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1 Don’t just buy a new video game,
 make one! in JS! Presented by Akihiro Oyamada (@yomotsu) Frontend Engineer at PixelGrid, Inc. Nov 21, 2014

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2 Don’t just buy a new video game,
 make one! in JS! Presented by Akihiro Oyamada (@yomotsu) Frontend Engineer at PixelGrid, Inc. Nov 21, 2014

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3 Hello!
 from Japan Frontend Engineer at PixelGrid, Inc. @yomotsu

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How dose it work? Why do glitches appear? 6

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I wanna make it! 7

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9 in IE 11 with touch

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10 in Mobile Firefox on Android

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11 iPhone6 or iPhone5s /w iOS8

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15 plus… a game collision lib I made

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16 while moving on a slope…

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17 Actual

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18 Expect

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20 • Collision detection /w Octree • Height field via THREE.js mesh • Camera vs walls collistion

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video games are 
 not just for fun 21

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22 “Don’t just buy a new video game,
 make one” ʔ President Obama asks America to learn computer science

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Wanna make a game,
 in JS ? 23

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24 Thank you! @yomotsu