Slide 8
Slide 8 text
test.yaml:3:5: unexpected key "branch" for "push" section. expected one of "branches", "branches-ignore", "paths", "paths-ignore", "tags",
"tags-ignore", "types", "workflows" [syntax-check]
3 | branch: main
| ^~~~~~~
test.yaml:9:30: label "linux-latest" is unknown. available labels are "windows-latest", "windows-latest-8-cores", "windows-2022",
"windows-2019", "ubuntu-latest", "ubuntu-latest-4-cores", "ubuntu-latest-8-cores", "ubuntu-latest-16-cores", "ubuntu-24.04", "ubuntu-22.04",
"ubuntu-20.04", "macos-latest", "macos-latest-xl", "macos-latest-xlarge", "macos-latest-large", "macos-14-xl", "macos-14-xlarge", "macos-14-
large", "macos-14", "macos-14.0", "macos-13-xl", "macos-13-xlarge", "macos-13-large", "macos-13", "macos-13.0", "macos-12-xl", "macos-12-
xlarge", "macos-12-large", "macos-12", "macos-12.0", "macos-11", "macos-11.0", "self-hosted", "x64", "arm", "arm64", "linux", "macos",
"windows". if it is a custom label for self-hosted runner, set list of labels in actionlint.yaml config file [runner-label]
9 | os: [windows-latest, linux-latest]
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
test.yaml:11:13: context "secrets" is not allowed here. available contexts are "github", "inputs", "needs", "vars". see
en/actions/learn-github-actions/contexts#context-availability for more details [expression]
11 | if: ${{ secrets.API_KEY != '' }}
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
test.yaml:13:45: "github.event.head_commit.message" is potentially untrusted. avoid using it directly in inline scripts. instead, pass it
through an environment variable. see for more details
13 | - run: echo "Run test for commit '${{ github.event.head_commit.message }}'"
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
test.yaml:16:11: input "submodule" is not defined in action "actions/checkout@v4". available inputs are "clean", "fetch-depth", "fetch-tags",
"filter", "github-server-url", "lfs", "path", "persist-credentials", "ref", "repository", "set-safe-directory", "show-progress", "sparse-
checkout", "sparse-checkout-cone-mode", "ssh-key", "ssh-known-hosts", "ssh-strict", "ssh-user", "submodules", "token" [action]
16 | submodule: recursive
| ^~~~~~~~~~
test.yaml:18:36: got unexpected character '"' while lexing expression, expecting 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_', '0'..'9', ''', '}', '(', ')', '[',
']', '.', '!', '<', '>', '=', '&', '|', '*', ',', ' '. do you mean string literals? only single quotes are available for string delimiter
18 | if: ${{ matrix.platform != "windows-latest" }}
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~