashing the Value of Manufacturing 方铭博 北京奔驰汽车有限公司总裁 兼首席执行官 创新之真谛 Innovation…what really matters 谭瑞 德勤亚太首席战略 与创新官

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HICOOL 2021——Highlight - Policies and Demand Release 嘉宾围绕美好生活、医药健康、智慧城市/未来科 技等领域展开深度讨论 In-depth discussions on areas such as good life, healthcare, smart city/future technology 专属政策发布和大企业创新需求发布 Policies and Demand Release

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HICOOL 2021——Highlight:Beijing Sci-tec Innovation theme Area 西城 海淀 昌平 朝阳 东城 丰台 顺义 通州 怀柔 延庆 经开 北京科技创新主题展区 Beijing Sci-tec Innovation theme Area 东城、西城、朝阳、海淀、丰台、通州、顺义、昌平、 经开、怀柔、延庆共11个区亮相HICOOL2021北京科技 创新主题展示,展示“两区建设“及科技创新成果 11 districts in Beijing display scientific innovation achievements

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HICOOL 2021——Highlight: Leading Enterprise 美团、小米、阿斯利康、蚂蚁集团OceanBase、百济神州、广联达、 中关村创客小镇现场展示创新需求及投资方向 Driect matchmaking and exchange opportunities with leading enterprises 大企业创新合作展区 Leading Enterprise Innovation theme Area

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HICOOL 2021——Highlight: VC Matchmaking 创投对接现场 VC Matchmaking 红杉中国、高瓴创投、奇绩创坛、创新工 场、招商银行、港交所、亚马逊云科技等 40余家投资机构设立独立洽谈区,提供创 投一对一交流平台 Over 40 VCs to have one-on-one matchmaking

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HICOOL 2021——Highlight - International Activities 峰会亮点:国际化 International Activities 来自法国、加拿大、瑞典、荷兰、丹麦、伊朗、澳大利亚、墨西哥、巴西、南非、 以色列、日本、新加坡等20个国家和地区的53家国际机构参展,展示创新创业新趋 势新生态 53 international exhibitors from over 20 countries and regions

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HICOOL 合作伙伴——Cooperative Partner

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HICOOL 2022 快速报名通道——Quick Access to Online Application: 快速报名通道 Quick Access to Online Application 宣讲会小秘书 Secretary of the propaganda meeting HICOOL公众号 HICOOL official account HICOOL 2022 关注HICOOL公众号,了解更多 Follow HICOOL official WeChat Account to learn more about the Competition HICOOL 2022 Global Entrepreneurship Competition HICOOL 2022全球创业大赛