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git flow 加速提升⼯工作效率 & 品質 CJ 2016/09/22 GSS
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why git flow?
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多⼈人共同開發問題 • 各⾃自寫各的,不不知道怎麼整合? • 整合時不不⼩小⼼心覆蓋了了別⼈人的東⻄西... • 上傳有問題的 code 導致程式炸裂,⽽而⾃自⼰己不不知道... • 沒辦法確認哪個點是可以 work 的... • 最後⼤大家被搞得⼀一團亂...
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pros of git flow • 更更加了了解專案整體、各個⽀支線的發展狀狀況 • 可各⾃自各開發⽀支線,不不會被其他⼈人影響 • 如果主線崩壞也可輕鬆 rollback • 分⼯工更更加輕鬆 開開⼼心⼼心下班去
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what is git flow? 講這麼多... then
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single branching master
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develop hotfix release feature feature master v1.0 v1.1 v1.2 git flow introduced by Vincent Driessen
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master & develop develop master • 永遠在 production-ready 狀狀態 • 開發⽤用主線,永遠是最新的狀狀態
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feature branch • 從 develop 分⽀支出來來開發新功能 • 完成後合併回 develop • 可多個 features 並⾏行行 • ⽤用完即棄 feature 1 develop feature 2
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release branch • develop 發佈到 master 的記錄錄 • 過程中只修 bugs • 完成後合併進 master & develop • ⽤用版號命名 release develop master
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hotfix branch • 對 master 做緊急修正 • 過程中⼀一樣只修 bugs • 完成後合併進 master & develop • ⽤用完即棄 hotfix master develop
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how to use git flow? 那...
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⾸首先打開你的 terminal… $ git flow init
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SourceTree 其實有內奸內建 git flow 功能
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可以從 toolbar 內開啟
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Repository > Git flow / Hg flow
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start a new branch
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finish a branch
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or merge
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完成 release 或 hotfix branch 時, 會⾃自動幫你合併到 master & develop
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a beautiful flow
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demo time
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notices • merge 前記得要先 fetch or rebase,確保狀狀態是最新的 • 不不對主線直接 commit,必須另開⽀支援性 branch 再進⾏行行修改 • 必須 commit merge changes • 開 pull requests 做 code reviews
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pull requests 除了了 git flow 外,還有⼀一個很重要的
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pull requests merge requests
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what is pull requests? feature develop 利利⽤用 pull requests 確認是否能進⾏行行 merge ?
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• 描述做了了什什麼事情及⽬目的 • 可進⾏行行討論 & code reviews • 清楚知道哪個部分有被更更動 • 留留下記錄錄,⽅方便便之後重新翻閱 (merge requests in gitlab)
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pull requests at iCHEF • 特定 template, 描述⽬目的&內容 • 必須進⾏行行 code reviews • 通過 CI 檢測 • 如有界⾯面更更動需提供截圖 • 不不能擺著超過⼀一週
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獲得2個以上的『OK』才能通關 pull requests at iCHEF
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github universe 2016 code better with reviews
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NEW approve & request changes
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change base branch
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references • • • •
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$ exit thanks for your listening