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Adopting FP: the good, the familiar, and the unknown Colin Jones @trptcolin

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Adopting FP: the good, the familiar, and the unknown Colin Jones @trptcolin

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language paradigms functional object-oriented structured logic

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the good

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What is functional programming? first-class functions immutability

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first-class functions def presented_users users = User.where(active: true) {|user|} end

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first-class functions def present_user lambda {|user|} end def presented_users users = User.where(active: true) end

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immutability def get_client_id(params) params[:warehouse][:client_id] end def test_client_id_equality params = {warehouse: {client_id: 42}} client_id_1 = get_client_id(params) client_id_2 = get_client_id(params) assert_equal(client_id_1, client_id_2) end

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immutability def get_client_id(params) params[:warehouse].delete(:client_id) end def test_client_id_equality params = {warehouse: {client_id: 42}} client_id_1 = get_client_id(params) client_id_2 = get_client_id(params) assert_equal(client_id_1, client_id_2) end

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immutability (deftest test-client-id-equality (let [params {:warehouse {:client-id 42}} client-id-1 (get-client-id params) client-id-2 (get-client-id params)] (is (= client-id-1 client-id-2))))

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immutability (defn- get-item-value [item] (* (:price item) (:quantity-available item))) (defn get-total-value [inventory] (->> (:items inventory) (map get-item-value) (reduce +)))

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immutability (let [params {:warehouse {:client-id 42}} updated (update-in params [:warehouse :client-id] inc)] (println "params:" (pr-str params)) (println "updated:" (pr-str updated))) ;; params: {:warehouse {:client-id 42}} ;; updated: {:warehouse {:client-id 43}} ;; => nil

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#1 hit benefits safer concurrency / parallelism simplicity / clarity easier testing / modularity useful constraints

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the familiar

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"This FP stuff sounds great… for toy examples"

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How do I structure larger systems in FP?

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How do I structure larger systems in OO?

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What tools does OO provide? polymorphism namespacing encapsulation inheritance/composition data containment state change

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What tools does FP provide? polymorphism namespacing encapsulation inheritance/composition data containment state change

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What tools does FP provide? polymorphism namespacing encapsulation inheritance/composition data containment state change

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OO Principles DRY 4 rules of simple design command-query separation SOLID principles package principles code smells refactorings

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OO FP Software Principles DRY 4 rules of simple design command-query separation SOLID principles package principles code smells refactorings

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Example: Dependency Inversion Principle A. High level modules should not depend upon low level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions. B. Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.

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What is an "abstraction"? interfaces (Java, …) classes w/ only pure virtual methods (C++, …) duck typing (Ruby, …)

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What is an "abstraction"? duck typing (Erlang, Elixir, …) generic types (Haskell, Elm, F#, …) protocols (Clojure, Swift, Elixir, …) multimethods (Clojure, CLOS, …) typeclasses (Haskell, …) signatures (ML, OCaml, …) behaviours (Erlang, …) functions (we all have these!!!)

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the unknown

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Learning curve

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The virtues of boring tech

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Mitigating by learning practice reading community teammates/consultants

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Mitigating with use cases innovation budget developer tools testing breakable toys/katas low-risk applications/services

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Reading "Why Functional Programming Matters" by John Hughes "What is Functional Programming?" by Kris Jenkins "Go To Statement Considered Harmful" by Edsger Dijkstra "Understanding Clojure's Persistent Vectors" by Jean-Niklas L'Orange "Clojure Protocols" by Stuart Halloway "Choose Boring Technology" by Dan McKinley

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Thanks! Colin Jones @trptcolin