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Your Principles of Testing @jennydoesthings

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• Director of Quality Engineering, Pap a • Tester by nature and nurtur e • Pronouns are she/he r • I have stickers! Jenny Bramble @jennydoesthings - #ElixirConf2022

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01 02 03 04 Codes of Ethics But Why? Making Your Own My Principles of Testing @jennydoesthings

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Codes of Ethics @jennydoesthings

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@jennydoesthings @jennydoesthings Everyone has a code of ethics.

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@jennydoesthings @jennydoesthings Our code informs how we move through our world and the impact we have on it.

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@jennydoesthings @jennydoesthings I spend a lot of time thinking about the things that drive me.

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@jennydoesthings @jennydoesthings I want to talk about what I’ve gained from this introspection.

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But Why? @jennydoesthings

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@jennydoesthings @jennydoesthings Why do we need a code of ethics?

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Why do we need a code of ethics? • We already have one; we’re just writing it down. @jennydoesthings

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Why do we need a code of ethics? • We already have one; we’re just writing it down . • Knowing yourself and your motivations helps you focus your intentions. @jennydoesthings

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Why do we need a code of ethics? • We already have one; we’re just writing it down . • Knowing yourself and your motivations helps you focus your intentions . • It gives you a sense of control over your actions. @jennydoesthings

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@jennydoesthings @jennydoesthings What does this have to do with work?

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@jennydoesthings @jennydoesthings We need to know why we test and what drives us.

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@jennydoesthings @jennydoesthings As testers, we can find ourselves reacting to our jobs instead of being proactive.

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@jennydoesthings @jennydoesthings Pulling together a roadmap and a set of principles for ourselves helps us focus.

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@jennydoesthings @jennydoesthings Let’s talk about what that looks like.

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My Principles of Testing @jennydoesthings

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What are m y principles of testing? • Deliver high value software quickly and safely through holistic testing. @jennydoesthings

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What are m y principles of testing? • Deliver high value software quickly and safely through holistic testing . • Don’t test everything. Test as little as possible. @jennydoesthings

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What are m y principles of testing? • Deliver high value software quickly and safely through holistic testing . • Don’t test everything. Test as little as possible . • Targeted, efficient testing with preparation and thoughtful risk assessment. @jennydoesthings

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What are m y principles of testing? • Deliver high value software quickly and safely through holistic testing . • Don’t test everything. Test as little as possible . • Targeted, efficient testing with preparation and thoughtful risk assessment . • Automate what should be automated. @jennydoesthings

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What are m y principles of testing? • Deliver high value software quickly and safely through holistic testing . • Don’t test everything. Test as little as possible . • Targeted, efficient testing with preparation and thoughtful risk assessment . • Automate what should be automated . • Automation code is production code. @jennydoesthings

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What are m y principles of testing? • Deliver high value software quickly and safely through holistic testing . • Don’t test everything. Test as little as possible . • Targeted, efficient testing with preparation and thoughtful risk assessment . • Automate what should be automated . • Automation code is production code. • Every line of code affects a human. @jennydoesthings

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What are m y principles of automation? • Share code and tools with your developers. @jennydoesthings

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What are m y principles of automation? • Share code and tools with your developers . • Automate what should be automated. Determine what tests need to be run with the whole team. @jennydoesthings

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What are m y principles of automation? • Share code and tools with your developers . • Automate what should be automated. Determine what tests need to be run with the whole team . • Automation code is production code. @jennydoesthings

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What are m y principles of automation? • Share code and tools with your developers . • Automate what should be automated. Determine what tests need to be run with the whole team . • Automation code is production code. • Encourage testability in all code. @jennydoesthings

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What are m y principles of automation? • Share code and tools with your developers . • Automate what should be automated. Determine what tests need to be run with the whole team . • Automation code is production code. • Encourage testability in all code . • Participate in code reviews and other team ceremonies. @jennydoesthings

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What are m y principles of automation? • Share code and tools with your developers . • Automate what should be automated. Determine what tests need to be run with the whole team . • Automation code is production code. • Encourage testability in all code . • Participate in code reviews and other team ceremonies . • Thoughtful automation reduces the human burden of testing. @jennydoesthings

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Making Your Own @jennydoesthings

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@jennydoesthings @jennydoesthings Start with some soul searching.

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@jennydoesthings @jennydoesthings Why do you test?

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What are m y principles of testing? • Deliver high value software quickly and safely through holistic testing . • Don’t test everything. Test as little as possible . • Targeted, efficient testing with preparation and thoughtful risk assessment . • Automate what should be automated . • Automation code is production code. • Every line of code affects a human. @jennydoesthings

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What are m y principles of automation? • Share code and tools with your developers . • Automate what should be automated. Determine what tests need to be run with the whole team . • Automation code is production code. • Encourage testability in all code . • Participate in code reviews and other team ceremonies . • Thoughtful automation reduces the human burden of testing. @jennydoesthings

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@jennydoesthings @jennydoesthings What are your goals and desired outcomes?

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What are m y principles of testing? • Deliver high value software quickly and safely through holistic testing . • Don’t test everything. Test as little as possible . • Targeted, efficient testing with preparation and thoughtful risk assessment . • Automate what should be automated . • Automation code is production code. • Every line of code affects a human. @jennydoesthings

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What are m y principles of automation? • Share code and tools with your developers . • Automate what should be automated. Determine what tests need to be run with the whole team . • Automation code is production code. • Encourage testability in all code . • Participate in code reviews and other team ceremonies . • Thoughtful automation reduces the human burden of testing. @jennydoesthings

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@jennydoesthings @jennydoesthings How do you want to get to those goals and outcomes?

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What are m y principles of testing? • Deliver high value software quickly and safely through holistic testing . • Don’t test everything. Test as little as possible . • Targeted, efficient testing with preparation and thoughtful risk assessment . • Automate what should be automated . • Automation code is production code. • Every line of code affects a human. @jennydoesthings

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What are m y principles of automation? • Share code and tools with your developers . • Automate what should be automated. Determine what tests need to be run with the whole team . • Automation code is production code. • Encourage testability in all code . • Participate in code reviews and other team ceremonies . • Thoughtful automation reduces the human burden of testing. @jennydoesthings

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@jennydoesthings @jennydoesthings Think about events in your career that shape you.

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@jennydoesthings @jennydoesthings Think about people who have impacted you.

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• Automated testing helps us fight fate a bit and catch some accidents before they go live. - Grayson Hansard • Many times, a bug just illustrates that there’s more complexity than we imagined. - Grayson Hansard • We make mistakes today to make better ones in the future. - Grayson Hansar d • Testers hold the mental model of the system in our minds. - Jasmin • Don’t write swears - Adrian P. Dunsto n • Make the truth easy to find - Adrian P. Dunsto n • Work to get your whole team engaged rather than specifically to become a test automation engineer. - Lisa Crispin @jennydoesthings

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@jennydoesthings @jennydoesthings What’s important?

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@jennydoesthings @jennydoesthings Reevaluate.

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Questions? @jennydoesthings • • Twitter: @jennydoesthings

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Credits This is where you give credit to the ones who are part of this project . ● Presentation template by Slidesgo ● Icons by Flaticon ● Infographics by Freepik ● Images created Freepi k ● Author introduction slide photo created by Freepi k ● Text & Image slide photo created by