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Writing Enterprise Software A Rust experiment Luca Palmieri @algo_luca / LukeMathWalker

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What is Enterprise Software? @algo_luca

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What is Enterprise Software? Enterprise software is the art and craft of formalising processes as code. @algo_luca

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Corollary Enterprise software developers are bureaucrats, version 2.0 @algo_luca

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What are the challenges? Understanding the underlying business domain. @algo_luca

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What are the challenges? Processes change over time. @algo_luca

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What are the challenges? Different expertises have to cooperate. @algo_luca

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What are the challenges? People come and go. The code stays. In production. @algo_luca

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What do we need? We’d like correct code which is expressive enough to model the domain and supple enough to support its evolution over time. (Yes, it should also be executable by a machine) @algo_luca

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Why Rust? ● Powerful type-system ● Great modularity (traits) ● Vibrant community ● Solid tooling … ● Great performance @algo_luca

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Are you sure? Rust is great, but… @algo_luca

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De-risking: a “toy” project! @algo_luca “The mother of all demo apps”

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De-risking: a “toy” project! @algo_luca ...and many more

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De-risking: a “toy” project! @algo_luca

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Realworld-tide @algo_luca

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The architecture @algo_luca Db Domain Web Repository Commands Postgres SQL REST API Uses Tide Uses Diesel depends on depends on The application

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Domain The persistence layer @algo_luca Db Repository Postgres SQL Uses Diesel Web Commands REST API Uses Tide depends on depends on

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Persistence-layer | The ORM @algo_luca

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ORM/Diesel | SQL-first migrations @algo_luca CREATE TABLE articles ( title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, slug VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY, description VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL, body TEXT NOT NULL, tag_list TEXT[] NOT NULL, user_id UUID NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, updated_at TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); SELECT diesel_manage_updated_at('articles');

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ORM/Diesel | Compile-time checks @algo_luca table! { articles (slug) { title :> Varchar, slug :> Varchar, description :> Varchar, body :> Text, tag_list :> Array, user_id :> Uuid, created_at :> Timestamptz, updated_at :> Timestamptz, } }

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ORM/Diesel | Query builder @algo_luca pub fn update(repo: &Repo, user_id: Uuid, details: UpdateUser) :> Result { use crate::schema::users::dsl::*; diesel::update(users.find(user_id)) .set(&details) .get_result(&repo.conn()) }

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ORM/Diesel | Compilation time @algo_luca cargo +nightly build -Z timings

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Persistence-layer | Inversion of control @algo_luca Repository trait, defined in the domain layer. pub trait Repository { fn find_articles(&self, query: ArticleQuery) :> Result, DatabaseError>; fn feed(&self, user: &User, query: FeedQuery) :> Result, DatabaseError>; fn delete_article(&self, article: &Article) :> Result<(), DatabaseError>; ::. }

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The domain layer @algo_luca Db Domain Web Repository Commands Postgres SQL REST API Uses Tide Uses Diesel depends on depends on

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We can leverage the type system to represent the constraints of our domain, making incorrect state difficult or impossible to represent. Designing with types (F# for fun and profit) Domain Modeling Made Functional (Scott Wlaschin) Parse, don’t validate (Alexis King) Domain-layer | Type-driven development @algo_luca

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Domain-layer | Control over mutability @algo_luca :[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct ArticleContent { pub title: String, pub description: String, pub body: String, pub tag_list: Vec, } impl ArticleContent { ::/ Convert a title into a url-safe slug pub fn slug(&self) :> String { self.title .to_ascii_lowercase() .split_ascii_whitespace() .join("-") } }

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Domain-layer | Semantic usage of ownership @algo_luca :[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct Password(String); impl Password { ::/ Given a clear-text password, it returns a `Password` instance ::/ containing the password's hash. ::/ The clear text password is consumed. pub fn from_clear_text(clear_text_password: String) :> Result { let hash = bcrypt::hash(clear_text_password, 4)?; Ok(Password(hash)) } }

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Domain-layer | Meaningful signatures @algo_luca fn publish_article( &self, draft: ArticleContent, author: &User, ) :> Result;

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Domain-layer | Error as values @algo_luca :[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)] pub enum PublishArticleError { :[error("There is no author with user id {author_id:?}.")] AuthorNotFound { author_id: Uuid, :[source] source: GetUserError, }, :[error("There is already an article using {slug:?} as slug. Change title!")] DuplicatedSlug { slug: String, :[source] source: DatabaseError, }, :[error("Something went wrong.")] DatabaseError(:[from] DatabaseError), }

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The API layer @algo_luca Db Domain Web Repository Commands Postgres SQL REST API Uses Tide Uses Diesel depends on depends on

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API-layer | De/Serialization @algo_luca :[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)] :[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct Comment { pub id: u64, pub created_at: DateTime, pub updated_at: DateTime, pub body: String, pub author: Author, } impl From for Comment { fn from(c: domain::Comment) :> Self { Self { id:, body: c.body, created_at: c.created_at, updated_at: c.updated_at, author:, } } }

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API-layer | State management @algo_luca ::/ The shared state of our application. ::/ It's generic with respect to the actual implementation of the repository: ::/ this enables swapping different implementations, both for production usage ::/ or ease of testing (mocks and stubs). pub struct Context { pub repository: R, }

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API-layer | State management @algo_luca pub async fn tags(cx: Request) :> Result { let repository = &cx.state().repository; ::. } pub fn get_app(repository: R) :> Server { let context = Context { repository }; let mut app = Server::with_state(context); app = add_middleware(app); app = add_routes(app); app }

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API-layer | Routing @algo_luca"/api/user") .get(|req| async move { result_to_response(crate::users::get_current_user(req).await) }) .put(|req| async move { result_to_response(crate::users::update_user(req).await) });

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API-layer | Black-box testing @algo_luca pub type TestServer = TestBackend; pub struct TestApp { pub server: TestServer, pub repository: Repository, } impl TestApp { pub fn new() :> Self { let app = get_app(get_repo()); let server = make_server(app.into_http_service()).unwrap(); Self { server, repository: get_repo(), } } }

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API-layer | Black-box testing @algo_luca pub async fn get_current_user(&mut self, token: &String) :> Result { let auth_header = format!("token: {}", token); let response = self .server .simulate( http::Request::get("/api/user") .header("Authorization", auth_header) .body(http_service::Body::empty()) .unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); response_json_if_success(response).await }

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Wrapping up @algo_luca

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Ask me anything! Luca Palmieri @algo_luca / LukeMathWalker

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Designing with types (F# for fun and profit) Domain Modeling Made Functional (Scott Wlaschin) Parse, don’t validate (Alexis King) Ferris’ doodles (Esther Arzola) References @algo_luca