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@ todd motto @ mrja me she nry

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DISCOVERING PATTERNS Ob se rve r Pa tte rn Se que nce s a nd O pe ra tors

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Observers Observable

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Consumers Producer

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Producer Consumer

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Producer Pipeline Consumer

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Producer Pipeline Consumer

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Producer Pipeline (Sequence) .map() .filter() Consumer

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Producer Pipeline (Sequence) Produces values Business logic Final outcome Consumer

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Water heatWater() heatWater()

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Water heatWater() heatWater() addBeans() addBeans()

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Water heatWater() heatWater() addBeans() addBeans() addMilk()

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White coffee Water heatWater() heatWater() addBeans() addBeans() addMilk() Black coffee

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Consumer Producer Business logic Business logic Consumer

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PATTERNS DISCOVERED Ob se rve r Pa tte rn Se que nce s a nd O pe ra tors

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Imperative SOLUTION #1:

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Elements of our game 1.
4. 5. Start

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Game Helpers 6. const CHANCE_OF_BAD_THROW = 0.5; 7. 8. // Throw affects chances of catching 9. function checkDropped(isBadThrow): boolean; 1. // Helpers to move ball around in the game 2. function addBall(player: Element): void; 3. function removeBall(player: Element): void; 4. 5. // Simple 50/50 chance of bad throw We use the throw quality to determine whether the ball is caught or not.

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TODO 1. S ta rt the ga me on ` sta rtB tn` click 2. Th row a nd ca tch the ball be twee n 2 pla ye rs 3. Check each th row to see if i t wa s “bad” 4. Check ca tch, e ndi ng the ga me on d rop

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Starting the game 1. function handleClick() { 2. // our game code 3. } 4. 5. startBtn.addEventListener('click', handleClick);

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TODO 1. S ta rt the ga me on ` sta rtB tn` click 2. Th row a nd ca tch the ball be twee n 2 pla ye rs 3. Check each th row to see if i t wa s “bad” 4. Check ca tch, e ndi ng the ga me on d rop

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5. // TODO 6. // - person1 starts with ball 7. // - wait while they get ready to throw 1. // Our two refs to the people DOM nodes 2. throwAndCatchBetween(james, todd); 3. 4. function throwAndCatchBetween(person1, person2) {

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Core throwing and catching 2. // person1 starts with ball 1. function throwAndCatchBetween(person1, person2) {

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Slide 52 text for humans 1. function throwAndCatchBetween(person1, person2) { 2. // person1 starts with ball 3. addBall(person1); 4. 5. // wait while they get ready to throw 6. setTimeout(() => { 7. 8. // person1 throws ball 9. removeBall(person1); 10. 11. // ball travels through the air 12. setTimeout(() => { 13. 14. // person2 catches ball 15. addBall(person2); 16. 17. // Back again! 18. throwAndCatchBetween(person2, person1); 19. Ball flies throught the air for 1 second before being caught.

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TODO 1. S ta rt the ga me on ` sta rtB tn` click 2. Th row a nd ca tch the ball be twee n 2 pla ye rs 3. Check each th row to see if i t wa s “bad” 4. Check ca tch, e ndi ng the ga me on d rop

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Check throw quality 8. // person1 throws ball 9. removeBall(person1); 10. // capture if throw was bad 11. const isBadThrow = 12. Math.random() <= CHANCE_OF_BAD_THROW; 1. function throwAndCatchBetween(person1, person2) { 2. // person1 starts with ball 3. addBall(person1); 4. 5. // wait while they get ready to throw 6. setTimeout(() => { 7. 13. 14. // ball travels through the air 15. setTimeout(() => { 16. 17. // person2 catches ball 18. addBall(person2); 19. 20. // Back again! 21. throwAndCatchBetween(person2, person1);

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TODO 1. S ta rt the ga me on ` sta rtB tn` click 2. Th row a nd ca tch the ball be twee n 2 pla ye rs 3. Check each th row to see if i t wa s “bad” 4. Check ca tch, e ndi ng the ga me on d rop

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Check if ball was dropped 10. // capture if throw was bad 11. const isBadThrow = 12. Math.random() <= CHANCE_OF_BAD_THROW; 13. 14. // ball travels through the air 15. setTimeout(() => { 16. 17. if (checkDropped(isBadThrow)) { 18. return // Game over: Ball dropped 19. } 3. addBall(person1); 4. 5. // wait while they get ready to throw 6. setTimeout(() => { 7. 8. // person1 throws ball 9. removeBall(person1); 20. 21. // person2 catches ball 22. addBall(person2); 23. 24. // Back again! 25. throwAndCatchBetween(person2, person1); 26.

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1. S ta rt the ga me on ` sta rtB tn` click 2. Th row a nd ca tch the ball be twee n 2 pla ye rs 3. Check each th row to see if i t wa s “bad” 4. Check ca tch, e ndi ng the ga me on d rop

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Reactive SOLUTION #2:

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TODO 1. Ob se rvable 2. Ob se rvable 3. Ob se rvable

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Observable 6. // Start listening for clicks 7. game$.subscribe(); 1. const startClick$ = Rx.Observable 2. .fromEvent(startBtn, 'click'); 3. 4. const game$ = startClick$; 5. We subscribe to the Observable to begin actually listening for the start button click events.

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Turn a click into throw and catch! 4. const game$ = startClick$ 5. .switchMap( 6. handleThrowAndCatchBetween(james, todd) 7. ); 1. const startClick$ = Rx.Observable 2. .fromEvent(startBtn, 'click'); 3. 8. 9. // Start listening for clicks 10. game$.subscribe();

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Core throwing and catching 1. // Usage 2. .switchMap( 3. handleThrowAndCatchBetween(james, todd) 4. ); 5.

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TODO 1. Ob se rvable 2. Ob se rvable 3. Ob se rvable

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What events make up a "throw"? 1. // person1 starts with ball 2. addBall(person1); 3. 4. // wait while they get ready to throw 5. setTimeout(() => { 6. 7. // person1 throws ball 8. // capture if throw was bad 9. removeBall(person1); 10. const isBadThrow = 11. Math.random() <= CHANCE_OF_BAD_THROW; 12. We can extract the relevant concepts from our imperative example...

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Observable 1. // capture if throw was bad 2. const isBadThrow = 3. Math.random() <= CHANCE_OF_BAD_THROW; 4. 5. const throw$ = Rx.Observable.of(isBadThrow); We can make our initial throw$ stream encapsulate the throw quality (so we can evaluate it later).

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Observable 9. // ball travels through the air 10. .delay(1000); 1. // capture if throw was bad 2. const throw$ = Rx.Observable.of(isBadThrow) 3. // person1 starts with ball 4. .do(() => addBall(person1)) 5. // wait while they get ready to throw 6. .delay(1000) 7. // person1 throws ball 8. .do(() => removeBall(person1))

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Observable 4. return Rx.Observable.of(isBadThrow) 5. .do(() => addBall(person)) 6. .delay(1000) 7. .do(() => removeBall(person)) 8. .delay(1000); 9. } 1. function handleThrow$From(person) { 2. const isBadThrow = 3. Math.random() <= CHANCE_OF_BAD_THROW;

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"Plug in" the throwing for p1 and p2 1. // Usage 2. .switchMap( 3. handleThrowAndCatchBetween(james, todd) 4. ); 5.

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TODO 1. Ob se rvable 2. Ob se rvable 3. Ob se rvable

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What events make up a "catch"? 5. // Ball is caught succesfully 6. return Rx.Observable.of('') 7. .do(() => addBall(person)) 1. // Ball is dropped 2. if (checkDropped(isBadThrow)) { 3. return Rx.Observable.throw(`Ball dropped`) 4. } If the ball is caught, we return an Observable (the value isn't important) and add the ball to the person as normal.

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Observable 2. // The returned function will be used within 1. function handleCatch$By(person) { The `isBadThrow` value will be passed in via the switchMap from the previous throw$

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"Plug in" the throwing for p1 and p2 1. // Usage 2. .switchMap( 3. handleThrowAndCatchBetween(james, todd) 4. ); 5.

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1. Ob se rvable 2. Ob se rvable 3. Ob se rvable

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Thank you! @ to dd motto / @ mr ja m e s he nry