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AGENDA WHOAMI Simple Rules of the CON(DC29) Cultural Considerations Defensive Considerations

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WHOAMI • Father of 2 amazing children • BIC Director of Red Team Operations • Owner and Developer of Socks CTF • CEO Soldiers and Saints • Tech enthusiast • 18 years experience in IT / INFOSEC • Cyber Protection Team member in US ARMY National Guard • DEFCON Attendee and participant since DEFCON 10

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Simple Rules of the CON • The 312 rule 3 – at least Hours of Sleep 1 – Shower 2- Meals • Be a Human • Listen to the GOONS !! • GOONS could be susceptible to bribes • Everyone could possibly help with the CTF that you are participating

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Cultural Considerations

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Cultural Considerations The typical attendee is in the range of new and curious to experienced and competent , to hey this might be cool. The important thing to know is how to navigate this amazing experience without being caught lacking … more to come on this in the next slides Most ppl at DC29 will be there to have a good time , and there are groups and villages that cater to your interests so please explore the villages

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Defensive Considerations

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Defensive Considerations • The latest releases of hacks/compromise are going to be tried at the conference , with the introduction of hybrid villages there will no doubtley be the presence of nefarious wifi access points and or plugs , to include but not limited to; QR Codes, Bluetooth Redirection and social engineering. • This said I will attempt to give a non exhaustive list of useful tips .

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Defensive Considerations - PHONES • Remember that 3g still works in the U.S. and so does all your apps. Use a burner phone if you can or Shut Off your Bluetooth and wifi on your phone. • IPHONE most recent wifi compromise below --- DONOT Connect to SSIDs that you don’t know .

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Defensive Considerations - PHONES • Don’t use other peoples charging cable • If you must use someone else charging cable then use a usb condom

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Defensive Considerations - Computers • Don’t use other peoples USB’s • Use a spare machine when possible • Connect to the appropriate SSID’s • Run Programs in a virtual environment

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USEFUL Links USB Condoms • Guaranteed-Charging/dp/B0859GHLCS • DEFCON NOOB Questions question_regarding_cell/ • Virtualization