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DO DOS S AND DON'T AND DON'TS S Jeremy Mikola jmikola

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TOPICS TOPICS Schema Design Write Operations Reading and Querying Replication and Sharding Deployment and Ops Object Document Mappers

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Making do without joins Making do without joins References, embedded objects, both? Don’t be afraid to denormalize.

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Data Locality Data Locality { _id: "jmikola", name: "Jeremy Mikola", friends: [ "bjori", "derickr" ] } vs. { _id: "jmikola", name: "Jeremy Mikola", friends: [ { id: "bjori", name: "Hannes Magnusson" }, { id: "derickr", name: "Derick Rethans" } ] }

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Store computed values for querying Store computed values for querying Counts or array lengths can be indexed and sorted. Easily updated with $inc and $set.

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Don’t create eld paths willy-nilly Don’t create eld paths willy-nilly > db.messages.findOne({}, { isReadByParticipant: 1 }) { _id: ObjectId("4fce28482516ed983884b158"), isReadByParticipant: { "4fce05e42516ed9838756f17": false, "4fce05e42516ed9838756f18": true, "4fce05e42516ed9838756f19": true, "4fce05e42516ed9838756f1a": false, "4fce05e42516ed9838756f1b": false } } How can we index this?

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Multi-key indexing to the rescue Multi-key indexing to the rescue > db.messages.findOne({}, { unreadForParticipants: 1 }) { _id: ObjectId("4fce28482516ed983884b158"), unreadForParticipants: [ "4fce05e42516ed9838756f17", "4fce05e42516ed9838756f1a", "4fce05e42516ed9838756f1b" ] } A tidbit from FOSMessageBundle

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Multi-key indexing for EAV Multi-key indexing for EAV { _id: "product-1", size: "large", color: "blue" } vs. { _id: "product-1", attributes: [ { k: "size", v: "large" }, { k: "color", v: "blue" } ] } or { _id: "product-1", attributes: [ "size=large", "color=blue" ] }

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Field paths and trees structures Field paths and trees structures > db.trees.findOne() { _id: ObjectId("5966500e01c7635140447bba"), name: "Conifer", subCategories: [ { name: "Pine", subCategories: [ { name: "Larch" }, { name: "Spruce" }, { name: "Douglas Fir" } ] }, { name: "Cypress", subCategories: [ … ] } ] } One document contains the entire family. How can we query this?

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A better tree schema A better tree schema > db.trees.find() { _id: "Conifer" } { _id: "Pine", parent: "Conifer" } { _id: "Larch", parent: "Pine" } How can we query for an entire branch?

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But wait, there’s more! But wait, there’s more! > db.trees.find() { _id: "Conifer", path: ["Conifer"] } { _id: "Pine", path: ["Pine", "Conifer"] } { _id: "Larch", path: ["Larch", "Pine", "Conifer"] } Multi-key indexing on path allows branch querying Relationship querying possible with single- eld index(es)

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Don’t abuse schema exibility Don’t abuse schema exibility Create schemas that support your query patterns. Then create indexes for those queries.

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Make the most of your indexes Make the most of your indexes Kill 2+ birds with one stone Compound and multi-key indexes Mind your read/write ratio Ensure query selectivity

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Don’t shoot in the dark Don’t shoot in the dark your cursors. Explain slow queries. Pro le

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Further Reading Further Reading – John Nunemaker – Derick Rethans – MongoDB manual MongoDB for Analytics Importing OpenStreetMap Data Use Cases

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Write Concern Write Concern 0 No write acknowledgement 1 Write acknowledgement from the primary (default) Write acknowledgement from n nodes "majority" Write acknowledgement from the majority of voting nodes (includes journaling) Write acknowledgement to a node with the given tag set Additional wtimeout and journal options.

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save() save() is an anti-pattern is an anti-pattern document = db.users.findOne({ _id: "jmikola" }); document["friends"].push("pgodel");; Query, modify, and overwrite.

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Understanding Understanding save() save()’s syntactic sugar ’s syntactic sugar

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Overloaded vs. Explicit Methods Overloaded vs. Explicit Methods Our drops save() and de nes new operations for each legacy method mode: CRUD speci cation insert() update() remove() insertOne() insertMany() updateOne() updateMany() replaceOne() deleteOne() deleteMany()

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Use atomic operators when possible Use atomic operators when possible document = db.users.findOne({ _id: "jmikola" }); document["friends"].push("pgodel"); db.users.replaceOne({ _id: "jmikola" }, document); or document = db.users.findOne({ _id: "jmikola" }); document["friends"].push("pgodel"); db.users.updateOne( { _id: "jmikola" }, { $set: { friends: document["friends"] }} ); vs. db.users.updateOne( { _id: "jmikola" }, { $push: { friends: "pgodel" }} );

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Atomicity in MongoDB Atomicity in MongoDB No transactions for multi-document writes. Emulate transactions with . two-phase commits Single document updates are atomic. Can we query and update atomically?

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The The command command ndAndModify ndAndModify Atomically selects and modi es a document in one of three modes: findOneAndDelete() findOneAndReplace() findOneAndUpdate()

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Implementing a simple job queue Implementing a simple job queue // Insert a request to borrow a library book{ _id: { borrower: "bjori", book: ObjectId("…") }, approved: false, pending: false, priority: 1 }); // Mark the highest priority request as pending request = { pending: false }, { $set: { pending: true }}, { returnNewDocument: true, sort: { priority: -1 } } );

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Further Reading Further Reading How To Write Resilient MongoDB Applications

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If you remember only two things… If you remember only two things… Index your queries. Know your . working set

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Read Preference Read Preference "primary" Select the primary (default) "primaryPreferred" Select the primary if available; fall back to a secondary "secondary" Select a secondary "secondaryPreferred" Select a secondary if available; fall back to the primary "nearest" Select the node with least network latency may be used for more ne-grained selection Tag sets

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Read Concern Read Concern "local" Return the node’s most recent data, which may be rolled back (default) "majority" Return the node’s most recent data acknowledged by a majority of replica set "linearizable" Return the primary’s most recent data written with a "majority" write concern and acknowledged prior to the start of the query (i.e. data cannot be rolled back if journaled)

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JavaScript Evaluation JavaScript Evaluation and . eval $where Would you use in JavaScript? eval()

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MapReduce MapReduce We’ll make an allowance for JavaScript here. But try the rst. aggregation framework

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Aggregation Framework Aggregation Framework

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Aggregation Framework Aggregation Framework { _id: "His Majesty's Dragon", subjects: ["Fantasy", "Historical"], published: ISODate("2006-03-28T00:00:00.000Z") } ▼ db.books.aggregate([ { $sort: { created: 1 }}, { $unwind: "$subjects" }, { $group: { _id: "$subjects", total: { $sum: 1 }, firstPublished: { $first: { $year: "$published" }} }} ]); ▼ { _id: "Fantasy", total: 6, "firstPublished": 2002 }, { _id: "Historical", total: 7, "firstPublished": 1974 }, { _id: "World Literature", total: 2, "firstPublished": 1995 }

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"But MongoDB doesn’t do joins!" "But MongoDB doesn’t do joins!" orders collection: { _id: 1, item: "abc", price: 12, quantity: 2 } { _id: 2, item: "jkl", price: 20, quantity: 1 } { _id: 3 } inventory collection: { _id: 1, sku: "abc", description: "product 1", instock: 120 } { _id: 2, sku: "def", description: "product 2", instock: 80 } { _id: 3, sku: "ijk", description: "product 3", instock: 60 } { _id: 4, sku: "jkl", description: "product 4", instock: 70 } { _id: 5, sku: null, description: "Incomplete" } { _id: 6 }

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"But MongoDB doesn’t do joins!" "But MongoDB doesn’t do joins!" db.orders.aggregate([ { $lookup: { from: "inventory", localField: "item", foreignField: "sku", as: "inventory_docs" }} ]); ▼ { _id: 1, item: "abc", price: 12, quantity: 2, inventory_docs : [ { _id: 1, sku: "abc", description: "product 1", instock: 120 } ] } Usable with unsharded collections in the same database

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Limiting Execution Time Limiting Execution Time query and command option maxTimeMS Do not rely on client-side socket timeouts

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Replication vs. Sharding Replication vs. Sharding Replication is the tool for data safety, high availability, and disaster recovery. Sharding is the tool for scaling a system.

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Replication Replication

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What does replication do for us? What does replication do for us?

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Replication provides failover recovery Replication provides failover recovery

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Making the most of replication Making the most of replication Always have an odd number of voting members. Nodes can be (e.g. purpose, location). tagged Take advantage of , , and . priority hidden delay Use tags to de ne . custom write concerns

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Sharding Sharding Not shown: a very tedious deployment process

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What does sharding do for us? What does sharding do for us?

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Sharding provides horizontal scalability Sharding provides horizontal scalability

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Sharding Sharding Each shard is a single mongod or replica set that stores a portion of the total data set. The shard key speci es one or more elds and determines the distribution of documents among the cluster's shards. MongoDB attempts to keep chunks evenly distributed among the shards.

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Select a good shard key Select a good shard key This is the most important decision. Once a collection is sharded, the shard key and its values are immutable!

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Ranged Sharding Ranged Sharding

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Shard Key Distribution Shard Key Distribution

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Hashed Sharding Hashed Sharding

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Right-balanced Access

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Random Access

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Segmented Access

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Zone Sharding Zone Sharding Zones are shard key ranges that can be associated with one or more shards. Isolate subset of data to speci c set of shards Enforce geographic distribution of data Route data based on hardware/performance

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Zone Sharding Zone Sharding

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Security Checklist Security Checklist Enable and enforce authentication Con gure role-based access control Con gure TLS/SSL for connections Limit network exposure Encrypt and protect database les Run MongoDB as a dedicated user Hardened server and network con guration

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Operations Checklist Operations Checklist Adjust replica set oplog size Enable journaling for writes Driver connection pooling (if applicable) Filesystem choice (XFS and NTFS preferred) Schedule and test backup processes Monitor database metrics and hardware Tweak operating system con guration

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Monitoring, Backup, Automation Monitoring, Backup, Automation

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MongoDB as a Service MongoDB as a Service

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ODMs are a great tool ODMs are a great tool Employ a real document model Framework and library integration Accelerate application development Abstract the database layer Watch out for that last one. Grok your DB and driver before abstracting it.

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The same principles apply The same principles apply Essentially the ORM can handle about 80- 90% of the mapping problems, but that last chunk always needs careful work by somebody who really understands how a relational database works. — Martin Fowler in OrmHate

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Be an informed user Be an informed user Active Record vs. Data Mapper Are changes written with atomic modi ers? How is replication and sharding integrated? How are references handled? How are embedded documents managed? Are commands beyond basic CRUD supported? Is the driver API available if needed?

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Thanks! Thanks! Questions? Questions?

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