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Observability is Programmed Observability as Code

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Yury Niño Roa Cloud Infrastructure Engineer @Google

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Agenda - Current Observability Landscape - Why observability as Code [OaC]? - What are the benefits of [OaC]? - A methodology for starting with [OaC]?

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Observability Landscape

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What is Observability? In Control Theory, observability is defined as a measure of how well internal states of a system can be inferred from knowledge of its external outputs. In Software Engineering, observability allows us understand: ● Any state of the system. ● The inner workings of their components. ● All without shipping any new custom code. ● And solely by interrogating with external tools.

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What is NOT Observability? Some vendors insist that observability is simply another synonym for telemetry indistinguishable from monitoring! Observability is defined as a measure of how well internal states of a system can be inferred from knowledge of its external outputs. Monitoring is about collecting, processing, aggregating, and displaying real-time quantitative metrics about a system.

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For modern software systems, observability is not about mathematical equations. It is about how people interact with and try to understand their complex systems.

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Observability Evolution 1960 2013 2016 2017 2018 2020 2022 The (four) Pillars of Observability at Twitter

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Data Observability will help organizations better understand and troubleshoot their data-intensive systems.

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Observability as Code

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It is part of a bigger thing: Observability-Driven Development Visualize Stack Instru- mentation Application

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The purpose of DevOps Automation isn’t just speed, it’s about leveraging the intrinsic motivation and creativity of developers again by freeing them from non-creative, tedious repair work! Observability-driven development (ODD) uses data and tooling to observe the state and behavior of a system before, during and after development to learn more about its patterns of weakness.

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How does Observability Code look?

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Continuous Continuous Deployment Delivery Local IaC on Git Continuous Integration Developers 1 2 4 3 6 5 IaC in Git SaaS Pipelines Development Environment Production Environment Is this: Observability as Code?

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Remember! Monitoring is monitoring! Observing is event-first testing in production. So How does Observability Code look?

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What is Observability as Code? Since Monitoring is monthly Metrics, while Observability is about events … Observability as Code must include: ● Many actionable active checks and alerts. ● Proactively notifying engineers of failures and warnings. ● Maintaining a runbook for stability and predictability in production systems. ● Expecting clusters and clumps of tightly coupled systems to all break at once.

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Continuous Continuous Deployment Delivery Local IaC on Git Continuous Integration Developers 1 2 4 3 6 5 IaC in Git SaaS Pipelines Development Environment Production Environment Is this: Observability as Code? Answer questions Make Decisions Answer questions Make Decisions

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Why Observability as Code?

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Repeatable & Reusable Security Context & Documentation Auditable History Disaster Recovery Efficient Delta Changes Ownership & Packaging Reduce Toiling Because …

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How to start with Observability as Code?

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Observability Maturity Model High Sophistication High Adoption Observability Pioneer Observability Pioneer

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Sophistication Elementary Simple Sophisticated Advanced

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Elementary Elementary Simple Sophisticated Advanced ● Team is distracted by picking the wrong way to fix bugs. ● Team is collecting metrics but they are not monitoring them. ● There is an interest in implementing [OaC]. ● Metrics are not visualized and do not give value to business. ● Code is poorly instrumented so new builds are not examined. ● Incident responders cannot easily diagnose issues.

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Simple Elementary Simple Sophisticated Advanced ● Team is using a monitoring platform and they are familiar with the API features. ● Team is determining what to monitor based on list of services and the KPIs that to be met. ● The process is administered manually and require lots of human intervention. ● Simple events are applied like turn it off, but there is not a methodology for notifying them to the team.

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Sophisticated Elementary Simple Sophisticated Advanced ● Team is using with [IaC] tools and is familiar with the CI/CD capabilities of code versioning systems. ● An automation workflow for [OaC] is implemented and it is running in low environments. ● Engineers find it intuitive to debug problems and troubleshooting incidents in production. ● Metrics are collected and visualized to give value to business capturing known unknowns.

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Advanced Elementary Simple Sophisticated Advanced ● An automation workflow for [OaC] is implemented and it is running on production. ● Engineers can trigger deployment of their own code after it’s been peer reviewed, satisfies controls, and is checked in. ● Observability code paths can be enabled or disabled instantly, without needing a deployment. ● [OaC] allows using the same tooling to debug code on one machine as on 10,000.

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Adoption In the shadows Investment Cultural Expectation Adoption

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In shadows In shadows Investment Adoption Cultural Expectation ● There is low or no organizational awareness and Product teams do not receive feedback of the features. ● Early adopters infrequently perform monitoring or observability strategies. ● Team is identifying where to observe and is designing in such a way to make instrumentation easy. ● Team has decided to adopt [OaC], but are unsure how to get started to avoid common dead ends.

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Investment ● [OaC] is officially sanctioned and practitioners are dedicating resources to the practice. ● Team is identifying where to observe and is designing in such a way to make instrumentation easy. ● On-call duty is not excessively stressful, and engineers are not hesitant to take additional shifts as needed. ● Multiple teams are interested and engaged with a strategy for observe several critical services. In shadows Investment Adoption Cultural Expectation

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Adoption ● [OaC] is officially sanctioned and there is a team dedicated to implement it. ● Developers have easy access to [KPIs] for outcomes and system utilization/cost, and can visualize them. ● Team is following [OaC] practice to enforce observability as part of continuous deployment. ● Team is adding metric collection, tracing and context for getting better insights. In shadows Investment Adoption Cultural Expectation

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Cultural Expectation ● There is standardization of instrumentation with best practices like proactive monitoring and alerting in place. ● Feedback loop from the observations to stakeholders team taking advantage of Observability as Code. ● Team is using insights for discussing about learnings that are shared and implemented through initiatives. ● Team is familiar with strategies such as OpenTelemetry into a single set of components and language-specific telemetry libraries In shadows Investment Adoption Cultural Expectation

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