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Distributed Tracing From Chaos to Clarity

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@PurpleBooth About me ▪ Quite tall ▪ Help people use best practices ▪ Capybaras are my favourite animal

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@PurpleBooth Tracing

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@PurpleBooth https:/ /

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@PurpleBooth Tracing

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@PurpleBooth Quick Easy Wins

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@PurpleBooth Story

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@PurpleBooth Half True

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@PurpleBooth This is me Billie

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@PurpleBooth This is Rob (we’re pairing) Rob Billie

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@PurpleBooth Tim (one of our bosses), introduces us to Emma Tim Emma

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@PurpleBooth Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

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@PurpleBooth Photo by Gabriel Alenius on Unsplash

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@PurpleBooth Emma has a promotion coming up

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@PurpleBooth The site feels slow, and she’s worried it won’t keep up with demand

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@PurpleBooth She wants us to load test and fix the slowness

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@PurpleBooth (Spoiler: It can’t)

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@PurpleBooth And we have no idea why

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@PurpleBooth If you remember back to the start

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@PurpleBooth This is the exact same problem Emma had

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@PurpleBooth Emma’s team is smart

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@PurpleBooth “Stop this from being slow now, but also in the future.”

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@PurpleBooth We need to increase the observability of the application

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@PurpleBooth Personal Favourite

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@PurpleBooth Contents ▪ Current & Future ▪ Primitives of OpenTracing ▪ Implementation

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@PurpleBooth Simon Wardley - Evolution Curve

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@PurpleBooth ● Rare ● Poorly Understood ● Talked about in terms of wonder

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@PurpleBooth ● Slightly more common ● Rapid creating new functionality ● Publications talk about how to build it yourself

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@PurpleBooth ● Common ● Actually works! ● Publications talk about how to install it, not build it

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@PurpleBooth ● It’s unusual if you don’t do it ● You know it, and you know how to use it ● Publications talk about how to use it

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@PurpleBooth Open Tracing ▪ Istio, Traefik, Linkerd ▪ Open and Paid ▪ Coming merge with OpenCensus

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@PurpleBooth How does it work?

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@PurpleBooth Not Servers

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@PurpleBooth Microservices

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@PurpleBooth Nanoservices

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@PurpleBooth Functions

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@PurpleBooth Also Servers

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction Customer Details, Name DOB

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction Span Span

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction Trace

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction jaegar

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction jaegar Special Headers

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction jaegar Probability

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction jaegar Latency

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction Accounts to Customer Mapping

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction Deposit or Withdraw Cash

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction Log all Transactions

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction Update the current balance

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@PurpleBooth Bits ▪ Client Interface ▪ Semantic Specification ▪ Semantic Conventions

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@PurpleBooth Semantic Specification ▪ Spans ▪ References ▪ SpanContexts ▪ Tracer

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction Span Span

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@PurpleBooth Semantic Specification ▪ Spans ▪ References ▪ SpanContexts ▪ Tracer

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction Hi Mom!

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@PurpleBooth Semantic Specification ▪ Spans ▪ References ▪ SpanContexts ▪ Tracer

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction jaegar

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@PurpleBooth Semantic Specification ▪ Spans ▪ References ▪ SpanContexts ▪ Tracer

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@PurpleBooth Semantic Conventions ▪ Tags ▪ Logs ▪ Baggage

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@PurpleBooth Tags ▪ http.method ▪ db.instance

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@PurpleBooth Logs ▪ stack

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@PurpleBooth Baggage ▪ SpanID ▪ TraceID

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@PurpleBooth Where to start?

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@PurpleBooth Where to start Edge of the network Simplest Tracing Custom Tracing

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@PurpleBooth Registries And Meshes! ▪ Traefik ▪ Amazon API Gateway ▪ Google Cloud Endpoints

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction

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# traefik.toml [tracing] backend = "jaeger" [tracing.jaeger] samplingServerURL = "http:/ /jaeger-agent:5778/sampling" localAgentHostPort = "jaeger-agent:6831" @PurpleBooth

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helm install stable/traefik --name my-release \ --set tracing.enabled=true \ --set tracing.backend=jaeger \ --set tracing.jaeger.localAgentHostPort=jaeger-agent:6831 \ --set tracing.jaeger.samplingServerURL=http:/ /jaeger-agent:5778/sampling \ --namespace kube-system @PurpleBooth

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@PurpleBooth Simple Tracing

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import ( // TRIMMED "" "" // TRIMMED ) @PurpleBooth

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func getTracer() (opentracing.Tracer, io.Closer, error) { jaegerHostPort := ":6831" cfg := config.Configuration{ ServiceName: "account-service", Sampler: &config.SamplerConfig{ Type: "const", Param: 1, }, Reporter: &config.ReporterConfig{ LogSpans: false, BufferFlushInterval: 1 * time.Second, LocalAgentHostPort: jaegerHostPort, }, } return cfg.NewTracer() } @PurpleBooth

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func getTracer() (opentracing.Tracer, io.Closer, error) { jaegerHostPort := ":6831" cfg := config.Configuration{ // Snipped } return cfg.NewTracer() } @PurpleBooth

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cfg := config.Configuration{ // Snipped ServiceName: "account-service", Sampler: &config.SamplerConfig{ Type: "const", Param: 1, }, } @PurpleBooth

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import ( // TRIMMED "" "" "" // TRIMMED ) @PurpleBooth

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@PurpleBooth tracer, _, err := getTracer() opentracing.InitGlobalTracer(tracer) if err != nil { log.Fatal("cannot initialize Tracer", err) } _ = r.Walk(func(route *mux.Route, router *mux.Router, ancestors []*mux.Route) error { route.Handler( gorilla.Middleware(tracer, route.GetHandler())) return nil })

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import ( // TRIMMED otredis "" // TRIMMED ) @PurpleBooth

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@PurpleBooth func HomeHandler(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) { client := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{ Addr: "localhost:6379", Password: "", DB: 0, }) ctx := request.Context() // Pass me to other opentracing libraries client = otredis.WrapRedisClient(ctx, client) // Do other stuff

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction

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@PurpleBooth Use the AMQP Lib

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No content

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@PurpleBooth Custom tracing

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction

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@PurpleBooth type RabbitBroker interface { Produce(*Event, map[string]string) error } type TracedRabbitBroker struct { RabbitBroker RabbitBroker context context.Context hostname string exchange string } func (t TracedRabbitBroker) Produce(event *Event, headers map[string]string) error { span, _ := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(t.context, "emit") defer span.Finish() ext.MessageBusDestination.Set(span, ext.PeerHostname.Set(span, t.hostname) ext.SpanKindConsumer.Set(span) tracer := opentracing.GlobalTracer() if err := tracer.Inject(span.Context(), opentracing.TextMap, opentracing.TextMapCarrier(headers)); err != nil { ext.Error.Set(span, true) return err } err := t.RabbitBroker.Produce(event, headers) ext.Error.Set(span, err != nil) return err }

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@PurpleBooth type RabbitBroker interface { Produce(*Event, map[string]string) error } func (t TracedRabbitBroker) Produce(event *Event, headers map[string]string) error { }

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@PurpleBooth span, _ := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(t.context, "emit") defer span.Finish() ext.MessageBusDestination.Set(span, ext.PeerHostname.Set(span, t.hostname) ext.SpanKindProducer.Set(span)

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@PurpleBooth tracer := opentracing.GlobalTracer() if err := tracer.Inject(span.Context(), opentracing.TextMap, opentracing.TextMapCarrier(headers)); err != nil { ext.Error.Set(span, true) return err } err := t.RabbitBroker.Produce(event, headers)

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@PurpleBooth traefik Balance Customer Cashier Account Transaction

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@PurpleBooth func TraceConsume(hostname string, exchange string, callback func(msg string, headers map[string]string) error) func(msg string, headers map[string]string) error { return func(msg string, headers map[string]string) error { tracer := opentracing.GlobalTracer() spanCtx, err := tracer.Extract(opentracing.TextMap, opentracing.TextMapCarrier(headers)) if err == nil { return err } span := opentracing.StartSpan("consume", opentracing.ChildOf(spanCtx)) defer span.Finish() ext.MessageBusDestination.Set(span, exchange) ext.PeerHostname.Set(span, hostname) ext.SpanKindConsumer.Set(span) return callback(msg, headers) } }

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@PurpleBooth tracer := opentracing.GlobalTracer() spanCtx, err := tracer.Extract(opentracing.TextMap, opentracing.TextMapCarrier(headers)) if err == nil { return err }

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@PurpleBooth span := opentracing.StartSpan("consume", opentracing.ChildOf(spanCtx)) defer span.Finish() ext.MessageBusDestination.Set(span, exchange) ext.PeerHostname.Set(span, hostname) ext.SpanKindConsumer.Set(span)

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@PurpleBooth return callback(msg, headers)

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@PurpleBooth Wrapping up

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“1. Know your options

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“1. Know your options 2. Know how it works

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“1. Know your options 2. Know how it works 3. Implementation strategy

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@PurpleBooth Thank you!