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@rakyll monitoring and debugging containerized systems Jaana B. Dogan, Google
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@rakyll me overly frustrated engineer 15+ years in networking systems making systems more reliable
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@rakyll the new old monitoring? (maybe)
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@rakyll systems are growing... and you are not in control
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@rakyll bare metal kernel network stack cloud stack libraries frameworks your code
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@rakyll complexity is inevitable
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@rakyll container
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@rakyll container
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@rakyll container container
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@rakyll container container
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@rakyll container container message queue
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@rakyll container container storage/database
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@rakyll container container load balancer location=us-west location=europe-central
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@rakyll host host container container load balancer
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@rakyll container container container container container orchestrated hot mess
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@rakyll areas of issues: - lack of locality - networking - scheduling - dependencies
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@rakyll bare metal kernel network stack cloud stack libraries frameworks your code
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@rakyll “my job is done here”
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@rakyll after going to production... 1. monitor 2. alert 3. troubleshoot 4. fix
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@rakyll load balancer
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@rakyll load balancer critical path
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@rakyll discovering critical paths making them reliable then fast making them debuggable
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@rakyll Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know by Jeff Dean
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@rakyll ping pong pongservice:6996 project: ping the pong server.
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@rakyll not my team!
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@rakyll where is the source code?
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@rakyll who to page?
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@rakyll who to page?
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@rakyll give me the logs, runtime events, profiles...
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@rakyll http://server:9999/tracez
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@rakyll challenges...
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@rakyll no wire standards
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@rakyll traceparent: --- Example: traceparent: 00-0af7651916cd43dd8448eb211c80319c-b7ad6b7169203331-01
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@rakyll no export standards
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@rakyll areas of issues: - locality - networking - scheduling - dependencies
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@rakyll fin