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1 A Roadmap Towards Chaos Engineering Jose E.

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2 – The Roadmap that got us to Chaos Engineering. – 8 Stability Patterns. – 4 ways to achieve observability. Agenda

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3 1 4 3 2 1 – Observability 2 – Alerting 3 – Incident Management 4 – Test Harness

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4 What have we learned and how do we do it

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5 Before running the Chaos Experimentation make sure you account for: – Stability Patterns – Observability

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6 8 Stability Patterns The principle is that everything will fail.

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7 Timeout & Retries – Consequences are, depleting your HTTP or DB pools. – Pay close attention to achieving comprehensive retries. – Do not overwhelm the server with retries.

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8 Circuit Breaker – Be a good fellow client. – Open Circuit during failure events. – Include this on your monitoring. – Graceful degradation.

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9 Bulkhead Pattern – Error Isolation.

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10 Steady State – Define what is a steady state for your API. – Avoid increasing amount of data.

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11 Fail Fast – The other side of the timeout. – Early Validation.

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12 Handshaking – Allows to reject calls. – Avoid memory overflow. – Pull monitoring using /health endpoints.

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13 Uncoupling via Middleware. – Avoid waiting for a response “fire and forget”. – System can process other things while waiting. – Server side will never be overwhelmed.

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14 Test Harness

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15 4 ways to Achieve Observability The goal is to answer all the questions we have about our system.

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16 Logging *events Metrics & Reports Tracing Alerting

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17 – Choose what you want to see then choose the tools. Don’t be afraid of tools proliferation. – This exist because somebody wrote something. APM are good but nothing beats intentionality. – Ordered vs structured logs. Logging [INFO ] [AvalaraCaptureOperation] 04d6fa2e-71b7-4881-88b1-71c7afcb2b76.motosport. - Discrepancy of -0.42 dollars found | Taxes charged to user: 2.53 | Taxes reported by Remote Tax Service 2.95 | order OrderLookupResult(orderId=m7075551, orderDate=2019-07-26, catalogId=Motosport, [email protected], estimatedOrderTotalTax=2.53, shippingCostTax=0.52, shipmentTaxes=[ShipmentTax(id='m7075551-42616991', facility=SLCW, items=[ItemTax(sku=ABL000E-X001-Y003, quantity=1, tic=P0000000, productGroupId=100001782, totalTax=2.43, price=33.44, originalPrice=33.44, unitaryClientTax=2.08)], shippingCostTaxItem=ShippingCostTaxItem(cost=7.0, tax=0.52), capturedDate=2019-07-26, captured=true)], isPartnerOrder=false, isExemptTaxOrder=false, address=Destination(country=US, address1=3240 Gilliland Rd, address2=3240 Gilliland Rd, city=Springtown, state=TX, zip=76082-5233), provider=Avalara, created=2019-07-26, lastModified=2019-07-26) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019-08-21 23:32:33,153 merch-log ERROR c.b.s.m.w.c.c.BaseRestController - "netsuite-price-5879-18" |"Apache-HttpClient/4.5.9" 524 PUT "/erp/variants/prices" {} | { "request-size"=103909b, "duration"=5543ms, "response-size"=8192b } adRequestServiceException: Bad Request received. Invalid value for field 'sku' on object 'erpVariantPriceUpdateModelList': Invalid reference of sku COL4271-BLA-LT. Invalid value for field 'sku' on object 'erpVariantPriceUpdateModelList': Invalid reference of sku COL4271-BLA-XS

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18 – Causality across systems. – TraceId and object ids. – This are the hardest to code as context need to be passed across systems. Tracing The Event Log

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19 Tracing

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20 – Aggregate Data. – Expose values: The good the bad and the ugly. – Reports can be pushed to the customer. Metrics & Reports

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21 Status Code ratio by minute Tax Discrepancies by site

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22 – Differentiate Warnings with Critical – Criticals are meant to wake up someone. – 6 practices to make great alerting: Alerting ●  Stop using emails for Critical alerts. ●  Write runbooks. ●  Delete and tune alerts. ●  Use maintenance periods. ●  Attempt self healing, but be careful. ●  Overcome arbitrary static thresholds.

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23 – A maturity model in the form of an outgoing Roadmap that can get us to Chaos Engineering activities. – 8 Stability Patterns that can apply to software, hardware, network, etc. – 4 ways to achieve observability and be able to answer all the questions we have about our systems. Summary

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24 Thank you very much! Pura Vida!