Push to remote repository
$git push –u origin master
Slide 18
Slide 18 text
Cloning a remote repository
$git clone
$git clone https://github.com/dhuma1981/GDGAhmedabad_HOWGIT.git
Slide 19
Slide 19 text
Pull from remote repository
$git pull
Slide 20
Slide 20 text
Git Branching
Slide 21
Slide 21 text
Branches are “Pointers” to commits
Slide 22
Slide 22 text
Branches can diverge
Slide 23
Slide 23 text
Branches can be merged
Slide 24
Slide 24 text
Create new branch
$git branch
$git branch tester
Slide 25
Slide 25 text
Switching branch
Switch to already created branch
$git checkout tester
Create new branch and switch to it
Create new branch and switch to it
$git checkout -b developer
Slide 26
Slide 26 text
Show all branches
All branches
$git branch
$git branch -v
Merged branches
Merged branches
$git branch --merged
Unmerged branches
$git branch –no-merged