v n o v i c k . c o m
Vladimir Novick
S o f t w a r e A r c h i t e c t & C o n s u l t a n t
Web, Mobile, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed
Reality & Internet of Things
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v n o v i c k . c o m
React Native build
mobile apps with
Your go-to guide to creating native iOS
and Android mobile applications using
React and JavaScript
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How we do Reason in
React Native
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Threading model
! Main Thread - layout, measuring, drawing
Shadow thread - calculates layout changes
! JS thread - event loop execuHng js code and sending
batched updates before next frame renders (60fps)
NaHve modules - plaNorm apis
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Execution flow
Main Thread
JS thread
Shadow thread
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Project lifecycle
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Getting started
! IniHalise React NaHve app
! Install dependencies
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! Add bsconfig.json
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Add build and watch scripts
! package.json
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Setting our app endpoint
! Create “re” folder
! Add app.re file
! Remove App.js from the root
! In index.js import compiled app.js file
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Let’s write React Native
in Reason
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Start our project
! Start bsb in watch mode
! Run ios/android build
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Current status and what
to improve
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! Not all APIs covered - hVps:/
! Warnings on Js.Boolean.to_js_boolean
! Styles are not unified (measurement units
differ) float/Pts etc
! No Docs at all hence low adopHon!
! No Docs at all hence low adopHon!
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Why we should use
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! All ReasonML benefits
! GraphQL has wide adopHon especially when dealing with mobile apps and
with Reason it works really well
! Most of mobile apps in React NaHve are wriVen with TS and Flow. Let’s
write in Reason
! ReasonablyTyped to convert from TS/Flow to
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v n o v i c k . c o m
! Basicskeleton: hVps:/
! BsReactNaHve: hVps:/
! Slides: hVps:/