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Moving target digitalisation: re-thinking global exchange in higher education, 6.10.21, DAAD Virtual conference Virtual exchange: Borderless mobility between European Higher Education Area and Regions Beyond Dr. Dominic Orr Adj. Professor, University of Nova Gorica Team lead at Email: [email protected] Twitter: @dominicorr Photo D. Orr, Milan Airport, Nov. 2019, The Seven Sages, Fausto Melotti, CC BY Mind the gap Preparing a future higher education now

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PARIS COMMUNIQUÉ, 2018 We commit to developing the role of higher education in securing a sustainable future for our planet and our societies and to finding ways in which we (…) can contribute to meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals at global, European and national levels.

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Defining internationalisation of higher ed. (de Wit): “The intentional process of integrating an international, intercultural or global dimension into the purpose, functions and delivery of post-secondary education, in order to enhance the quality of education and research for all students and staff, and to make a meaningful contribution to society.” Brandenburg, U., de Wit, H., Jones, E., & Leask, B. (2019, June 29). Defining internationalisation in HE for society. Retrieved from University World News website: Recalling the social contribution of internationalisation

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1. Rapid reponse 2. New normal 3. Planning for the future UNESCO. (2020). COVID-19 Education Response Webinar: Distance learning strategies: what do we know about effectiveness? Synthesis report. Retrieved from Orr, D. (2020). Mind the gap - preparing for the future of higher education now (ACA Think Pieces). ACA. Three phases of adaptation under Covid19 Image created by Hayrullah Yorgancı. Submitted for United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives - help stop the spread of COVID-19.

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UNESCO. (2020). COVID-19 Education Response Webinar: Distance learning strategies: what do we know about effectiveness? Synthesis report. Retrieved from Three phases of adaptation under Covid19 – 1. Rapid response through online learning

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UNESCO. (2020). COVID-19 Education Response Webinar: Distance learning strategies: what do we know about effectiveness? Synthesis report. Retrieved from Three phases of adaptation under Covid19 – 2. The new normal The trouble with this phase is that it is evidently re-living many of the disappointments associated with the first generation of MOOCs, for instance, they are not accessible to everyone and often have a very transactional view of learning: Content => tests => certificate. Image created by Hayrullah Yorgancı. Submitted for United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives - help stop the spread of COVID-19.

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Three phases of adaptation under Covid19 – 3. Planning for the future

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Hack #6 Create a spirit of community Luca Tateo Norway Associate Professor University of Oslo A feeling of belonging is achieved by allowing the members to make contributions to their community. This is how we can create a borderless university. Picture Kiron talks... imagining a borderless university

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17 Hacks What we learned about learning Change is a challenge. Make it easy for people. Some methods: ● Develop interactive and lively communities for change and for better learning, where everyone feels they can contribute and can develop a sense of belonging ● Be innovative with learning tools: use new certificates (badges, microcredentials) as recognition of all forms of learning, use OER to build up pooled learning resources and encourage collaboration