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Debug Builds A NEW HOPE Matt Precious

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Sample code: U+2020

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What we’ll need • Gradle build variants • Dagger (v1) • Retrofit (v2) • OkHttp • Timber

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Build configuration

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Build configuration • Types • debug • release

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Build configuration • Types • debug • release • Flavors • internal • production

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Build configuration • Types • debug • release • Flavors • internal • production • Variants • internalDebug • internalRelease • productionDebug • productionRelease

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Debug drawer

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Debug drawer

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MainActivity (src/main) public final class MainActivity extends Activity {
 @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main_activity);

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Activity Content Container Content

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Activity Content Container Content Debug Drawer Debug View

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AppContainer (src/main) public interface AppContainer {
 ViewGroup bind(Activity activity);

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AppContainer (src/main) public interface AppContainer {
 ViewGroup bind(Activity activity);
 AppContainer DEFAULT = new AppContainer() {
 @Override public ViewGroup bind(Activity activity) {
 return findById(activity,;

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UiModule (src/main) @Provides @Singleton AppContainer provideAppContainer() {
 return AppContainer.DEFAULT;

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MainActivity (src/main) public final class MainActivity extends Activity {
 @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main_activity);

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MainActivity (src/main) public final class MainActivity extends Activity {
 @Inject AppContainer appContainer;
 @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 ObjectGraph appGraph = Injector.obtain(getApplication());
 appGraph.inject(this); setContentView(R.layout.main_activity);

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MainActivity (src/main) public final class MainActivity extends Activity {
 @Inject AppContainer appContainer;
 @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 ObjectGraph appGraph = Injector.obtain(getApplication());
 ViewGroup container = appContainer.bind(this); setContentView(R.layout.main_activity);

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MainActivity (src/main) public final class MainActivity extends Activity {
 @Inject AppContainer appContainer;
 @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 ObjectGraph appGraph = Injector.obtain(getApplication());
 ViewGroup container = appContainer.bind(this); setContentView(R.layout.main_activity);

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MainActivity (src/main) public final class MainActivity extends Activity {
 @Inject AppContainer appContainer;
 @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 ObjectGraph appGraph = Injector.obtain(getApplication());
 ViewGroup container = appContainer.bind(this);
 getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.main_activity, container);

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debug_activity_frame (src/internalDebug) 

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debug_activity_frame (src/internalDebug) 

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debug_activity_frame (src/internalDebug) 

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) public final class DebugView extends FrameLayout { public DebugView(Context context) {
 this(context, null);
 public DebugView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
 super(context, attrs);
 LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.debug_view_content, this); }a }a

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) public final class DebugView extends FrameLayout { public DebugView(Context context) {
 this(context, null);
 public DebugView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
 super(context, attrs);
 LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.debug_view_content, this); }a }a

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DebugAppContainer (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class DebugAppContainer implements AppContainer { @Inject public DebugAppContainer() { } @Override public ViewGroup bind(final Activity activity) { }a }a

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DebugAppContainer (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class DebugAppContainer implements AppContainer { @Inject public DebugAppContainer() { } @Override public ViewGroup bind(final Activity activity) { activity.setContentView(R.layout.debug_activity_frame); }a }a

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DebugAppContainer (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class DebugAppContainer implements AppContainer { @Inject public DebugAppContainer() { } @Override public ViewGroup bind(final Activity activity) { activity.setContentView(R.layout.debug_activity_frame); ViewGroup drawer = findById(activity,;
 DebugView debugView = new DebugView(activity);
 drawer.addView(debugView); }a }a

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DebugAppContainer (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class DebugAppContainer implements AppContainer { @Inject public DebugAppContainer() { } @Override public ViewGroup bind(final Activity activity) { activity.setContentView(R.layout.debug_activity_frame); ViewGroup drawer = findById(activity,;
 DebugView debugView = new DebugView(activity);
 drawer.addView(debugView); return findById(activity,; }a }a

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DebugUiModule (src/internalDebug) @Provides @Singleton AppContainer provideAppContainer(DebugAppContainer debugAppContainer) {
 return debugAppContainer;

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ApiModule (src/main) public static final HttpUrl PRODUCTION_API_URL = HttpUrl.parse("");
 @Provides @Singleton HttpUrl provideBaseUrl() {

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ApiEndpoints (src/internalDebug) public enum ApiEndpoints {

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ApiEndpoints (src/internalDebug) public enum ApiEndpoints {
 PRODUCTION("Production", ApiModule.PRODUCTION_API_URL.toString()),
 STAGING("Staging", ""),
 CUSTOM("Custom", null);
 public final String name;
 public final String url;
 ApiEndpoints(String name, String url) { = name;
 this.url = url;

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DebugDataModule (src/internalDebug) @Provides @Singleton @ApiEndpoint
 StringPreference provideEndpointPreference(SharedPreferences preferences) {
 return new StringPreference(preferences, “debug_endpoint", ApiEndpoints.STAGING.url);

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DebugApiModule (src/internalDebug) @Provides @Singleton
 HttpUrl provideBaseUrl(@ApiEndpoint StringPreference apiEndpoint) {
 return HttpUrl.parse(apiEndpoint.get());

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debug_view_content (src/internalDebug)

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) private void setupNetworkSection() {

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Inject @ApiEndpoint StringPreference networkEndpoint; private void setupNetworkSection() {
 final ApiEndpoints currentEndpoint = ApiEndpoints.from(networkEndpoint.get());

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Bind( Spinner endpointView; @Inject @ApiEndpoint StringPreference networkEndpoint; private void setupNetworkSection() {
 final ApiEndpoints currentEndpoint = ApiEndpoints.from(networkEndpoint.get());
 final EnumAdapter endpointAdapter =
 new EnumAdapter<>(getContext(), ApiEndpoints.class);

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Bind( Spinner endpointView; @Inject @ApiEndpoint StringPreference networkEndpoint; private void setupNetworkSection() {
 final ApiEndpoints currentEndpoint = ApiEndpoints.from(networkEndpoint.get());
 final EnumAdapter endpointAdapter =
 new EnumAdapter<>(getContext(), ApiEndpoints.class);

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Bind( Spinner endpointView; @Inject @ApiEndpoint StringPreference networkEndpoint; private void setupNetworkSection() {
 final ApiEndpoints currentEndpoint = ApiEndpoints.from(networkEndpoint.get());
 final EnumAdapter endpointAdapter =
 new EnumAdapter<>(getContext(), ApiEndpoints.class);

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Bind( Spinner endpointView; @Inject @ApiEndpoint StringPreference networkEndpoint; private void setupNetworkSection() {
 // ...
 endpointView.setOnItemSelectedListener((adapterView, view, position, id) -> {
 ApiEndpoints selected = endpointAdapter.getItem(position);
 if (selected != currentEndpoint) {
 if (selected == ApiEndpoints.CUSTOM) {
 } else {

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Bind( Spinner endpointView; @Inject @ApiEndpoint StringPreference networkEndpoint; private void setupNetworkSection() {
 // ...
 endpointView.setOnItemSelectedListener((adapterView, view, position, id) -> {
 ApiEndpoints selected = endpointAdapter.getItem(position);
 if (selected != currentEndpoint) {
 if (selected == ApiEndpoints.CUSTOM) {
 } else {

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Bind( Spinner endpointView; @Inject @ApiEndpoint StringPreference networkEndpoint; private void setupNetworkSection() {
 // ...
 endpointView.setOnItemSelectedListener((adapterView, view, position, id) -> {
 ApiEndpoints selected = endpointAdapter.getItem(position);
 if (selected != currentEndpoint) {
 if (selected == ApiEndpoints.CUSTOM) {
 } else {

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Inject @ApiEndpoint StringPreference networkEndpoint; private void setupNetworkSection() {
 // ...
 }aa private void setEndpointAndRelaunch(String endpoint) {

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Inject @ApiEndpoint StringPreference networkEndpoint; private void setupNetworkSection() {
 // ...
 }aa private void setEndpointAndRelaunch(String endpoint) {

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Network Proxy

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Network Proxy

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Network Proxy

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DataModule (src/main) @Provides @Singleton OkHttpClient provideOkHttpClient(Application app) {
 return createOkHttpClient(app);
 } static OkHttpClient createOkHttpClient(Application app) {
 OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
 // ... 
 return client;

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NetworkProxyPreference (src/internalDebug) public final class NetworkProxyPreference extends StringPreference {
 public NetworkProxyPreference(SharedPreferences preferences, String key) {
 super(preferences, key);
 public @Nullable Proxy getProxy() {
 // TODO: Convert String value to Proxy and return.

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DebugDataModule (src/internalDebug) @Provides @Singleton OkHttpClient provideOkHttpClient(Application app) {
 OkHttpClient client = DataModule.createOkHttpClient(app);
 return client;

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DebugDataModule (src/internalDebug) @Provides @Singleton OkHttpClient provideOkHttpClient(Application app,
 NetworkProxyPreference networkProxy) {
 OkHttpClient client = DataModule.createOkHttpClient(app); 
 return client;

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DebugDataModule (src/internalDebug) @Provides @Singleton OkHttpClient provideOkHttpClient(Application app,
 NetworkProxyPreference networkProxy) {
 OkHttpClient client = DataModule.createOkHttpClient(app); 
 client.setProxy(networkProxy.getProxy()); client.setSslSocketFactory(createBadSslSocketFactory());
 return client;

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debug_view_content (src/internalDebug) 

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) private void setupNetworkSection() { // ... }aa

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Bind( Spinner networkProxyView; @Inject NetworkProxyPreference networkProxy; private void setupNetworkSection() { // ... 
 final ProxyAdapter proxyAdapter = new ProxyAdapter(getContext(), networkProxy);

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Bind( Spinner networkProxyView; @Inject NetworkProxyPreference networkProxy; private void setupNetworkSection() { // ... 
 final ProxyAdapter proxyAdapter = new ProxyAdapter(getContext(), networkProxy);
 networkProxyView.setAdapter(proxyAdapter); int proxyPosition = networkProxy.isSet() ? ProxyAdapter.PROXY : ProxyAdapter.NONE;

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Bind( Spinner networkProxyView; @Inject NetworkProxyPreference networkProxy; @Inject OkHttpClient client; private void setupNetworkSection() { // ... 
 networkProxyView.setOnItemSelectedListener((adapterView, view, position, d) -> {
 if (position == ProxyAdapter.NONE) {
 } else {
 }); }aa

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Bind( Spinner networkProxyView; @Inject NetworkProxyPreference networkProxy; @Inject OkHttpClient client; private void setupNetworkSection() { // ... networkProxyView.setOnItemSelectedListener((adapterView, view, position, d) -> {
 if (position == ProxyAdapter.NONE) {
 } else {
 }); }aa

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Bind( Spinner networkProxyView; @Inject NetworkProxyPreference networkProxy; @Inject OkHttpClient client; private void setupNetworkSection() { // ... 
 networkProxyView.setOnItemSelectedListener((adapterView, view, position, d) -> {
 if (position == ProxyAdapter.NONE) {
 } else {
 }); }aa

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Bind( Spinner networkProxyView; @Inject NetworkProxyPreference networkProxy; @Inject OkHttpClient client; private void setupNetworkSection() { // ... }aa private void setProxyHost(String host) {
 Proxy proxy = networkProxy.getProxy();

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Mock Mode

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GithubService (src/main) public interface GithubService {
 @GET("/search/repositories") //
 Observable> repositories(
 @Query("q") SearchQuery query,
 @Query("sort") Sort sort,
 @Query("order") Order order);

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ApiModule (src/main) @Provides @Singleton GithubService provideGithubService(Retrofit retrofit) {
 return retrofit.create(GithubService.class);

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ApiEndpoints (src/internalDebug) public enum ApiEndpoints {
 PRODUCTION("Production", ApiModule.PRODUCTION_API_URL.toString()),
 STAGING("Staging", ""),
 CUSTOM("Custom", null);
 public final String name;
 public final String url;
 ApiEndpoints(String name, String url) { = name;
 this.url = url;

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ApiEndpoints (src/internalDebug) public enum ApiEndpoints {
 PRODUCTION("Production", ApiModule.PRODUCTION_API_URL.toString()),
 STAGING("Staging", ""), MOCK_MODE("Mock mode", "http://localhost/mock"),
 CUSTOM("Custom", null);
 public final String name;
 public final String url;
 ApiEndpoints(String name, String url) { = name;
 this.url = url;

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ApiEndpoints (src/internalDebug) public enum ApiEndpoints {
 // ...
 public static boolean isMockMode(String endpoint) {
 return from(endpoint) == MOCK_MODE;
 }a }aa

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DebugDataModule (src/internalDebug) @Provides @Singleton @IsMockMode boolean provideIsMockMode(@ApiEndpoint StringPreference endpoint) {
 return ApiEndpoints.isMockMode(endpoint.get());

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MockRepositories (src/internalDebug) static final Repository DAGGER = new Repository.Builder()
 .description("A fast dependency injector for Android and Java.")
 .build(); // ...

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MockGithubService (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class MockGithubService implements GithubService {
 @Inject MockGithubService() { }

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MockGithubService (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class MockGithubService implements GithubService {
 @Inject MockGithubService() { }
 @Override public Observable> repositories( SearchQuery query, Sort sort, Order order) { return Observable.just(Result.response(Response.success( new RepositoriesResponse(Arrays.asList(

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DebugApiModule (src/internalDebug) @Provides @Singleton
 GithubService provideGithubService(Retrofit retrofit, MockRetrofit mockRetrofit, @IsMockMode boolean isMockMode, MockGithubService mockService) {
 if (isMockMode) {
 return mockRetrofit.create(GithubService.class, mockService);
 return retrofit.create(GithubService.class);

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No content

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:) Loading Error Empty One result Lots of results

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:) Loading Error Empty One result Lots of results ✔

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:) Loading Error Empty One result Lots of results ✔

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debug_view_content (src/internalDebug) 

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DebugApiModule (src/internalDebug) @Provides @Singleton NetworkBehavior provideNetworkBehavior(/* preferences */) { NetworkBehavior behavior = NetworkBehavior.create(); // TODO: Restore behavior values from preferences. return behavior; } @Provides @Singleton MockRetrofit provideMockRestAdapter(NetworkBehavior behavior) {
 return new MockRetrofit(behavior, RxJavaBehaviorAdapter.create());

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) private void setupNetworkSection() { // ... }aa

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @InjectView( Spinner networkDelayView; private void setupNetworkSection() { // ... final NetworkDelayAdapter delayAdapter = new NetworkDelayAdapter(getContext());

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @InjectView( Spinner networkDelayView; @Inject NetworkBehavior behavior; private void setupNetworkSection() { // ... final NetworkDelayAdapter delayAdapter = new NetworkDelayAdapter(getContext());
 NetworkDelayAdapter.getPositionForValue(behavior.delay(MILLISECONDS))); }aa

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @InjectView( Spinner networkDelayView; @Inject NetworkBehavior behavior; private void setupNetworkSection() { // ... final NetworkDelayAdapter delayAdapter = new NetworkDelayAdapter(getContext());
 NetworkDelayAdapter.getPositionForValue(behavior.delay(MILLISECONDS))); }aa

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @InjectView( Spinner networkDelayView; @Inject NetworkBehavior behavior; @Inject @NetworkDelay LongPreference networkDelay; private void setupNetworkSection() { // ... final NetworkDelayAdapter delayAdapter = new NetworkDelayAdapter(getContext());
 networkDelayView.setOnItemSelectedListener((adapterView, view, position, id) -> {
 int selected = delayAdapter.getItem(position);
 if (selected != behavior.delay(MILLISECONDS)) {
 behavior.setDelay(selected, MILLISECONDS); networkDelay.set(selected);
 }); }aa

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @InjectView( Spinner networkDelayView; @Inject NetworkBehavior behavior; @Inject @NetworkDelay LongPreference networkDelay; private void setupNetworkSection() { // ... final NetworkDelayAdapter delayAdapter = new NetworkDelayAdapter(getContext());
 networkDelayView.setOnItemSelectedListener((adapterView, view, position, id) -> {
 int selected = delayAdapter.getItem(position);
 if (selected != behavior.delay(MILLISECONDS)) {
 behavior.setDelay(selected, MILLISECONDS); networkDelay.set(selected);
 }); }aa

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @InjectView( Spinner networkErrorView; @Inject NetworkBehavior behavior; @Inject @NetworkFailurePercent IntPreference networkFailurePercent; private void setupNetworkSection() { // ... final NetworkErrorAdapter errorAdapter = new NetworkErrorAdapter(getContext());
 networkErrorView.setOnItemSelectedListener((adapterView, view, position, id) -> {
 int selected = errorAdapter.getItem(position);
 if (selected != behavior.failurePercent()) {
 behavior.setFailurePercent(selected); networkFailurePercent.set(selected);
 }); }aa

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @InjectView( Spinner networkErrorView; @Inject NetworkBehavior behavior; @Inject @NetworkFailurePercent IntPreference networkFailurePercent; private void setupNetworkSection() { // ... final NetworkErrorAdapter errorAdapter = new NetworkErrorAdapter(getContext());
 networkErrorView.setOnItemSelectedListener((adapterView, view, position, id) -> {
 int selected = errorAdapter.getItem(position);
 if (selected != behavior.failurePercent()) {
 behavior.setFailurePercent(selected); networkFailurePercent.set(selected);
 }); }aa

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:) Loading Error Empty One result Lots of results ✔

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:) Loading Error Empty One result Lots of results ✔ ✔ ✔

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MockGithubService (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class MockGithubService implements GithubService {
 @Inject MockGithubService() { }a
 @Override public Observable repositories(SearchQuery query, Sort sort, Order order) { return Observable.just(Result.response(Response.success( new RepositoriesResponse(Arrays.asList(

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MockGithubService (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class MockGithubService implements GithubService {
 @Inject MockGithubService() { }a
 @Override public Observable repositories(SearchQuery query, Sort sort, Order order) { return Observable.just(Result.response(Response.success( new RepositoriesResponse(Arrays.asList(

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new RepositoriesResponse(Arrays.asList(

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MockRepositoriesResponse (src/internalDebug) public enum MockRepositoriesResponse {
 SUCCESS("Success", new RepositoriesResponse(Arrays.asList(
 public final String name;
 public final RepositoriesResponse response;
 MockRepositoriesResponse(String name, RepositoriesResponse response) { = name;
 this.response = response;

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MockRepositoriesResponse (src/internalDebug) public enum MockRepositoriesResponse {
 SUCCESS("Success", new RepositoriesResponse(Arrays.asList(
 U2020))), ONE("One", new RepositoriesResponse(Collections.singletonList(DAGGER))),
 EMPTY("Empty", new RepositoriesResponse(null));
 public final String name;
 public final RepositoriesResponse response;
 MockRepositoriesResponse(String name, RepositoriesResponse response) { = name;
 this.response = response;

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MockGithubService (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class MockGithubService implements GithubService {
 // ...

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MockGithubService (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class MockGithubService implements GithubService {
 // ...
 public > T getResponse(Class responseClass) { // } 
 public > void setResponse(Class responseClass, T value) { // }

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MockGithubService (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class MockGithubService implements GithubService {
 // ...
 public > T getResponse(Class responseClass) { // } 
 public > void setResponse(Class responseClass, T value) { // }
 @Override public Observable repositories(SearchQuery query,
 Sort sort, Order order) {

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MockGithubService (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class MockGithubService implements GithubService {
 // ...
 public > T getResponse(Class responseClass) { // } 
 public > void setResponse(Class responseClass, T value) { // }
 @Override public Observable repositories(SearchQuery query,
 Sort sort, Order order) {
 RepositoriesResponse response = getResponse(MockRepositoriesResponse.class).response;

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MockGithubService (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class MockGithubService implements GithubService {
 // ...
 public > T getResponse(Class responseClass) { // } 
 public > void setResponse(Class responseClass, T value) { // }
 @Override public Observable repositories(SearchQuery query,
 Sort sort, Order order) {
 RepositoriesResponse response = getResponse(MockRepositoriesResponse.class).response;
 // TODO: Sort the repositories based on the request.

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MockGithubService (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class MockGithubService implements GithubService {
 // ...
 public > T getResponse(Class responseClass) { // } 
 public > void setResponse(Class responseClass, T value) { // }
 @Override public Observable repositories(SearchQuery query,
 Sort sort, Order order) {
 RepositoriesResponse response = getResponse(MockRepositoriesResponse.class).response;
 // TODO: Sort the repositories based on the request.
 return Observable.just(Result.response(Response.success(response)));

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debug_view_content (src/internalDebug) 

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) private > void configureResponseSpinner(Spinner spinner,
 final Class responseClass) {

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) private > void configureResponseSpinner(Spinner spinner,
 final Class responseClass) {

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) private > void configureResponseSpinner(Spinner spinner,
 final Class responseClass) {

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) private > void configureResponseSpinner(Spinner spinner,
 final Class responseClass) {
 final EnumAdapter adapter = new EnumAdapter<>(getContext(), responseClass); spinner.setAdapter(adapter); }aa

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Inject @IsMockMode boolean isMockMode; private > void configureResponseSpinner(Spinner spinner,
 final Class responseClass) {
 final EnumAdapter adapter = new EnumAdapter<>(getContext(), responseClass); spinner.setAdapter(adapter);
 spinner.setEnabled(isMockMode); }aa

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Inject @IsMockMode boolean isMockMode; @Inject MockGithubService mockGithubService; private > void configureResponseSpinner(Spinner spinner,
 final Class responseClass) {
 final EnumAdapter adapter = new EnumAdapter<>(getContext(), responseClass); spinner.setAdapter(adapter);

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Inject @IsMockMode boolean isMockMode; @Inject MockGithubService mockGithubService; private > void configureResponseSpinner(Spinner spinner,
 final Class responseClass) {
 final EnumAdapter adapter = new EnumAdapter<>(getContext(), responseClass); spinner.setAdapter(adapter);
 spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener((parent, view, position, id) -> {
 T selected = adapter.getItem(position);
 if (selected != mockGithubService.getResponse(responseClass)) {
 mockGithubService.setResponse(responseClass, selected);

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DebugView (src/internalDebug) @Bind( Spinner repositoriesResponseView; private void setupMockBehaviorSection() {
 configureResponseSpinner(repositoriesResponseView, MockRepositoriesResponse.class);
 } private > void configureResponseSpinner(Spinner spinner,
 final Class responseClass) {
 // ...

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Intent Capturing

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Intent Capturing

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IntentFactory (src/main) public interface IntentFactory {

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IntentFactory (src/main) public interface IntentFactory {
 Intent createUrlIntent(String url);

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IntentFactory (src/main) public interface IntentFactory {
 Intent createUrlIntent(String url);
 IntentFactory REAL = new IntentFactory() {
 @Override public Intent createUrlIntent(String url) {
 Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
 return intent;

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DataModule (src/main) @Provides @Singleton IntentFactory provideIntentFactory() {
 return IntentFactory.REAL;

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ExternalIntentActivity (src/internalDebug) public final class ExternalIntentActivity extends Activity {

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ExternalIntentActivity (src/internalDebug) public final class ExternalIntentActivity extends Activity {
 public static final String ACTION = "com.jakewharton.u2020.intent.EXTERNAL_INTENT";
 public static final String EXTRA_BASE_INTENT = "debug_base_intent";

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ExternalIntentActivity (src/internalDebug) public final class ExternalIntentActivity extends Activity {
 public static final String ACTION = "com.jakewharton.u2020.intent.EXTERNAL_INTENT";
 public static final String EXTRA_BASE_INTENT = "debug_base_intent"; public static Intent createIntent(Intent baseIntent) {
 Intent intent = new Intent();
 intent.putExtra(EXTRA_BASE_INTENT, baseIntent);
 return intent;

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ExternalIntentActivity (src/internalDebug) public final class ExternalIntentActivity extends Activity {
 public static final String ACTION = "com.jakewharton.u2020.intent.EXTERNAL_INTENT";
 public static final String EXTRA_BASE_INTENT = "debug_base_intent"; public static Intent createIntent(Intent baseIntent) {
 Intent intent = new Intent();
 intent.putExtra(EXTRA_BASE_INTENT, baseIntent);
 return intent;

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ExternalIntentActivity (src/internalDebug) public final class ExternalIntentActivity extends Activity {
 public static final String ACTION = "com.jakewharton.u2020.intent.EXTERNAL_INTENT";
 public static final String EXTRA_BASE_INTENT = "debug_base_intent";
 // ... 
 @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 Intent baseIntent = getIntent().getParcelableExtra(EXTRA_BASE_INTENT);
 // TODO: Show intent data.

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DebugDataModule (src/internalDebug) @Provides @Singleton @CaptureIntents
 BooleanPreference provideCaptureIntentsPreference(SharedPreferences preferences) {
 return new BooleanPreference(preferences, "debug_capture_intents", DEFAULT_CAPTURE_INTENTS);

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DebugIntentFactory (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class DebugIntentFactory implements IntentFactory {
 @Inject public DebugIntentFactory() { }

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DebugIntentFactory (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class DebugIntentFactory implements IntentFactory {
 private final IntentFactory realIntentFactory;
 private final boolean isMockMode;
 private final BooleanPreference captureIntents;
 @Inject public DebugIntentFactory( // ... ) { // ... }

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DebugIntentFactory (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class DebugIntentFactory implements IntentFactory {
 private final IntentFactory realIntentFactory;
 private final boolean isMockMode;
 private final BooleanPreference captureIntents;
 @Inject public DebugIntentFactory( // ... ) { // ... } @Override public Intent createUrlIntent(String url) {

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DebugIntentFactory (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class DebugIntentFactory implements IntentFactory {
 private final IntentFactory realIntentFactory;
 private final boolean isMockMode;
 private final BooleanPreference captureIntents;
 @Inject public DebugIntentFactory( // ... ) { // ... } @Override public Intent createUrlIntent(String url) {
 Intent baseIntent = realIntentFactory.createUrlIntent(url);

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DebugIntentFactory (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class DebugIntentFactory implements IntentFactory {
 private final IntentFactory realIntentFactory;
 private final boolean isMockMode;
 private final BooleanPreference captureIntents;
 @Inject public DebugIntentFactory( // ... ) { // ... } @Override public Intent createUrlIntent(String url) {
 Intent baseIntent = realIntentFactory.createUrlIntent(url);
 if (isMockMode && captureIntents.get()) { return ExternalIntentActivity.createIntent(baseIntent);
 } else {
 return baseIntent;

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DebugDataModule (src/internalDebug) @Provides @Singleton IntentFactory provideIntentFactory(DebugIntentFactory debugIntentFactory) {
 return debugIntentFactory;

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Bug Reporting

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Bug Reporting

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Bug Reporting

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Telescope • Press and hold 2 fingers to trigger a bug report • Takes a screenshot • Calls your listener to handle the report • Send an email • Open a ticket via an API •

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LumberYard (src/internal) @Singleton public final class LumberYard { @Inject public LumberYard() { } }a

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LumberYard (src/internal) @Singleton public final class LumberYard { private final Deque entries = new ArrayDeque<>(BUFFER_SIZE + 1); @Inject public LumberYard() { } private synchronized void addEntry(Entry entry) { // ... } }a

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LumberYard (src/internal) @Singleton public final class LumberYard { private final Deque entries = new ArrayDeque<>(BUFFER_SIZE + 1); @Inject public LumberYard() { } public Timber.Tree tree() {
 return (DebugTree) logMessage(priority, tag, message) -> {
 addEntry(new Entry(priority, tag, message));
 }b private synchronized void addEntry(Entry entry) { // ... } }a

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LumberYard (src/internal) @Singleton public final class LumberYard { private final Deque entries = new ArrayDeque<>(BUFFER_SIZE + 1); @Inject public LumberYard() { } public Timber.Tree tree() { // ... }b private synchronized void addEntry(Entry entry) { // ... } public Observable save() { // ... } }a

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BugReportLens (src/internal) public final class BugReportLens implements Lens { private final Context context;
 private final LumberYard lumberYard;
 private File screenshot;
 public BugReportLens(Context context, LumberYard lumberYard) { // ... } }aa

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BugReportLens (src/internal) public final class BugReportLens implements Lens { private final Context context;
 private final LumberYard lumberYard;
 private File screenshot;
 public BugReportLens(Context context, LumberYard lumberYard) { // ... } @Override public void onCapture(File screenshot) {
 this.screenshot = screenshot;
 // TODO: Show bug report dialog.
 }a }aa

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BugReportLens (src/internal) public final class BugReportLens implements Lens { private final Context context;
 private final LumberYard lumberYard;
 private File screenshot;
 public BugReportLens(Context context, LumberYard lumberYard) { // ... } @Override public void onCapture(File screenshot) {
 this.screenshot = screenshot;
 // TODO: Show bug report dialog.
 }a private void submitReport(Report report, File logs) { // TODO: Create email intent and set recipient. // TODO: Pre-fill body with device and report information. // TODO: Add screenshot and log file as attachment. } }aa

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debug_activity_frame (src/internalDebug) 

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debug_activity_frame (src/internalDebug) 

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debug_activity_frame (src/internalDebug) 

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DebugAppContainer (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class DebugAppContainer implements AppContainer { @Inject public DebugAppContainer() { } @Override public ViewGroup bind(final Activity activity) { activity.setContentView(R.layout.debug_activity_frame); ViewGroup drawer = findById(activity,;
 DebugView debugView = new DebugView(activity);
 drawer.addView(debugView); return findById(activity,; }a }a

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DebugAppContainer (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class DebugAppContainer implements AppContainer { @Inject public DebugAppContainer() { } @Override public ViewGroup bind(final Activity activity) { // ... return findById(activity,; }a }a

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DebugAppContainer (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class DebugAppContainer implements AppContainer { @Inject public DebugAppContainer() { } @Override public ViewGroup bind(final Activity activity) { // ... TelescopeLayout telescopeLayout = findById(activity,; return telescopeLayout; }a }a

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DebugAppContainer (src/internalDebug) @Singleton
 public final class DebugAppContainer implements AppContainer { private final LumberYard lumberYard; @Inject public DebugAppContainer(LumberYard lumberYard) { this.lumberYard = lumberYard; }a @Override public ViewGroup bind(final Activity activity) { // ... TelescopeLayout telescopeLayout = findById(activity,; telescopeLayout.setLens(new BugReportLens(activity, lumberYard)); return telescopeLayout; }a }a

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internal_activity_frame (src/internalRelease)

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TelescopeAppContainer (src/internalRelease) @Singleton
 public final class TelescopeAppContainer implements AppContainer { @Bind( TelescopeLayout telescopeLayout; private final LumberYard lumberYard; @Inject public TelescopeAppContainer(LumberYard lumberYard) {
 this.lumberYard = lumberYard;
 }a @Override public ViewGroup bind(final Activity activity) {
 ButterKnife.bind(this, activity);
 telescopeLayout.setLens(new BugReportLens(activity, lumberYard)); return telescopeLayout; }a }a

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TelescopeAppContainer (src/internalRelease) @Singleton
 public final class TelescopeAppContainer implements AppContainer { @Bind( TelescopeLayout telescopeLayout; private final LumberYard lumberYard; @Inject public TelescopeAppContainer(LumberYard lumberYard) {
 this.lumberYard = lumberYard;
 }a @Override public ViewGroup bind(final Activity activity) {
 ButterKnife.bind(this, activity);
 telescopeLayout.setLens(new BugReportLens(activity, lumberYard)); return telescopeLayout; }a }a

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TelescopeAppContainer (src/internalRelease) @Singleton
 public final class TelescopeAppContainer implements AppContainer { @Bind( TelescopeLayout telescopeLayout; private final LumberYard lumberYard; @Inject public TelescopeAppContainer(LumberYard lumberYard) {
 this.lumberYard = lumberYard;
 }a @Override public ViewGroup bind(final Activity activity) {
 ButterKnife.bind(this, activity);
 telescopeLayout.setLens(new BugReportLens(activity, lumberYard)); return telescopeLayout; }a }a

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InternalReleaseUiModule (src/internalRelease) @Provides @Singleton AppContainer provideAppContainer(
 TelescopeAppContainer telescopeAppContainer) {
 return telescopeAppContainer;

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Some more tools • Mock push notifications • Reset flags (finished on-boarding, seen help windows, etc.) • Shortcuts • DB operations • Show logs • Debug activity • Contextual actions

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No content

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No content

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Final thoughts • Fork U+2020! • Your time is valuable • Add debug controls!

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Debug Builds A NEW HOPE Matt Precious

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Debug Builds A NEW HOPE Questions? Matt Precious @mattprec +MatthewPrecious