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Kubernetes Meetup Tokyo #41 (2021/5/20) SUDA Kazuki, Preferred Networks, Inc. @superbrothers KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2021 Overview

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@superbrothers SUDA Kazuki / @superbrothers ▶ Preferred Networks, Inc. / エンジニア ▶ Kubernetes Meetup Tokyo, Prometheus Meetup Tokyo ほか、共同主催者 ▶ Cloud Native Ambassador (CNCF) ▶ 「Kubernetes実践⼊⾨」、「みんなのDocker/Kubernetes」共著書 ▶ 「⼊⾨ Prometheus」、「Kubernetes で実践するクラウドネイティブ DevOps」監訳書 2

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@superbrothers ▶ 開催⽇: 2021/5/3, 5/4 - 5/7 + ⽇本時間 17:00-23:00 ▶ 参加費(キーノートのみ参加は無料) + Early Bird: $10 + Standard: $75 ▶ 参加者数: TBC + 前回の NA 2020 Virtual は + 登録者数 22,816+ + 参加率 70% KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2020 ‒ Virtual Conference Transparency Report: Getting in the Virtual Groove! !"#$%&'#$%&('#$%)#*+,-./0123456789:;<=>/5?@A;B

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@superbrothers Wednesday Keynote Sessions (2021/5/5) ▶ Cloud Native: The Building Blocks for the Human Experience - Priyanka Sharma, General Manager, Cloud Native Computing Foundation ▶ 6 End Users and What They Love about Cloud Native - Cheryl Hung, Vice President, Ecosystem, Cloud Native Computing Foundation ▶ How Cloud Native Tech Helped Peloton Ride to Exponential Growth - Jim Haughwout, Vice President of Platform, Peloton ▶ Sponsored Keynote: Kubernetes as the Control Plane for the Hybrid Cloud - Clayton Coleman, Architect for Kubernetes and OpenShift, Red Hat ▶ The CNCF Sandbox: An Exploration and Guided Tour - Justin Cormack, Chief Technology Officer, Docker ▶ Keynote: CNCF Project Update: Flux - Stefan Prodan, Developer Experience Engineer, Weaveworks ▶ Sponsored Keynote: Commit to the Cause. Push for Change. Take on the World’s Greatest Challenges with Kubernetes - Briana Frank, Director of Product Management, IBM Cloud ▶ Predictions from the Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) - Liz Rice, Chief Open Source Officer, Isovalent & Chair, Technical Oversight Committee & Lei Zhang, Staff Engineer, Alibaba Cloud & Member, Technical Oversight Committee ▶ Closing Remarks - KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2021 Co-Chairs: Constance Caramanolis, Principal Engineer, Splunk & Stephen Augustus, Head of Open Source, Emerging Technologies & Incubation Division, Cisco 6

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@superbrothers Thursday Keynote Sessions (2021/5/6) ▶ Kubernetes Project Update - Stephen Augustus, KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2021 Co-Chair & Head of Open Source, Emerging Technologies & Incubation Division, Cisco ▶ Sponsored Keynote: Day 2 with Kubernetes - This Is Fine! - Vaibhav Kamra, Chief Technology Officer, Kasten by Veeam ▶ Linkerd vs. COVID-19: Addressing the global Pandemic with a Service Mesh - William Morgan, Chief Executive Officer, Buoyant ▶ Sponsored Keynote: Smoothing the onramp to Kubernetes with Knative - Brenda Chan, Director of Engineering, VMware Tanzu Developer Experience, VMware ▶ How Deutsche Telekom Technik Built Das Schiff for Sailing the Cloud Native Seas - Vuk Gojnic, Squad Lead, Container & Cloud- native Engine, Deutsche Telekom Technik ▶ Closing Remarks - KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2021 Co-Chairs: Constance Caramanolis, Principal Engineer, Splunk & Stephen Augustus, Head of Open Source, Emerging Technologies & Incubation Division, Cisco 12

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@superbrothers Kubernetes Project Update ▶ 年3回のリリースサイクルへの変更(KEP #2567) ▶ 機能追加プロセスの変更: Release チームのプルモデルから SIG のオプトインモデルへ + プロジェクト間のコラボレーション強化による成果に k/kリポジトリでの Bazel の削除(KEP #2420)がある ▶ Kubernetes 1.20, 1.21 の変更 + 廃⽌予定: dockershim (1.24 削除予定), PodSecurityPolicy (1.25 削除予定) + 機能追加 + Structured Logging + Pod resource metrics + Defend Against Logging Secrets via Static Analysis + CronJob (stable) + IPv4/v6 dual stack (beta) + Graceful node shutdown (beta) + PersistentVolume health metrics (alpha) 14

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@superbrothers Friday Keynote Sessions (2021/5/7) ▶ Cloud Native & WebAssembly: Better Together - Liam Randall, Founder, Cosmonic & Co-Founder, Wasmcloud & Ralph Squillace, Principal PM, Azure Core Upstream, Microsoft Azure ▶ Sponsored Keynote: A Mesh has Immense Psychological Value - Vijoy Pandey, Vice President, Engineering for Emerging Technologies and Incubation, Cisco ▶ RISC-V: The Lowest Layer of the Cloud-Native Landscape - Daniel Mangum, Senior Software Engineer, Upbound & Carlos Eduardo de Paula, Cloud Architect, Red Hat ▶ Sponsored Keynote: Open Source Innovation ‒ Success Through Failure - Thomas Di Giacomo, Chief Technology & Product Officer, SUSE ▶ Shaping Kubernetes Community Culture - Aeva Black, Open Source Program Manager, Microsoft & Bob Killen, Program Manager, Google ▶ COVID Tracker - Testing & Contact Tracing: How Ireland is Battling COVID-19 - Gar Mac Críosta, HSE Lead, Covid Tracker App, Ireland ▶ Closing Remarks - KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2021 Co-Chairs: Constance Caramanolis, Principal Engineer, Splunk & Stephen Augustus, Head of Open Source, Emerging Technologies & Incubation Division, Cisco ▶ 15

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