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Scene 1 Panel 1 Action Notes Clumsily, the younger brother plays a similar tune to one that the cat demons played. His older brother does not understand why, but it begins to calm his nerves. He hums along as they both sway to the tune of the instrument and fire crackling. RB PIG SB Page 1/24

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Scene 1 Panel 2 Action Notes Pan Background RB PIG SB Page 2/24

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Scene 2 Panel 1 Action Notes Dolly forward RB PIG SB Page 3/24

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Scene 3 Panel 1 Action Notes INT. CAVE a TALL, LONG-HAIRED DEMON is disturbed by the tune. RB PIG SB Page 4/24

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Scene 3 Panel 2 Action Notes They grab fistfulls of their own hair, bunching it over their ears to no avail. RB PIG SB Page 5/24

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Scene 3 Panel 3 Action Notes The demon’s eyes shoot wide open in recognition of the tune, and they grow angrier. RB PIG SB Page 6/24

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Scene 4 Panel 1 Action Notes A POT is launched out a window of one of the dwellings RB PIG SB Page 7/24

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Scene 5 Panel 1 Action Notes The crash rings out loudly throughout the vicinity. RB PIG SB Page 8/24

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Scene 6 Panel 1 Action Notes The sound causes everyone to freeze, and turn their gazes in the direction of the shattered pot. The younger brother ceases playing the instrument. RB PIG SB Page 9/24

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Scene 7 Panel 1 Action Notes A disturbed, lanky figure emerges from behind one of the huts in search of the cause of the noise. RB PIG SB Page 10/24

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Scene 8 Panel 1 Action Notes The two brothers notice his approach, visibly confused. RB PIG SB Page 11/24

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Scene 9 Panel 1 Action Notes The tall demon is salivating at the mouth and threatening to boil over. A ghastly, toothy grin crawls up the demon’s visage. RB PIG SB Page 12/24

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Scene 10 Panel 1 Action Notes Their hooves drag against the dirt, and slowly pick up speed toward the culprits. RB PIG SB Page 13/24

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Scene 11 Panel 1 Action Notes The sound of footsteps quickening can be heard. RB PIG SB Page 14/24

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Scene 11 Panel 2 Action Notes They leap into the older brother, breaking down the wall of his family’s hut. RB PIG SB Page 15/24

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Scene 12 Panel 1 Action Notes INT. DEMON HUT - DAY A single picture frame containing a photo of the two brothers as children, from a time presumably happier than the present, cracks against the cement flooring. RB PIG SB Page 16/24

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Scene 12 Panel 2 Action Notes The sound of the larger demon attacking the shorter one is audible, and a splatter of blood paints the crushed frame. RB PIG SB Page 17/24

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Scene 13 Panel 1 Action Notes The younger demon peers behind the unstable wall in a panic, shaking uncontrollably and unsure of what to do. RB PIG SB Page 18/24

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Scene 13 Panel 2 Action Notes He’s not given much time to deliberate before he notices a huge, MUSCULAR DEMON swing at him from behind. RB PIG SB Page 19/24

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Scene 14 Panel 1 Action Notes He ducks, making a break for it without hesitation. RB PIG SB Page 20/24

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Scene 14 Panel 2 Action Notes The OTHER PIG DEMONS sniff out blood, and join in on the chaos. A few take amusement from his peril, and show interest in following him. RB PIG SB Page 21/24

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Scene 15 Panel 1 Action Notes THE EDGE OF TOWN - DAY The young demon flees from the community, letting his legs take him in whatever random direction he decides at the moment. RB PIG SB Page 22/24

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Scene 15 Panel 2 Action Notes He glances behind. RB PIG SB Page 23/24

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Scene 15 Panel 3 Action Notes He speeds up. RB PIG SB Page 24/24