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Workshop Naufal Hakim Building Modern Monolith Application

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naufal@jsd:~$ whoami naufal@jsd:~$ > Naufal Hakim hostname > Jenderal Solusi Digital naufal@jsd:~$ echo $SIDEJOB > Electrical Engineering Student

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SPA Single Page Application a web app implementation that loads only a single web document

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SPA vs MPA SPA Modern Fast Great UX Complex Poor SEO MPA Traditional Slower than SPA Standard UX Simple Good SEO SPA MPA which one will you choose?

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RILT React Inertia Laravel Tailwind B Bootsrap

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Core Concept Component Props State Hook Unopinionated

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Core Concept Component “independent and reusable bits of code”

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Core Concept Component JSX JavaScript Expression ES6 masih labil, 11? 12? 11/12?

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Core Concept Props “Data”

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Core Concept State & Hook Data yang dinamis

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Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax Framework sejuta umat Ecosystem Developer Experience

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Monolith??? Eitsss kata siapa? PHP??? Lambat dong??

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client-side rendered, single-page apps without building an API “Modern Monolith” Official Adapters Client Side Server Side

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How it works XHR/Ajax First Request Subsequent Request With Header : X-Inertia X-Inertia-Version { "component": "Event", "props": { "event": { "id": 1, "title": "Workshop Unsoed" }, "url": "/events/1", "version": "", "encryptHistory": true, "clearHistory": false }

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Let’s Code