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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 1 © Kong Inc. THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY Kong Academyを日本語でお届け!#2 KGLL-108 - Kong for Kubernetes 施文翰(Wenhan Shi) – Solution Engineer April 2022

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 2 © Kong Inc. 2 Who am I 施 文翰(シ ブンカン) Wenhan Shi • 日立製作所 - Linux kernel module development/Support • Red Hat K.K. - GlusterFS/OpenShift Support • Canonical Japan K.K. - Ubuntu/OpenStack/Kubernetes Support • Rancher Lab/SUSE - Rancher Support • Kong Inc. - Solution Engineer @shi_wenhan

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 3 © Kong Inc. 3 本セッションについて このセッションはKong Academy KGLL-108 Learning Lab: Kong for Kubernetes をベースに 日本語ででお届けします - - 全てレベル100、無償でオンライン受講可能(自習形式) - レベル200以上は有償で提供(サブスクリプション) - 講師によるトレーニングを実施 - Kong認定証を授与

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 4 © Kong Inc. ● Kong for Kubernetes intro ● Deployment ○ Kubernetes YAML ○ Helm ● Exposing, Securing, and Protecting a Service Agenda

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 5 © Kong Inc. 5 Kong for Kubernetes Intro

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 6 © Kong Inc. 6 • Kong for Kubernetes is a cloud native Kubernetes Ingress Controller • Kong Ingress Controller for Kubernetes(KIC) Github Intro

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 7 © Kong Inc. 7 • Kong and KIC will be deployed in one Pod. • Expose kubernetes’ service by Ingress Resource • KIC Receive event from API server and configure Kong • Kong container will Handle all traffic defined by Kong Ingress resources. Arch

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 8 © Kong Inc. 8 Intro - 2 • Kong’s main components Kong Gateway : Route(/A) Route(/B) Route(/C) Service(1) Service(2) Service(3) Route(/D) LB API Client URL 1 URL 2 External API URL 2

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 9 © Kong Inc. 9 Intro - 3 • Kong’s main components map to Kubernetes resource type Kong Gateway : Route(/A) Route(/B) Route(/C) Service(1) Service(2) Service(3) Route(/D) LB API Client URL 1 URL 2 External API URL 2 Ingress Rules Kubernetes Service Kubernetes Pods

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 11 © Kong Inc. 11 Install Kong Gateway

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 12 © Kong Inc. 12 Deployment method YAML Helm DataBase DB-less only DB-less or DB-based Config store ETCD ETCD or DB mode Available for OSS, Enterprise Pros Easy and quick Fully customizable Component s Proxy Yes Yes Admin API No Yes Manager (GUI) No Yes Dev Portal No Yes Vitals No Yes

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 13 © Kong Inc. 13 DB-less mode? - Kong can be deploy in both DB-less or DB-related mode - Using a DB-less mode - reduced dependencies: no need to manage a database - good fit for automation in CI/CD: configuration in a single source (local or Git) - Not all the plugins are full Compatible in this mode -

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 14 © Kong Inc. 14 Deploying with Kubernetes YAML - 1 - Need license file for Enterprise deployment - There is no postgre DB pod ## on Kubernetes native kubectl create namespace kong ## Kong Gateway on Kubernetes native kubectl create secret generic kong-enterprise-license --from-file=./license -n kong kubectl apply -f ## Kong Gateway (OSS) on Kubernetes native kubectl apply -f $ kubectl get pod -n kong NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE svclb-kong-proxy-4sfn5 2/2 Running 0 103s ingress-kong-677b9ccbf8-tczsf 2/2 Running 3 (79s ago) 103s

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 15 © Kong Inc. 15 Deploying with Kubernetes YAML - 2 - Verify $ kubectl get svc -n kong NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kong-validation-webhook ClusterIP 443/TCP 110s kong-proxy LoadBalancer 80:30717/TCP,443:32221/TCP 110s $ http Or $ http localhost:30717 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 48 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2022 05:02:37 GMT Server: kong/2.8.0 X-Kong-Response-Latency: 1 { "message": "no Route matched with those values" }

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 16 © Kong Inc. 16 Deploying with Helm - all default settings -1 - Deploy Kong using helm with all default settings ## pre-install kubectl create namespace kong helm repo add kong helm repo update ## Install Kong Gateway helm install kong/kong --generate-name

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 17 © Kong Inc. 17 Deploying with Helm - all default settings - 2 - Verify ## By default, Kong is deployed in DB-less mode $ kubectl get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE svclb-kong-1650259566-kong-proxy-wfs7g 2/2 Running 0 90s kong-1650259566-kong-6b5d5c5758-psffx 2/2 Running 2 (87s ago) 90s ## Only kong proxy is available $ kubectl get svc NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes ClusterIP 443/TCP 39h kong-1650259566-kong-proxy LoadBalancer 80:31276/TCP,443:30182/TCP 49s $ http $ http localhost:31276 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found … { "message": "no Route matched with those values" }

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 18 © Kong Inc. 18 Deploying with Helm - customize - 1 - Use values.yaml to config Kong - Configuration parameters. - - Examples - ## pre-install kubectl create namespace kong helm repo add kong helm repo update ## Install Kong Gateway helm install my-kong kong/kong -n kong --values ./values.yaml

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 19 © Kong Inc. 19 Deploying with Helm - customize - 2 - Verify ## A Postgre DB pod is running and also a localpath of PV $ kubectl get pod -n kong NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE my-kong-postgresql-0 1/1 Running 0 7m2s my-kong-kong-init-migrations--1-drgk9 0/1 Completed 0 7m2s my-kong-kong-57c589bf8c-xm6c8 2/2 Running 2 (5m54s ago) 7m2 $ kubectl get pv NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE pvc-fc7353d4-bb9f-4d9e-8f74-cb1cb8546f40 8Gi RWO Delete Bound kong/data-my-kong-postgresql-0 local-path 8m41s ## Have all the features enabled. $ kubectl get svc -n kong NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE my-kong-postgresql-headless ClusterIP None 5432/TCP 9m11s my-kong-kong-proxy NodePort 80:31000/TCP,443:31254/TCP 9m11s my-kong-kong-admin NodePort 8001:31001/TCP 9m11s my-kong-kong-portal NodePort 8003:31003/TCP 9m11s my-kong-postgresql ClusterIP 5432/TCP 9m11s my-kong-kong-manager NodePort 8002:31002/TCP 9m11s

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 20 © Kong Inc. 20 Deploying with Helm - customize - 3 $ http GET localhost:31001/status Kong-Admin-Token:kong HTTP/1.1 200 OK Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true Access-Control-Allow-Origin: Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 1824 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 14:26:14 GMT Server: kong/ X-Kong-Admin-Latency: 6 X-Kong-Admin-Request-ID: LO0bm1oNonBAMR0dooKrzcaGRZlIzVNM vary: Origin { "database": { "reachable": true }, "memory": { "lua_shared_dicts": { "kong": { … - Verify GUI on port 31002, admin API on port 31001

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 21 © Kong Inc. Environment now EC2 node ( Kubernetes Cluster 21 Kong Gateway Admin API 31001 Kong Manager 31002 Kong Proxy 31000

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 22 © Kong Inc. 22 Exposing, Securing, and Protecting a Service

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 23 © Kong Inc. - First, let’s deploy an echo service/pod 23 Deploy a service and expose it by Kong $ kubectl get pod -n echo NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE echo-554cb8b48b-nknfw 1/1 Running 0 60s $ kubectl get svc -n echo NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE echo ClusterIP 80/TCP 66s

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 24 © Kong Inc. - Next, expose the echo service outside the Kubernetes cluster by defining Ingress rules. 24 Deploy a service and expose it by Kong # $ echo ' apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: demo annotations: "true” kong namespace: echo spec: rules: - http: paths: - path: /echo pathType: Prefix backend: service: name: echo port: number: 80 ' | kubectl apply -f - <<<<< path will be delete when access service <<<<< Using Kong Ingress Controller <<<<< access path is /echo <<<<< target service is echo, port is 80

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 25 © Kong Inc. Environment now EC2 node ( Kubernetes Cluster Kong Gateway Service “Echo” Admin API 31001 Kong Manager 31002 Kong Proxy 31000 Pod “echo” Ingress Rule “demo” 80 80 /echo

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 26 © Kong Inc. 26 Access service from outside ❯ http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 1293 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 14:51:03 GMT ETag: W/"50d-PK3UDIH5M5k5u0EVmQ6TSEQlQY8" Via: kong/ X-Kong-Proxy-Latency: 0 X-Kong-Upstream-Latency: 8 { "environment": { "ECHO_PORT": "tcp://", "ECHO_PORT_80_TCP": "tcp://", "ECHO_PORT_80_TCP_ADDR": "", …

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 27 © Kong Inc. 27 Protech the service - Rate Limit - Controls how many times a client can access the service in a specified time frame.

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 28 © Kong Inc. 28 Protech the service - Rate Limit - setup - To enforce rate limiting plugin - define a KongPlugin(Kong CRD) resource cat <

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 29 © Kong Inc. 29 Protech the service - Rate Limit - setup - To enforce rate limiting plugin - annotate the service. - The plugin can also be applied at the Ingress or globally level - e.g. enforce a global rate limit for all services but enforce a different rate limit for specific services or consumers $ kubectl annotate svc echo -n echo $ kubectl get svc -n echo -o yaml apiVersion: v1 items: - apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations: rl-by-ip

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 30 © Kong Inc. EC2 node ( Kubernetes Cluster Kong Gateway Service “Echo” Admin API 31001 Kong Manager 31002 Kong Proxy 31000 Pod “echo” Ingress Rule “demo” Ratelimit KongPlugin 80 80 /echo Environment now

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 31 © Kong Inc. 31 Protech the service - Rate Limit - verify - Now the service can only be access 5 times in 1 minutes ❯ http ❯ http ❯ http ❯ http ❯ http ❯ http HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 41 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 15:32:37 GMT RateLimit-Limit: 5 RateLimit-Remaining: 0 RateLimit-Reset: 23 Retry-After: 23 Server: kong/ X-Kong-Response-Latency: 1 X-RateLimit-Limit-Minute: 5 X-RateLimit-Remaining-Minute: 0

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 32 © Kong Inc. 32 Protech the service - authentication - Add key authentication to a Service or a Route to prevent free access - Consumers need to add their API key(in header or body) to authenticate. - Another plugin “Key Authentication Encrypted” provides the ability to encrypt keys

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 33 © Kong Inc. 33 Protech the service - authentication - setup - To enforce Key-Auth plugin - define a KongPlugin(Kong CRD) resource cat <

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 34 © Kong Inc. 34 Protech the service - authentication - setup - To enforce Key-Auth plugin - annotate the ingress. $ kubectl annotate ingress demo -n echo $ kubectl get ing demo -n echo -o yaml apiVersion: v1 items: - apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: annotations: key-auth "true"

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 35 © Kong Inc. 35 Protech the service - authentication - Verification - Now the service can’t be access without an API key ❯ http HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 45 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2022 05:12:43 GMT Server: kong/ WWW-Authenticate: Key realm="kong" X-Kong-Response-Latency: 62 { "message": "No API key found in request" }

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 36 © Kong Inc. 36 Protech the service - authentication - Consumer & API Key - Create an API Key by secret as we are using native Kubernetes. - Create a Consumer and configure the credentials to use the secret kubectl create secret generic jason-apikey --from-literal=kongCredType=key-auth \ --from-literal=key=123456789 \ -n echo cat <

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 37 © Kong Inc. 37 Consumer? • A user, or a service associated to individuals using your Service, • used for tracking, access management Kong Gateway : Route(/A) Route(/B) Route(/C) Service(1) Service(2) Service(3) Route(/D) LB API Client URL 1 URL 2 External API URL 2 Ingress Rules Kubernetes Service Kubernetes Pods KongConsumer (CRD)

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 38 © Kong Inc. EC2 node ( Kubernetes Cluster Kong Gateway Service “Echo” Admin API 31001 Kong Manager 31002 Kong Proxy 31000 Pod “echo” Ingress Rule “demo” KongPluginR atelimit KongPluginK ey Auth Consumer Jason 80 80 /echo Environment now

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 39 © Kong Inc. 39 Protech the service - authentication - Verification - 2 - Access service with defined API key ❯ http HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Connection: keep-alive ❯ http apikey:123456789 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Connection: keep-alive

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 40 © Kong Inc. 40 Protech the service - Access Control List(ACL) - Consumers can access the Service only when they are members of a particular group.

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 41 © Kong Inc. 41 Protech the service - Access Control List(ACL) - Setup - Create an ACL group by secret as we are using native Kubernetes. - Create an ACL plugin, only allow Consumers that are members of the app-admin group. kubectl create secret generic app-admin-acl --from-literal=kongCredType=acl \ --from-literal=group=app-admin \ -n echo cat <

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 42 © Kong Inc. 42 Protech the service - Access Control List(ACL) - Setup - Apply the ACL plugin to the Ingress. - Now the Consumers need a key and also a member of the admin-acl group. $ kubectl annotate ingress demo -n echo # delete annotate $ kubectl annotate ingress demo,admin-acl -n echo $ kubectl get ing -n echo -o yaml apiVersion: v1 items: - apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: annotations: key-auth,admin-acl

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 43 © Kong Inc. EC2 node ( Kubernetes Cluster Kong Gateway Service “Echo” Admin API 31001 Kong Manager 31002 Kong Proxy 31000 Pod “echo” Ingress Rule “demo” KongPluginR atelimit KongPluginK ey Auth KongPluginA CL Consumer Jason 80 80 /echo Environment now

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 44 © Kong Inc. 44 Protech the service - Access Control List(ACL) - Verification - Now the service can’t be access even with an API key ❯ http apikey:123456789 HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 49 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2022 08:35:50 GMT Server: kong/ X-Kong-Response-Latency: 129 { "message": "You cannot consume this service" }

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 45 © Kong Inc. 45 Protech the service - Access Control List(ACL) - Update group - Update Jason’s Consumer resource with the app-admin-acl secret. - This adds Jason to the group app-admin. $ cat <

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 46 © Kong Inc. 46 Protech the service - Access Control List(ACL) - Verification - Now we can access the service using this consumer - Key authentication and ACL groups do a fine job to secured the service - However most Enterprise prefer to integrate with an existing Identity Provider. ❯ http apikey:123456789 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 1496

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 47 © Kong Inc. 47 Protech the service - Using 3rd party Identity Provider - Openid connect plugin(OIDC) can be configured to use a 3rd party IDP - Auth0 - Amazon AWS Cognito - Connect2id - Curity - Dex - Gluu - Google - IdentityServer - Keycloak - Microsoft Azure Active Directory - Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services - Microsoft Live Connect - Okta - OneLogin - OpenAM - Paypal - PingFederate - Salesforce - WSO2 - Yahoo!

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 48 © Kong Inc. 48 Setup OIDC plugin - Create OIDC plugin and configure to use Okta - Replace key-auth and acl plugins with OIDC plugin cat <

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 49 © Kong Inc. EC2 node ( Kubernetes Cluster Kong Gateway Service “Echo” Admin API 31001 Kong Manager 31002 Kong Proxy 31000 Pod “echo” Ingress Rule “demo” KongPluginR atelimit KongPlugin openid-connect Consumer Jason 80 80 /echo Environment now

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THE CLOUD CONNECTIVITY COMPANY 50 © Kong Inc. 50 Verification - Access will be reject as we didn’t provided any auth information. - The service can be access if we provided correct authentication information. $ http HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 26 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2022 16:14:39 GMT Server: nginx WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="" X-Kong-Response-Latency: 1 { "message": "Unauthorized" } $ http GET authorization:"Basic MG9hM2dqZXJ3elRJNXlqN3AzNTc6QS10eWNzc083TldEOEtRNWh6ZWhwWTVtQ0Z2emxIRE93cVpETHYyZA==" HTTP/1.1 200 OK Connection: keep-alive Content-Encoding: gzip

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