Outropy is the PaaS that enables engineers
to build Compound AI apps and Agents…
check us out
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…but Outropy was the vscode for
everything you do that isn’t writing code
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• Cache invalidation
• Naming things
• “Book me a meeting every monday with
everyone from the web team”
We have 5 mins, let’s pick a hard
problem to go over
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Attempt #1- What we now call RAG-Fusion
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Attempt #2- What we now call GraphRAG
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just because I am in this channel/
commit to this repo/comment on this
Jira doesn’t mean I am part of this team
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Attempt #3- The Probablility Enterprise Graph
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can’t cross train with customer data and
even the largest customers don’t have
enough data to make the model work
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Attempt #4- Don’t boil the ocean
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ERR_ actually, this one wasn’t too bad
• 11,000 Users
• ~40 Companies
• 10x better than Slack*
AI for 1/3 of the price
• I miss it every day 😢
* In our own becnhmarks (we are still waiting to hear back from MKBHD)
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you are not here to
solve AGI
keep the main thing the
main thing