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What can CSS do?

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What can CSS do? A. Style a webpage

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What can CSS do? A. Style a webpage B. Reduce your HTML

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What can CSS do? A. Style a webpage B. Reduce your HTML C. Reduce your JavaScript

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What can CSS do? A. Style a webpage B. Reduce your HTML C. Reduce your JavaScript D. Testing

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What can CSS do? A. Style a webpage B. Reduce your HTML C. Reduce your JavaScript D. Testing E. All of the above

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E. All of the above

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Yeah sure... A lot of people still think CSS is just used as something to make things look pretty

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CSS is powerful CSS is really powerful and there is so much you can do with it.

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beyond .classes and #id CSS • These days it is so much more than just a bunch of classes and ids. • Lot more you can do with CSS Level 3 and the upcoming Level 4 selectors. • Show you some real world examples of where CSS selectors can in fact do all the things I mentioned before

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CSS level 3

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Attribute selector

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HTML - add a class - > apply styles to that class

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HTML .search-bar { ... } CSS - add a class - > apply styles to that class

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[foo=”bar”] attribute value - or use attr selector

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HTML - instead of using a class, we can use the type attribute to style the selector

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HTML input[type="search"] { ... } CSS - instead of using a class, we can use the type attribute to style the selector

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microdata [itemprop=”telephone”] [itemprop=”location”] - Also use attr selector to target content that has microdata, so in this case

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Substring matching attribute • Also do substring matching • check the value of the specified attribute for a string match

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Ends with substring

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[foo$=”bar”] ends with Instead of the ^, you use $ instead

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Download user manual HTML • To make it clearer what type of document the user might be downloading

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.icon {font-family: iconfont;} .icon-pdf:before { content: "\e600"; color: crimson; } CSS Download user manual HTML • To make it clearer what type of document the user might be downloading

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Download user manual HTML • Can make it even simpler by removing the span • Use “ends with” substring • Can determine what icon to display simply based on the href, and you can quite easily show different icons for the different file formats without having to worry about adding spans with different class names • Consistently apply the same visual treatment across your site without having to worry

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a[href$=".pdf"]:after { font-family: iconfont; content: "\e600"; color: crimson; } CSS Download user manual HTML • Can make it even simpler by removing the span • Use “ends with” substring • Can determine what icon to display simply based on the href, and you can quite easily show different icons for the different file formats without having to worry about adding spans with different class names • Consistently apply the same visual treatment across your site without having to worry

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:not() •opp of what other selectors do • basically saying.. if an element does not match an argument then apply styles

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Simple selectors

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• Class Selector • ID Selector • Type Selector • Universal Selector • Attribute Selector • Pseudo Class Selector Simple selectors

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HTML - Banner with some text -> want to apply color green to everything but keep the heading 1 using the default black - ...color green

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.banner :not(h1) { color: green; } CSS HTML - Banner with some text -> want to apply color green to everything but keep the heading 1 using the default black - ...color green

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Test accessibility (really?)

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HTML img:not([alt]) { border: 5px solid red; } CSS

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HTML img:not([alt]) { border: 5px solid red; } CSS

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... ... HTML Testing accessibility this way is really handy because you can see at a glance where all the problems are without the need look through the HTML

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... ... HTML table:not([summary]):after{ content: "Y U NO SUMMARY !(ಠӹಠ!"; font-weight: bold; color: red; } CSS Testing accessibility this way is really handy because you can see at a glance where all the problems are without the need look through the HTML

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... ... HTML table:not([summary]):after{ content: "Y U NO SUMMARY !(ಠӹಠ!"; font-weight: bold; color: red; } CSS Testing accessibility this way is really handy because you can see at a glance where all the problems are without the need look through the HTML

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:target • Most under used and also one of my favourites • Pseudo selector that allows you to style the element that matches the URL fragment identifier, which is the # in the URL

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• where it’s used - wikipedia - number takes you to the footnote it references and highlights the one it references. • makes it easier to see which part you’re suppose to be looking at

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The targeted paragraph

HTML - p has id that matches href of anchor - apply some style to the p when it’s targeted

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The targeted paragraph

HTML p:target { background: yellow; transition: background .25s ease-in-out; } CSS - p has id that matches href of anchor - apply some style to the p when it’s targeted

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- this is what happens

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:target for simple interaction - this is why i like it because

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JS free accordion

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HTML - just showing u the first panel of the accordion to keep things simple - by default -> content is hidden

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.acc-content { max-height: 0; overflow: hidden; opacity: 0; transition: all 1s ease; } .acc-content:target { max-height: 400px; opacity: 1; } CSS 1
HTML - just showing u the first panel of the accordion to keep things simple - by default -> content is hidden

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.acc-content { max-height: 0; overflow: hidden; opacity: 0; transition: all 1s ease; } .acc-content:target { max-height: 400px; opacity: 1; } CSS 1
HTML .acc-content:target { max-height: 400px; opacity: 1; } - just showing u the first panel of the accordion to keep things simple - by default -> content is hidden

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- advantage -> adds the id of the panel to the URL. - and it doesn’t require JS to do that. so if u need to reference one of the accordion panel elsewhere, you can easily use the URL with the URI fragment identifier

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selector Another good thing about these selectors is that.. you can use them in combination with querySelector and querySelectorAll.

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querySelector( ) selector selector Another good thing about these selectors is that.. you can use them in combination with querySelector and querySelectorAll.

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querySelector( ) selector selector querySelectorAll( ) selector Another good thing about these selectors is that.. you can use them in combination with querySelector and querySelectorAll.

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$('input[type="text"]')[0].value(); jQuery document.querySelector('input[type="text"]').value; JavaScript - if u just want to do simple things like selecting a DOM element -> don’t need jquery, and use querySelector, if no IE7

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document.querySelectorAll('.list li:not(:first-child):not(:last-child)'); JavaScript - can have quite complicated selectors - power of CSS selectors can extend into your JS and help make your it faster and better

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CSS Level 4 What’s coming in the (probably very far) future - lastly -> CSS4 - current in working draft

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!parentSelector - selector that people wish for the most

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  • ...
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HTML - class active on LI then style the UL - can’t do that now without JS - but with !parent you can - The syntax is still changing so it might not be the ! in the future

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HTML - class active on LI then style the UL - can’t do that now without JS - but with !parent you can - The syntax is still changing so it might not be the ! in the future

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  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
HTML document.querySelector('.active').parentNode.classList.add('list-active'); JavaScript - class active on LI then style the UL - can’t do that now without JS - but with !parent you can - The syntax is still changing so it might not be the ! in the future

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  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
HTML document.querySelector('.active').parentNode.classList.add('list-active'); JavaScript !ul > .active {...} CSS4 - class active on LI then style the UL - can’t do that now without JS - but with !parent you can - The syntax is still changing so it might not be the ! in the future

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:matches :matches pseudo class

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Slide 66 text, li.selected, li#item-1 { ... } CSS - apply the same style on all the different LI... currently we need to list them all out like so.. - with :matches, things are a little simpler and u don’t need to keep specifing the LI

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li:matches(.active, .selected, #item-1) {...} CSS4, li.selected, li#item-1 { ... } CSS - apply the same style on all the different LI... currently we need to list them all out like so.. - with :matches, things are a little simpler and u don’t need to keep specifing the LI

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a:hover, a:focus, a:active { ... } CSS

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a:matches(:hover, :focus, :active) {...} CSS4 a:hover, a:focus, a:active { ... } CSS

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:local-link - Location pseudo class - local:link - used to identify internal links and you can pass in a number as a parameter to target the different levels of the URL

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Slide 71 text - if webdirections is the local URL, we can style this link by passing in 0 into the local-link selectpr - if the URL is one level deep, we can.. - What makes it more useful, is if we combine it with the :not selector

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a:local-link(0) {color: green;} CSS4 - if webdirections is the local URL, we can style this link by passing in 0 into the local-link selectpr - if the URL is one level deep, we can.. - What makes it more useful, is if we combine it with the :not selector

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Slide 73 text - if webdirections is the local URL, we can style this link by passing in 0 into the local-link selectpr - if the URL is one level deep, we can.. - What makes it more useful, is if we combine it with the :not selector

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a:local-link(1) {color: yellow;} CSS4 - if webdirections is the local URL, we can style this link by passing in 0 into the local-link selectpr - if the URL is one level deep, we can.. - What makes it more useful, is if we combine it with the :not selector

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local: - more handy than adding a class or a span

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local: a:not(:local-link(0)):after { content: "\e602"; /* Unicode for the icon */ ... } CSS4 - more handy than adding a class or a span

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[attr] :not :target !parent :matches :local-link IE7+ IE9+ IE9+

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(Do not try this at home) -So I hope this talk has given you some ideas of how you can utilise the power of CSS selectors more to help with your development - CSS is really powerful and it can do a lot more than just styling a webpage.

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Thank you :)