Goat, &
in two styles!!
Jason Orendorff
!!Con West 2020
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Goat, &
in two styles!!
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Goat, &
in two styles!!
Jason Orendorff
!!Con West 2020
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Book One -
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Book One - Inform 7
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Chapter 1 - The River
The East Riverbank is a room.
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Chapter 1 - The River
The East Riverbank is a room. “Here a
lazy river crosses your path.”
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Chapter 2 - The Boat
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Chapter 2 - The Boat
The boat is an enterable container in the
East Riverbank. “A little boat is tied to
the dock.”
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Chapter 3 - The Treasures
A treasure is a kind of thing.
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Chapter 3 - The Treasures
A treasure is a kind of thing.
A wolf is in the East Riverbank. […]
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Chapter 3 - The Treasures
A treasure is a kind of thing.
The wolf, the goat, and the cabbages are
A wolf is in the East Riverbank. […]
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Given a book of macabre poetry is in my cart
When I click "Buy"
Then I should see "Checkout"
COBOL (1959)
Gherkin (2008)
AppleScript (1993)
tell application "Preview" to open "manual.pdf"
activate application "Preview"
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A treasure is a kind of thing.
The wolf, the goat, and the cabbages are
A wolf is in the East Riverbank. […]
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A treasure is a kind of thing.
The wolf, the goat, and the cabbages are
A wolf is in the East Riverbank. […]
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A treasure is a kind of thing.
The wolf, the goat, and the cabbages are
A wolf is in the East Riverbank. […]
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A treasure is a kind of thing.
The wolf, the goat, and the cabbages are
A wolf is in the East Riverbank. […]
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The boat is an enterable container in the
East Riverbank.
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The boat is an enterable container in the
East Riverbank.
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East Riverbank
Here a lazy river crosses your path.
A boat is tied to a dock nearby.
The "sheep" you bought at the fair is here.
Your goat stands nearby, chewing on nothing in particular.
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East Riverbank
Here a lazy river crosses your path.
A boat is tied to a dock nearby.
The "sheep" you bought at the fair is here.
Your goat stands nearby, chewing on nothing in particular.
> drop the cabbages
> take goat
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Instead of taking the boat, say “There’s
no point carrying a boat around.”
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> pick up the river
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That’s hardly portable.
> pick up the river
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That’s hardly portable.
> pick up the river
> take the goat
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You already have that.
That’s hardly portable.
> pick up the river
> take the goat
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You already have that.
That’s hardly portable.
> pick up the river
> take the goat
> pick myself up
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You are always self-possessed.
You already have that.
That’s hardly portable.
> pick up the river
> take the goat
> pick myself up
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Carry out crossing:
if the wolf and the goat are ashore together:
say “…”;
end the story saying “Someone has
got your goat”;
else if the goat and the cabbages… :
move the boat to the other bank.
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• The manual is amazing
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• The manual is amazing
• “Use the serial comma.”
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Book Two -
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Book Two - Alloy
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class Person {
loves: set Person
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class Person {
loves: set Person
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sig Person {
loves: set Person
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sig Person {
loves: set Person
Lin = new Person
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sig Person {
loves: set Person
Lin = new Person
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Sig Person {
loves: set Person
run {} for 3
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Person A loves Person B
Balin → Dwalin
Óin → Glóin
Bombur → Balin
Bombur → Glóin
Bombur → Bombur
sig Person {
loves: set Person
Love relates various people
to various people.
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sig Person {
loves: set Person
Love relates various people
to various people.
The verb to love means the love relation.
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some Bombur.loves
If Bombur loves anyone…
everyone loved by Bombur
everyone who loves Bombur
Bombur.loves = Person
Everyone loves Bombur.
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Part SR1 - The Physical World Model
The verb to contain means the containment relation.
The verb to be in means the reversed containment relation.
The verb to carry means the carrying relation.
The verb to hold means the holding relation.
The verb to wear means the wearing relation.
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Part SR1 - The Physical World Model
The verb to contain means the containment relation.
The verb to be in means the reversed containment relation.
The verb to carry means the carrying relation.
The verb to hold means the holding relation.
The verb to wear means the wearing relation.
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sig Person {
loves: set Person
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sig Object {
loves: set Object
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sig Object {
eats: set Object
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sig Object {
eats: set Object
sig Wolf extends Object {}
sig Goat extends Object {}
sig Cabbages extends Object {}
sig Boat extends Object {}
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abstract sig Object {
eats: set Object
one sig Wolf extends Object {}
one sig Goat extends Object {}
one sig Cabbages extends Object {}
one sig Boat extends Object {}