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Using Red Hat Fuse on Openshift Kenneth Peeples JBoss Technology Evangelist July 9, 2014

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RED HAT | Fuse on Openshift 2 Introduction Red Hat JBoss Technology Evangelist for Integration Products, mainly Fuse Service Works and Data Virtualization Prior Red Hat Consultant for Department of Defense and Intelligence Community Blog at and Twitter @ossmentor Upcoming Events ● Cloud Integration

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RED HAT | Fuse on Openshift 3 Session Overview OpenShift Online automates the provisioning, management, and scaling of applications so that you can focus on development and creativity. The newly created Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.1 cartridge allows you to use Fuse and Fuse Fabric in the OpenShift Online public cloud. JBoss Fuse provides a full-featured, easy-to-use and intuitive framework for integration with extensive connectivity options to external applications. We will cover: • How to install the Fuse cartridge. • How to access and use the Fuse Management Console. • How to deploy and test a Fuse bundle. • Multiple Demos with Fuse on Openshift

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RED HAT | Fuse on Openshift 4 Agenda 6:00pm - 6:30pm --- Networking (snack and drinks will be provided) 6:30pm - 7:30pm --- Presentation by Kenny Peeples, Red Hat, JBoss Technology Evangelist ● Red Hat OpenShift Overview ● Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.1 Overview ● Installing the Fuse Cartridge ● Accessing and Using the Unified Management Console ● Deploying and Testing a Fuse Application 7:30pm - 8:00pm --- Demo by Christina Lin, Red Hat, JBoss Technology Evangelist 8:00pm - 8:30pm --- Networking

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RED HAT | Fuse on Openshift 5 What is OpenShift? Red Hat’s free cloud-hosted PaaS for apps

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RED HAT | Fuse on Openshift 6 Why Platform as a Service? • Start quickly, iterate quickly • Manages the cloud & app stack for you • Lets you focus on code & customers Code Deploy Enjoy Save Time and Money Code your app Push-button Deploy, and your App is running in the Cloud!

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RED HAT | Fuse on Openshift 8 • Create an account • Install the client tools • Choose a namespace • Create an application • Choose a language • Choose a name • Add cartridges • Push code with Git How do I use it?

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RED HAT | Fuse on Openshift 20 JBoss xPaaS Services Page

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RED HAT | Fuse on Openshift 21 • 150+ connectors • AMQP 1.0 support • Unified management console • Integration in cloud - OpenShift cartridge (preview only) • Improved HA with LevelDB (preview only) Red Hat JBoss Fuse and A-MQ 6.1 Overview

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RED HAT | Fuse on Openshift 22 JBoss Fuse Integration Product line Additive capabilities to fit different use cases A-MQ Fuse Fuse Service Works Messaging Fuse ESB Messaging Fuse ESB Service Development Service Orchestration Service Governance Message Bus Integrate applications, devices by notification or exchange of data using multiple protocols in any runtime Service Bus Mediate, transform, route and connect between loosely coupled components and services using enterprise integration patterns Service & Integration Platform Develop and choreograph services, manage lifecycle, define and enforce service policy and monitor service activity

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RED HAT | Fuse on Openshift 23 Red Hat JBoss Fuse ESB Cartridge JBoss Fuse on OpenShift is available as a Developer Preview to allow you to explore the capabilities of Apache ActiveMQ messaging and Apache Camel integration framework running on OpenShift. This preview is based on the JBoss Fuse 6.1 supported release but as a preview it does not come with guaranteed support. Multi-protocol As developers it is all too common that we want to connect to things that don’t necessarily use the same protocols. When we build all the applications we can choose how they communicate but more often than not we need to connect to someone else’s application or data source. And that means the technology we use to connect should be like JBoss Fuse – able to connect via the widest variety of protocols. So whether its HTTP, JMS, REST or newer protocols like AMQP and MQTT JBoss Fuse provides connectors to those and more. Dynamic Things change. Your configurations should be able to change along with them and with JBoss Fuse you can alter configurations while your connections are running. Deploy or update services easily while JBoss Fuse is running. Visual design Using the web console included with JBoss Fuse, you can build your connections with easy to use drag and drop tooling to visually build your connections and monitor them running in this same visual form. Integration by the book Connect your applications, services and data using standard pattern based integrations from the foremost book on the subject – Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing Building and Deploying Messaging Solutions by Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf. JBoss Fuse embraces these patterns and the standards they provide for notation, vocabulary and visual depiction. You can drag and drop the patterns from a palette in the JBoss Fuse tooling for faster solutions.

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RED HAT | Fuse on Openshift 24 What does it mean that this is an “Alpha” cartridge? JBoss Fuse on OpenShift is based on a pre-release version of JBoss Fuse 6.1 and like any pre- release software its constantly undergoing testing and improvements on its way to general availability. So the “Alpha” cartridge is targeted at production use cases but not production supported at this time. What will the performance be like in a small gear? If you choose to run Fuse in a small gear you will experience slower performance as tasks take a little bit longer to complete. For instance, when you create a new container, that process may take one or two minutes rather than create in a matter of seconds if you’re using a small gear. FAQ

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RED HAT | Fuse on Openshift 25 Free Book - -for-impatient-beginners

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RED HAT | Fuse on Openshift 26 Small Cost -

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RED HAT | Fuse on Openshift 27 • Demonstration 1 – SOAP Service (During the Presentation) This demonstrates how to create a SOAP Web service with Apache CXF and expose it through the OSGi HTTP Service. • Demonstration 2 – REST Service (During the Presentation) This demonstrates how to create a RESTful (JAX-RS) web service using CXF and expose it with the OSGi HTTP Service. • Demonstration 3 – Loan Broker (After presentation for homework) This demo shows JBoss Fuse 6.1 Early Access running on a OpenShift Online. This video shows how to create Fuse on OpenShift Online, then create an ActiveMQ message broker cluster and the provision the loan broker demo (which is implemented via Camel routes). Then how to view whats happening inside the system via logs, queues or camel routes. The entire demo is shot using Google Chrome accessing the both the OpenShift site and the Fuse Management Console which is implemented via the hawtio open source project ( ● Fuse on Openshift with MQTT (After presentation for homework) and Demonstrations

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RED HAT | Fuse on Openshift 28 SOAP and REST Service Demonstration Step 1: Create an Application which will contain the management console Step 2: Add SOAP and REST quickstarts within the application profile or create new containers with the quickstart Step 3: Click on the API list to see the REST and SOAP endpoints Step 4: Open the containers to see the log and bundle Step 5: Send a SOAP message and look at the log – Use SOAPUI within JBDS Step 6: Send a REST Message and look at the log – Use the Chrome plugin

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RED HAT | Fuse on Openshift 29 References JBoss Fuse iPaaS on OpenShift: Getting Started - JBoss Fuse iPaaS on OpenShift Getting Started -- Part 2 - JBoss Fuse iPaaS on OpenShift Part I: Intro to the Loan Broker Example - JBoss Fuse iPaaS on OpenShift Part II: Creating ActiveMQ Brokers - JBoss Fuse iPaaS on OpenShift Part III: Creating containers, Camel, and the bank demo - JBoss Fuse iPaaS on OpenShift Part IV: Creating a network of ActiveMQ brokers - JBoss Fuse iPaaS on OpenShift Part V: Connecting up to a network of brokers - JBoss Fuse iPaaS on OpenShift Part VI: Failover, failback -