Ignore the possibility Overfitting
and Data Leakage
Slide 6
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Are you overfitting?
Slide 7
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Is there Data Leakage? [1]
Slide 8
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Assume everything is IID
Slide 9
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Identically Distributed
Slide 10
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The real world rarely is independent nor identically distributed.
Slide 11
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Did you account for class imbalances? [1]
Slide 12
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Always use Accuracy
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Imbalanced Metrics [1]
Slide 14
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Cities Dataset for Semantic Segmentation [1]
Slide 15
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Losses for Semantic Segmentation [1]
Slide 16
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Collecting more Data is a Better
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A Good Data
Scientist is Data
● CERN throws away most of
collected data at 25 GB/s [1]
● Geophysical data has to be
reprocessed for many different
use cases [2]
● Someone decides on social
taxonomies. ImageNet class
“looser / failure” as person. [3]
● GPT-2 was trained on Reddit
comments. Try and ask it about
Earth Science. [4]
Slide 18
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Strategies That Work (Sometimes)
● Multiple Interpreters (Inter-interpreter)
● Repeat Interpretations (Intra-interpreter)
● Take Responsibility to Change Questionable Taxonomies
● Collect Representative Samples
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Cross-Validation solves Everything
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to the rescue?
Slide 21
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Class Imbalances call for Stratification
Slide 22
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Cross-Validation for Time Series Data
Slide 23
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Cross Validation for Spatial Data
Slide 24
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Are you Cross-Validating your data preparation? [6]
Slide 25
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Even Cross-Validation has its Flaws [5]
Slide 26
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Absolutely ignore Model Simplicity
Slide 27
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News Item on AI for Earthquake Aftershock Prediction [8]
Inferring the face of a person from its speech patterns surely is extraordinary [1]
Slide 33
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“AI” hiring decisions directly from video [1]
Slide 34
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Gender Shades: Intersectional
Accuracy Disparities in Commercial
Gender Classification - Buolamwini
and Gebru [1]
Critical Perspectives on Computer
Vision - Denton [2]
Excavating AI - Crawford and Paglen [3]
Tutorial on Fairness Accountability
Transparency and Ethics in Computer
Vision at CVPR 2020 [4]
The Uncanny Valley of ML - Andrews [5]
Bias in Facial Recognition [6]
Research into
Bias in ML
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Subject Matter Experts often forgot more about a Subject than a Data Scientists has learned during a Project
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Data can often be explained by many hypotheses. [1]
Slide 37
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Explainability shows how a
Machine Learning Model thinks
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Post-Hoc Explainability will explain “Why?” even on wrong decisions with 99% [1]
Slide 39
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Calibration of Classifiers [1]
Slide 40
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Shap Library for machine learning explainability [1]
A Machine Learning Model can
outperform your Assumptions
and Baseline Data
Slide 43
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Extracting information and establishing relationships is limiting the machine learning model.
Slide 44
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Speedround: When your
Machine Learning Model isn’t
scoring perfectly, you can
still Spice Up Your Results
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It is uncomfortably common to hand-select “good” results [1]
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It is uncomfortably common to overfit on benchmarks to “sell” a method [1]
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Committing the “Inverse Crime” [1]
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Measuring what’s easy to measure rather than meaningful
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● Use nothing else but accuracy
● Under no circumstance spend extensive time on validation
● Blindly trust counter-intuitive results because the model converged
● Explainability is overrated but has all the answer
● Take all these points as gospel
Main Take Aways