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Friday Keynote Sessions (2021/5/7)
▶ Cloud Native & WebAssembly: Better Together - Liam Randall, Founder, Cosmonic & Co-Founder, Wasmcloud & Ralph
Squillace, Principal PM, Azure Core Upstream, Microsoft Azure
▶ Sponsored Keynote: A Mesh has Immense Psychological Value - Vijoy Pandey, Vice President, Engineering for Emerging
Technologies and Incubation, Cisco
▶ RISC-V: The Lowest Layer of the Cloud-Native Landscape - Daniel Mangum, Senior Software Engineer, Upbound & Carlos
Eduardo de Paula, Cloud Architect, Red Hat
▶ Sponsored Keynote: Open Source Innovation ‒ Success Through Failure - Thomas Di Giacomo, Chief Technology & Product
Officer, SUSE
▶ Shaping Kubernetes Community Culture - Aeva Black, Open Source Program Manager, Microsoft & Bob Killen, Program Manager,
▶ COVID Tracker - Testing & Contact Tracing: How Ireland is Battling COVID-19 - Gar Mac Críosta, HSE Lead, Covid Tracker App,
▶ Closing Remarks - KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2021 Co-Chairs: Constance Caramanolis, Principal Engineer, Splunk &
Stephen Augustus, Head of Open Source, Emerging Technologies & Incubation Division, Cisco