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The API-First Framework Gets New Superpowers

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About me ✔ API Platform creator ✔ founder Kévin Dunglas @dunglas

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Improved Developer eXperience 01 02 03 04 Re-Engineered Design Standalone Client Tools New Roadmap

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But… Where Is API Platform 3?!

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Antoine Bluchet aka soyuka ✔ API Platform 3 lead ✔ Long-time Core Team member ✔ Famous FOSS contributor ○ pm2 maintainer ○ JS, PHP, Go…

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Let’s Release It Now! ✔ Test, fix, test 🔁 ✔ Write docs and changelogs ✔ Write blog posts ✔ Tag 10th of packages ✔ Update the distribution

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Let’s Celebrate API Platform Release Party 6pm @ Les Sales Mômes

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01 - Re-Engineered Design

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API Platform Core Values ✔ Easy to use… - Rapid Application Development ✔ …but suitable for advanced use cases - DDD, Clean Architecture, microservices… ✔ Batteries included ✔ Fast, cheap, and green ✔ Standards-compliant

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Pain Points With v2 ✔ “Subresources” (e.g. /organization/1/users/22) - Read-only - hard to customize ✓ Having small resources linked together instead of big resources improve performance and cache dynamics, cf. my Edge Side APIs presentation ✔ Hooking custom logic - possible but not trivial, not well understood ✓ DDD, Clean Architecture and custom persistence should be intuitive and easy ✔ Configuration - Verbose and hard to read ✓ Leverage PHP 8 attributes 😻

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Opportunities for v3 ✔ Fix design issues ✔ Leverage new features of our stack ○ Improved PHP attributes and types ○ Symfony, Docker, Next.js, Caddy… ✔ Rely even more on standards ○ RDF ○ OpenAPI ✔ Reduce maintenance burden ○ Remove legacy code

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Back to The Basics: The Web Architecture ✔ Webapps expose a network of resources ✔ Resources: - Any information that can be named - Valid resources: a thing, a temporary service, a collection of resources ✔ Resources have representations: - Ex: JSON-LD, JPEG, CSV… - The same resource can have multiple representations REST

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Interesting Standards Resource Description Format (RDF) ✔ Data model for web resources ✔ Various serialization formats: JSON-LD, Turtle, XML-RDF, RDFa… ✔ Classes, properties, links, type system… RDF

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Interesting Standards Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): ✔ ID system for web resources ✔ https:/ / ers/42 URI

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Interesting Standards URI Template: ✔ URI that includes parameters to be substituted ✔ https:/ /{oID} /users/{uID} URI Template

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Resource-Oriented Framework DEFINE THE RESOURCES TO EXPOSE

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PHP As an API Specification Language ✔ Describe the public data model exposed by the API ✔ Leverage the expressivity of PHP: - Types, visibility, relations, attributes… ✔ Resource objects are DTOs

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Resource-Oriented Framework ✔ Provides the infrastructure layer of your API ✔ Serializes resources representations from PHP objects ✔ Transforms resources representations in PHP objects

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Define The Resources Define your resources

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New: Import Your Data Model ✔ Create or use an existing RDF vocabulary… ✔ … or an OpenAPI Definition ✔ Run Schema Generator 5 to generate the PHP classes $ bin/schema generate \ src/ model-definition.yaml Design your API with Stoplight

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New: Improved Metadata ✔ PHP 8.1’s nested attributes ✔ Based on URI templates - Full control on the URL - Read+Write subresources - “Subresources” aren’t special anymore ✔ RDF & OpenAPI annotations (eg. types)

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Improved Metadata

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Resource-Oriented Framework PLUG YOUR BUSINESS LOGIC

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Hook Your Domain

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State Provider

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State Processor

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Still Natively Supported ✔ Doctrine ORM - Postgres, SQLite, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server ✔ Doctrine MongoDB ODM ✔ ElasticSearch (read-only) Use them (only) when needed!

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02 - Improved Developer eXperience

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New: Better Onboarding $ docker compose up ✔ Buildkit, Docker Compose v2 ✔ Faster and less frequent builds ✔ Faster on Mac and Windows ✔ Cleaner Caddy and PHP config ✔ Still prod-ready (Kubernetes…)

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New: Native Xdebug Support $ XDEBUG_MODE=debug docker compose up

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New: Better Next Integration ✔ Brand new Dockerfile ✔ pnpm instead of yarn ✔ Output File Tracing for prod ✔ Faster builds ✔ Slimmer image

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03 - Standalone Client Tools

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API Platform Admin ✔ OpenAPI support, works with any API ✔ Real-time updates with Mercure (if enabled on your API) ✔ Improved performance ✔ Better compatibility ✔ Uses React Admin 4.3

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API Platform Create Client ✔ OpenAPI support, works with any API ✔ Improved skeletons - TypeScript - Mercure - Modern libs $ pnpm create \ @api-platform/client

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04 - New Roadmap

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New Roadmap ✔ Major version every 2 years - Deprecated code removal - Drop support for non-current Symfony ✔ Minor version every 6 months ✔ Upgrade path: last minor = new major + backward compatibility

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New Roadmap ✔ September 2022: API Platform 3 and 2.6 ✔ November 2023: Symfony 7.0 ○ API Platform 3.2: compat wit Symfony 6 and 7 ✔ September 2024: API Platform 4.0 & 3.4 ○ API Platform 4.0: Symfony 7 only ✔ 🔁

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Thank you! ENJOY THE CONFERENCE! @dunglas dunglas;fr Questions during the Q&A session!