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A component is a self contained element made up of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We can combine lots of components together to create user interfaces. @Jack_Franklin 3

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The plan 1. The road to components ! 2. The theory of components " 3. The approaches and challenges of building good components ✅ 4. How to introduce components to your project/ product/app/site $ @Jack_Franklin 4

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All of today's talk is reasonably new, especially within the context of front-end development @Jack_Franklin 5

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Today I'm going to talk you through some of my experiences, but I'd love to hear yours! @Jack_Franklin 6

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The road to components When we didn't know any better, we stuck to patterns that had served us well on the server. @Jack_Franklin 7

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APIs and JSON /api/cat-pics [ { "id": 1, "name": "Fluffy", "age": 5 }, { "id": 2, "name": "Mittens", "age": 7 } ] @Jack_Franklin 10

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MVC doesn't fit frontend development @Jack_Franklin 13

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This is a paragraph element (or...component?).

This is a heading

  • this is a list item
@Jack_Franklin 14

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And what if we could extend the box of bricks? 1 1 @Jack_Franklin 15

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And what if we built frameworks around this idea, rather than the MVC approach? @Jack_Franklin 16

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The Theory @Jack_Franklin 17

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@Jack_Franklin 18

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A page is a series of components Made up of HTML, CSS and JavaScript 2 2 not necessarily all three @Jack_Franklin 19

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Pages will reuse the same components Common elements such as buttons, form inputs, user avatars, tweets, etc. @Jack_Franklin 20

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As it turns out, this approach works pretty well. @Jack_Franklin 21

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@Jack_Franklin 22

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The ideas in React are more important than React itself. And now exist in a plethora of front end frameworks. @Jack_Franklin 23

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I'm using React today because it's what I know best. —But this talk is not framework specific and can apply to any form of components. —Whether we're talking Angular, Ember, Vue, web components, or any other system. @Jack_Franklin 24

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Approaches and challenges of building good components ✅ @Jack_Franklin 25

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Components are designed to be a black box @Jack_Franklin 26

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"I want a carousel on my website" I don't need to care about how the carousel works in order to use it. @Jack_Franklin 27

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You should strive for "black box" components. @Jack_Franklin 28

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The "black box" approach enables working in isolation @Jack_Franklin 29

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@Jack_Franklin 32

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You can focus in on one component and one component only, without fear of breaking other parts of the site. You and your brain can focus in on the problem area and shut everything else out. @Jack_Franklin 33

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We keep all our component code in one folder, to help keep things isolated and to avoid directory jumping. @Jack_Franklin 34

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Avoid business logic @Jack_Franklin 35

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Your components should focus on presentations and interactions class SignUpToNewsletterForm extends Component { signUserUp() { // lots of // code here // to sign the user up // to your newsletter } render() { return ( ... ) } } @Jack_Franklin 36

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Pull any standalone logic out of your components so you can focus on the presentation. import { signUserUp } from '...' class SignUpToNewsletterForm extends Component { signUserUp() { signUserUp(...) } render() { return ( ... ) } } @Jack_Franklin 37

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You should keep your components reusable @Jack_Franklin 38

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Reusable components have to be configurable @Jack_Franklin 39

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! Hey, please build me a component to view an item of clothing on @Jack_Franklin 40

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class ThreadItem extends Component { render() { return (
) } } @Jack_Franklin 41

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! Job done! " @Jack_Franklin 42

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Oh, can we make this page show ten different items?
! Job done! " @Jack_Franklin 43

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OK but now can we make it so it shows the brand as well as the title ! Job done! " @Jack_Franklin 44

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Oh and also if it's on sale we want to show the old price alongside the new price ! Job done! " @Jack_Franklin 45

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And we need to be able to not show the item sentiment sometimes ! Job done... @Jack_Franklin 46

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For some items we want to show the brand instead of the name ! Job done... @Jack_Franklin 47

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! Good luck understanding all these options in six months time... @Jack_Franklin 48

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@Jack_Franklin 49

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You will constantly play configurability off against maintainability. You as a developer and as a team will need to come up with a set of rules that suit you. @Jack_Franklin 50

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Optimise for developer readability @Jack_Franklin 51

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CSS @Jack_Franklin 52

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Every component should provide its styling. @Jack_Franklin 53

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@Jack_Franklin 54

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And none of them should conflict with each other. @Jack_Franklin 55

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Approaches to CSS —Class names per component —Enforced uniqueness via CSS Modules —CSS-in-JS @Jack_Franklin 56

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This is a big topic that I can only talk briefly about @Jack_Franklin 57

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Class names .jacks-carousel { } .jacks-carousel ul { } .jacks-carousel li { } /* and so on */ @Jack_Franklin 58

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All it takes is one slip...

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@Jack_Franklin 60

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1. Define our CSS as normal. 2. Import our CSS (with a build tool like Webpack in the middle). 3. Use the classnames as generated at build time. @Jack_Franklin 61

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Class names are guaranteed to be unique. @Jack_Franklin 62

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CSS in JavaScript @Jack_Franklin 63

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const Button = styled.button` color: red; background: green; ` class TweetButton extends React.Component { render() { return ( New tweet! ) } } @Jack_Franklin 64

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It's up to your team to decide what's best for you and your project There are many different solutions and many different libraries; experiment with a few and pick the ones that works best :) @Jack_Franklin 66

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When to break components down @Jack_Franklin 67

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Should this component actually be two? @Jack_Franklin 68

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Components are cheap, but not free —You pay in maintenance; more code and UI to maintain —You pay in complexity; another component that exists in your application —You pay in communication; this component will have to talk to others to get data @Jack_Franklin 69

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Components should be small, and you should have lots. @Jack_Franklin 70

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But how to know when a component is too big? —How many lines of code is it? —How many different HTML elements are there? —How hard is this file to understand? —Does the name have (or should have) an And in it? ItemNameAndPrice. @Jack_Franklin 71

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Allowing components to vary slightly ! @Jack_Franklin 72

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@Jack_Franklin 73

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Similarities Differences The icons Slight visual variations The like/dislike logic They are displayed next to each other Basically everything is the same but no the designer knows best 3 3 you should discuss if the variations make sense, but I guarantee you that they will at least some of the time @Jack_Franklin 74

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How do you have components that are 95% the same? @Jack_Franklin 75

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Explicitly allow component variants const SENTIMENT_VARIANTS = { QUICKVIEW_BUTTONS, MOBILE_ICONS, FADING_ICONS, } @Jack_Franklin 76

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The key here is to explicitly allow just a few And you can apply CSS classes accordingly. .itemSentiment { ... } .itemSentimentVariantFadingIcons { ... } @Jack_Franklin 77

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Always favour explicit code over implicit knowledge @Jack_Franklin 78

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Beware breaking the abstraction @Jack_Franklin 79

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We've talked about how components should be black boxes. @Jack_Franklin 80

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A good way to figure out if you're sticking to this is this: Could you take a brand new project, and place your component into it, with no other set up required? @Jack_Franklin 81

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But the answer cannot always be yes @Jack_Franklin 82

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Some of your components will have to talk to the rest of your application. The trick is minimising how many and coming up with a structure to it. Don't allow any component to implicitly rely on some data. @Jack_Franklin 83

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Giving components data. @Jack_Franklin 84

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3 approaches —Components fetch data from your server via an API call —Components are given data from the server when it renders the HTML —Components parse data left for them in script tags @Jack_Franklin 85

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APIs 1. Component initially renders a loading spinner (or nothing) 2. Component fetches from /your/api/some- endpoint.json 3. Component updates to show the data it has. 4. Component updates to show an error if anything went wrong. @Jack_Franklin 86

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APIs ✅ ❌ Ensures we always have the most up to date data Adds extra loading state Easy to re-fetch the data if we need to Introduces chance of error Component is network dependent Component will be slower to show data to the user @Jack_Franklin 87

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Data from the server @Jack_Franklin 88

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@Jack_Franklin 89

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Data from server ✅ ❌ We get the data immediately from our server Data might be out of date if the user has performed an action since rendering Fewer states to worry about (no loading or error) Creates long strings of JSON in HTML @Jack_Franklin 90

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Data in script tags @Jack_Franklin 91

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Write a small util around your global config import { getConfigValue } from 'lib/global-config' const userIsLoggedIn = getConfigValue('user.authenticated', false) @Jack_Franklin 92

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✅ ❌ Useful only for data that needs to be globally available Can lead to a huge set of config if used too much. A good way of setting data that can be accessed from anywhere on the site. Won't be updated if the data changes. @Jack_Franklin 93

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Think carefully about all the different approaches and the ones that work best for each component individually. Type Situation APIs Good for data that changes and needs to be up to date Data from server Good for component specific data that won't change Global config Good for data that any component might need, and that won't change. @Jack_Franklin 94

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The path to components today ! @Jack_Franklin 95

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It's easy to introduce some of these ideas to an existing project. @Jack_Franklin 96

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Not everything has to be a single page application Servers are still useful. @Jack_Franklin 97

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Take Thread, for example —~5 years old, built as a server side Django app that renders HTML via templates to the client. —JavaScript is layered on top via plain old JavaScript and jQuery. —We now have ~50 components (give or take) and that number is going up all the time. @Jack_Franklin 99

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Wrapping with web elements 4 4 @Jack_Franklin 101

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In our JavaScript: import ThreadItemCard from './components/item-card.jsx' document.registerReact('thread-item-card', ThreadItemCard) In our server's templates: @Jack_Franklin 102

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We can introduce React and our component system without having to rewrite a lot of functionality that we already have on the server. And when we don't need JavaScript, we can still just render HTML and CSS via our server (!) ! @Jack_Franklin 103

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Dealing with legacy code CollectPlusAPI.initialise( $('.collect-plus-widget'), { ... } ) @Jack_Franklin 104

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Wrap it in a component! class ReactCollectPlus extends Component { componentDidMount() { // legacy JS goes here CollectPlusAPI... } } @Jack_Franklin 105

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The black box abstraction can be used to hide away bad code in a layer of good @Jack_Franklin 106

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The "black boxyness" of components lets you try new technology @Jack_Franklin 107

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How we adopted CSS Modules at Thread @Jack_Franklin 108

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! Hey, I think that CSS Modules might be a good thing, for reasons X, Y and Z @Jack_Franklin 109

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! Sounds good to me, let's try it! @Jack_Franklin 110

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! So I built our new component using it - what do you think? @Jack_Franklin 111

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! Looks great, let's ship it and see how we find it on our next few projects. @Jack_Franklin 112

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After a few weeks we can decide either way. @Jack_Franklin 113

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Yes, all your components should be written using the same set of tools and techniques. But launching one that's built differently to learn about something provides a lot of value. @Jack_Franklin 114

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It's easy to get distracted talking about the benefits of a new tool/language in theory But components let you just do it. @Jack_Franklin 115

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To sum up... —Keep your components small and be wary of too much configuration —Beware anything that breaks the black box abstraction —Prefer explicit code over implicit knowledge of how your components interact —We're all figuring this out together, as we go. @Jack_Franklin 116

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It's a very exciting time to be a front end developer! @Jack_Franklin 117

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FRONTENDNE for 50% off https:// testing-react-enzyme-jest/ @Jack_Franklin 118

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Thank you. @Jack_Franklin We're hiring! jack at thread dot com @Jack_Franklin 119