Distributed Systems
What makes RethinkDB
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What is RethinkDB?
• Open source database for building
realtime web applications
• NoSQL database that
stores schemaless JSON documents
• Distributed database that is easy to
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What makes it distributed?
• Allows simple sharding and
replication of tables
• Allows you to easily connect
nodes to a cluster using `--join`
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The problem
• When one of your nodes goes
down, you needed to manually
decide what to do
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Automatic Failover
RethinkDB 2.1
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What's new in 2.1
• RethinkDB 2.1 introduces
automatic failover
• It uses Raft as the consensus
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• Primary replicas serve as the
authoritative copy of the data
• Secondary replicas serve as a
mirror of the primary replica
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Automatic Failover
• In RethinkDB, automatic failover
takes care of promoting secondary
replicas into primary replicas when
a primary replica is unavailable
• The cluster picks new primaries by
voting. New server need a majority
Step #5: Insert test data
// Insert data into table
// Insert data form Reddit
// Query data
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Step #6: Check replica
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Automatic Failover
Demo #1
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Step #1: Move data
// Move all data to `redisgeek`
shards: 1,
replicas: { 'redisgeek': 1 },
primaryReplicaTag: 'redisgeek'
What happened?
• We move all our data in 'redisgeek'
• We disconnected 'redisgeek' from
the network
• Because we can't communicate
with 'redisgeek' (primary replica),
our data in inaccessible