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From an IDEA to a PRODUCT

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? ? ? Web API Persistence Flexible business logic Integration in an existing environment

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Spring Projects Grails Batch Data Commons Data JDBC Extensions Data Neo4J Data Solr for Apache Hadoop Integration Mobile Security Oauth Social Facebook Web Services Reactor Project Boot Data Gemfire Data JPA Data Redis Flex Framework IO Platform Roo Shell Social Twitter XD AMQP Cloud Connectors DATA JDBC Extensions Data MongoDB Data REST for Android HATEOAS Security Social Web Flow

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Spring Framework Spring Data JPA Spring Integration

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Spring Integration Promote loose-coupling between components. The Message Channel plays an important role in that producers and consumers do not have to know about each other

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Slide 9 text Enterprise Integrations Patterns Spring Integration is aligned with Message Send it Use it Transform it Route it channel channel channel

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Generate an alert and store it on the filesystem Development

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Development public class Generator { public Alert generate(Context context) { return new Alert(context); } } public class Filestore { public void store(Alert alert) {; } }

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Customer 1 Generate an alert and send it using a push API

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Generate an alert, push it and store it in the database Customer 2

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asynchronous made easy channel as a Java method Highlights

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Direct channel (FIFO), generator and pushapi run in the same thread Publish Subscribe channel, generator and pushapi run in separate threads asynchronous made easy

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Aggregator to wait for the asynchronous tasks to complete or timeout asynchronous made easy

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public class MyUnitOfWork { private MyService service; public String generate(String message) { return service.render(message); } } public interface MyService { String render(String message); } channel as a Java method Spring to provide the implementation              

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Rich set of endpoints AMQP, File, FTP, Gemfire, HTTP, Mail, JDBC, JPA, JMS, MongoDB, REDIS, RMI, TCP, UDP, Websocket and more Pay attention to Transactions' scope when using asynchronous channels Summary

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Configuration can be verbose Spring Integration Java DSL released Refrain from over engineering channels and endpoints Balance flexibility and readibility Summary

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