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CNAB: Packaging for Distributed Applications with Multiple Toolchains January 2019 Gareth Rushgrove

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@garethr Docker

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This talk - A little background What is the user need behind CNAB? - Diving into the CNAB specification Core concepts and state of play - Emerging CNAB tools What tools have been built so far? An introduction to Cloud Native Application Bundles

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A bit of background

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How many tools do you use? In particular when describing/deploying your apps

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Helm, Kustomize, Docker, Compose, Kubernetes configs, Puppet, Chef, Salt, Ansible, Ksonnet, Pulumi, Pallet, Kops, Terraform, Kubespray, AWS CDK, Cloudformation, Serverless Framework, Azure Resource Manager, ...

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Helm, Kustomize, Docker, Compose, Kubernetes configs, Puppet, Chef, Salt, Ansible, Ksonnet, Pulumi, Pallet, Kops, Terraform, Kubespray, AWS CDK, Cloudformation, Serverless Framework, Azure Resource Manager, ...

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Helm, Kustomize, Docker, Compose, Kubernetes configs, Puppet, Chef, Salt, Ansible, Ksonnet, Pulumi, Pallet, Kops, Terraform, Kubespray, AWS CDK, Cloudformation, Serverless Framework, Azure Resource Manager, ...

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Multi-service apps often use multiple toolchains Which means distributing lots of versions of lots of tools, often separately from the application

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Large organisations often have a diversity of toolchains Which means distributing lots more versions of lots more tools

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CNAB allows for packaging the tools along with the app they manage Just install

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AWS RDS and Helm example

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But how many times have we re-invented package formats? Hint, it’s more than once

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With reference to XKCD 927

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CNAB isn’t trying to solve the whole problem Just the bits we can build agreement around

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Metadata Fundamental parts What do we mean when we say package On-disk representation Execution Distribution

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Terraform Cloud Formation Azure Resource Manager Compose Helm Pulumi etc. Terraform Module None None None Helm Chart None etc. Terraform Module Registry None None None Helm Chart Repository None etc.

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Terraform Cloud Formation Azure Resource Manager Compose Helm Pulumi etc. Terraform Module None None None Helm Chart None etc. CNAB compatible registries Compatibility between repositories/registries should reduce the upfront cost for adopting new technologies that utilise CNAB. You’ll already have a compatible package registry in place.

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Terraform Cloud Formation Azure Resource Manager Compose Helm Pulumi etc. Standard tools for creating packages for different toolchains Today not all tools have a package concept, CNAB makes that easier to implement in a standard way, either in technology-specific tooling (better UX) or generic tooling (no need to wait for integration) CNAB compatible registry

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CNAB is more like MSI than Helm Charts or Terraform Modules It’s not tool specific, it’s about compatibility between tools

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Diving into the spec

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Metadata CNAB parts What do we mean when we say package On-disk representation Execution bundle.json Specified file system layout OCI runtime with specified entry point and arguments Distribution OCI image and distribution specifications

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Table of contents

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bundle.json A schema for package metadata

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Basic metadata like name, version, description, etc.

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Credentials required by the tools to talk to relevant APIs (eg. KubeConfig.)

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The actions which the bundle responds to. Must include install, uninstall and upgrade.

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The user interface exposed to those installing the package. These are provided at runtime.

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Extend the metadata with format specific information.

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Invocation Image - A file system hierarchy following a defined pattern - A executable entry point responsible for translating action requests (install, upgrade,...) to a sequence of tasks - Runtime metadata - The material necessary for reproducing the invocation image Referenced in the bundle.json

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Claims A record of a CNAB action

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Signing, Attesting, Verifying and Validating Ensure package was vetted by a trusted entity and has not been altered

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Emerging CNAB tools

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Duffle: Go reference implementation

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Building a CNAB with duffle $ duffle build ./examples/helloworld/ Step 1/5 : FROM alpine:latest ---> 196d12cf6ab1 Step 2/5 : RUN apk add -u bash ---> Using cache ---> 54b3a85c5c2e Step 3/5 : COPY Dockerfile /cnab/Dockerfile ---> Using cache ---> cd6f4ff8d83d Step 4/5 : COPY app /cnab/app ---> 38a482447ffd Step 5/5 : CMD ["/cnab/app/run"] ---> Running in 8b22055f0a37 ---> e5c795c2a1f4 Successfully built e5c795c2a1f4 Successfully tagged deislabs/helloworld-cnab:64dfc7c4d825fe87506dbaba6ab038eafe2a486d ==> Successfully built bundle helloworld:0.1.0

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Installing a CNAB with duffle $ duffle install helloworld-demo -c helloworld-creds helloworld:0.1.0 Executing install action... hello world Install action Action install complete for helloworld-demo

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Docker App: Package Compose apps

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Start with a Compose file $ cat docker-compose.yml version: '3.6' services: hello: image: hashicorp/http-echo:${version} command: ["-text", "${text}"] ports: - ${port}:5678

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Provide metadata and parameters $ cat metadata.yml version: 0.1.0 name: hello description: sample app for DockerCon maintainers: - name: garethr email: [email protected] $ cat parameters.yml port: 8765 text: hello DockerCon version: latest

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Install and upgrade your application $ docker-app install Waiting for the stack to be stable and running... hello: Ready Stack hello is stable and running $ docker-app status ID NAME MODE REPLICAS IMAGE PORTS 38e1cec8-f88 hello_hello replicated 0/0 hashicorp/http-echo:latest *:8765->5678/tcp $ docker-app upgrade hello --set port=9876 --set text="hello again" Waiting for the stack to be stable and running... hello: Ready Stack hello is stable and running

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Get information about your bundle $ docker-app inspect hello 0.1.0 Maintained by: garethr sample app for DockerCon Service (1) Replicas Ports Image ----------- -------- ----- ----- hello 1 8765 hashicorp/http-echo:latest Parameters (3) Value -------------- ----- port 8765 text hello DockerCon version latest

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Push bundles to Docker Hub $ docker-app push --namespace garethr The push refers to repository [] b86b3b8bd0d3: Pushed 6b91c6b22046: Mounted from garethr/myapp ead7fcac6d91: Mounted from garethr/myapp df64d3292fd6: Mounted from garethr/myapp 0.1.0-invoc: digest: sha256:9f5fa85893cc87024a74b2261d19a309e5de55dff5e43d19fcf1d2f2657dbe2a size: 1157 Successfully pushed garethr/hello:0.1.0@sha256:1f7f2ac9ce061f7727addce5843d65fb052382f4e5f92dd38dd519b5e9b1e60a $ docker-app install garethr/hello:0.1.0 Waiting for the stack to be stable and running... hello: Ready Stack hello is stable and running

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CNAB is an implementation detail, unless you want to drop down a level

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bundle.json and Invocation Image $ docker-app bundle Invocation image "hello:0.1.0-invoc" successfully built $ docker image ls hello REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE hello 0.1.0-invoc cfd34904554c 6 days ago 40.1MB $ cat bundle.json { "name": "hello", "version": "0.1.0", "description": "sample app for DockerCon", "maintainers": [ { "name": "garethr", "email": "[email protected]", "url": "" }

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By creating CNAB bundles we get a GUI installer for free, in the form of duffle-bag Why we adopted CNAB?

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We can also more easily add support for different toolchains, all in the same signed package Why we adopted CNAB?

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Some examples to get you started garethr/docker-app-cnab-examples

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Duffle Bag: GUI installers for CNAB

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Porter: Declarative bundle builder

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Describe actions using mixins $ cat porter.yaml mixins: - exec name: hello version: 0.1.0 invocationImage: porter-hello:latest install: - description: "Say Hello" exec: command: bash arguments: - -c - echo Hello World uninstall: - description: "Say Goodbye"

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garethr/pycnab: Python client

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Write Bundle configuration in Python import json from cnab import Bundle, InvocationImage bundle = Bundle( name="hello", version="0.1.0", invocation_images=[ InvocationImage( image_type="docker", image="technosophos/helloworld:0.1.0", digest="sha256:aaaaaaa...", ) ], ) print(json.dumps(bundle.to_dict(), indent=4))

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Running a CNAB from Python from cnab import CNAB app = CNAB("fixtures/hellohelm/bundle.json") # list available actions print(app.actions) # list available parameters print(app.parameter) # list required credentials print(app.credentials) # Here we pass the value for the required credential # in this case by reading the existing configuration from disk with open("/home/garethr/.kube/config") as f: print("status", credentials={"kubeconfig":}))

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Conclusions - CNAB is a specification first Think MSI or OSI rather than Helm Charts - Early days, but lots of hacking potential Client libraries, contribute to existing tools, integrate your own software - Get involved #cnab on CNCF Slack, or open issues on the GitHub repository If all you remember is...

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Thanks and any questions?