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Hello World in Angular 2 Shuhei Kagawa April 9, 2015 @Tokyo AngularJS Meetup v3.0.0

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About me • Developing Angular 1.x & Rails app at work. • Interests: JS MVC, front-end build stack, creating something visually interesting and beer • github: @shuhei, twitter: @7to3 Shuhei Kagawa

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Rumors about Angular 2 • RIP controllers, DDO, $scope and angular.module() • AtScript -> TypeScript • Reactive? • Hard to migrate from 1.x? • etc.

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Is it nice or not? Let’s try by ourselves!

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5 min quickstart • • Make sure to disable cache!!! mkdir quickstart && cd quick start git clone touch index.html touch app.es6 # Write some code! npm install -g http-server http-server

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index.html System.paths = { ‘angular2/*’: ‘quickstart/angular2/*.js’, ‘rtts_assert/*’: ‘quickstart/rtts_assert/*.js’, ‘app’: ‘app.es6’ }; System.import(‘app’); Loads app.es6 and transpiles it to ES5! Our first component

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app.es6 import {Component, Template, bootstrap} from ‘angular2/angular2’; @Component({ selector: ‘hello-app’ }) @Template({ inline: ‘

Hello, {{name}}!

’ }) class HelloApp { constructor() { = ‘Ryozanpark’; } } bootstrap(HelloApp); ES6 Modules instead of angular.module() Decorators add metadata to component class. Somewhat like DDO. Component: Pair of controller and template

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app.es6 import {Component, Template, bootstrap} from ‘angular2/angular2’; @Component({ selector: ‘hello-app’ }) @Template({ inline: ‘

Hello, {{name}}!

’ }) class HelloApp { constructor() { = ‘Ryozanpark’; } } bootstrap(HelloApp); We could use `url` instead Similar to `controllerAs` but bindings are resolved against the component instance. Matches

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Next Step • viewport directives such as If, Foreach • event handler • class binding • component with binding • service injection • form handling like React’s controlled component

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Don’t like Traceur? Use Babel! • Build Angular 2 app with webpack and babel • Way faster than transpiling on the fly • Supports @ annotation and type annotation

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Conclusion • You can try Angular 2 now. • It’s packed with new ideas. Decide if you like it by playing with it. • No supporting libraries yet, including the New Router. • Source code is your reference.