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Networking and it’s latest Technologies

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Index 01 02 03 04 Introduction - Networking Types of Networking Advanced Networking Concepts Growth of Networking 05 Conclusion

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Computer Networking Basic networking is transmit the data from one device to another device through medium; like Internet, Intranet, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and Infrared. Introduction - Networking Computer Networking is to transfer information between the computational devices(such as Desktops, Laptops, servers, Smart phones and tablets. Cisco is the leading Network providers and they provides the many CCNA Training, CCNP and CCIE with certifications. Cisco is best networking Company to deliver the valuable devices and connectivity's. Cisco manufactured the network device, equipments, including router, switches and Dial-up servers and network software.

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Established the connections Connect with server Accessing data Accessing Database Connect with servers

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SDN(Software Defined Network) Multi cloud Technology Drones with Wireless Data links Edge Quantum Computing Latest Network Technology This Networking industry have implement new innovations day by day. Day by day new invention day . 5G Network technology

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Software Defined Networking SDN is used to design the Aimed architecture of Flexible, Cost effective, adaptable and Manageable. It is the process of enabling network controls to become direct programming that improves performance. These may achieved by decoupling network controls and forwarding functions. SDN varies from the traditional networking method in following way: 1. In traditional Network Application communicates via protocols but in SDN it communicates Applications via API’s. 2. Traditional Network depends on Physical Infrastructure like Switches and Routers but SDN using control planes that allows user to control virtual level resources.

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Multi Cloud Technology It is heterogeneous architecture of storage device and Multiple Cloud computing. It can be able to connect multiple public cloud along with many private clouds. So, it is called as Multi cloud Technology. It can be work with two services, that is SaaS(Software as a Services) and PaaS(Platform as a Services), but now a days it is referred by IaaS(Infrastructure as a Services). Benefits: 1. Multi cloud technology is the combination of Multiple public and private clouds. 2. In Multi cloud technology is basically use Cloud for all aspects there is no need components

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Edge Edge is used in Mobile computing and Internet of Things in a distributed open architecture. The connected device processes by itself or a local server. It always provides the data, information and computing power it is longer from the centralized form and close to the end-user. It establish the below benefits without and interruption 1. Secured Data 2. Cloud cost effective 3. Satisfies Real-time requirement

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Quantum computing This computing methodology is work with the Quantum theory(Quantum Mechanics) for superposition and entanglement. This network is part of Quantum communication. Information always store in a form of qubits(Quantum bits). Benefits: 1. It ensures the best authentication of an object. 2. It offers the secured communication. 3. It is used to boost up the Machine Learning

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Drones with wireless data links Aviation industry is mainly used the wireless technology. That the bandwidth is limited but it always can able to check. Now trend is UAVs(Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or Drones. This Wireless technology in drones can used to pass the video or data to the server which is connected with computing devices. Which is mostly helpful to traffic control systems.

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5G Network technology This is the next generation of Mobile technology Major implementation is high speed connectivity of internet, which is used in the handy devices like smart phones, Laptops, iPad and etc. This makes one touch with multi bandwidth of internet with speedy recovery. This is superpower technology in upcoming world. 1. 1000 bandwidth has used in 1 millisecond. In an area 90% reduction in network energy usage. 2. It is used in Mobile internet and look like broadband connectivity in Smartphones

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