Tonight’s presentation:
How Nagios is leveraging
Ansible Network Automation
OR ….
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Tonight’s presentation:
How AnsibleFest showed me
how completely, entirelty
wrong my thinking was when
I first scheduled this talk.
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Do you know who I am?!
Aaron Cieslicki
Lead Integrations Specialist
LinkedIn: Aaron Cieslicki
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Hoped-for take-aways for y’all
Ansible for Network Automation exists
How the cool kids are doing it
A little about Nagios
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The problem: AnsibleFest
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Nagios does monitoring
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How it works
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The initial Nagios Ansible use case
Deployment Automation
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Ansible Pros / Cons
Open source, linux-based, fast, workable, already in use
with some of our clients
Need to teach it to some of our clients, Windows
automation seems difficult
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Challenges and Results
Writing for others instead of writing for ourselves internally
Supporting all possible client configurations
Strong anecdotal evidence for success, good video views
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Next steps on this first automation
Windows support
Writing playbooks with Tower in mind
Nagios Log Server integration
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And now … network automation
Did you know Ansible can run automation on networking
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Why would Nagios care?
Our customers and prospects routinely ask us for
configuration management for network devices
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My AWESOME!!! idea
Ansible automates a backup, Nagios monitors that the
backup file exists, and is fresh.
We just bundle in Ansible, and save ourselves tons of
developer $$$$
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And then … AnsibleFest
… where I learned how the cool kids are doing
configuration management
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So now what for my big idea?
The new big idea:
Inventory script / plugin – Nagios as the source of
inventory truth
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Other cool things I could do
Configure network devices for log and NetFlow data export
to Nagios Log Server and Network Analyzer