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Hybrid Conferences made by Small Teams Yasunobu Kawaguchi

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Yasunobu Kawaguchi Twitter: @kawaguti Senior Agile Coach at Agilergo Consulting Representative at Scrum Gathering Tokyo Organizing Committee Representative at DevOpsDays Tokyo CEO at YesNoBut Co. Pronunciation: “Yes No But”

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A Leading Company of Scrum Alliance® Certified Trainings since 2011 with Global Trainers! Agilergo Consulting

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Origin and Culture

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Jan 2010 : Jim Coplien let us know the missing link : Jeff and Nonaka Dec 2010 : Our first CSM training with Jim Coplien Jan 2011 : Our first CSPO training with Jeff Sutherland and Gabrielle Benefield Jan 2011 : Innovation Sprint conference took place at Rakuten collaboration with Kenji Hiranabe and Peak -1 Early History The first contact with Jeff Sutherland and Prof. Ikujiro Nonaka

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Gathering!! We started the local Gathering at Tokyo Jeff Patton Henrik Kniberg

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XP matsuri Agile Japan Scrum Gathering Tokyo More Advanced Topics Expanding Markets Fundamental Knowledges Case Studies Practitioners Newcomers

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XP matsuri Agile Japan Scrum Gathering Tokyo More Advanced Topics Expanding Markets Practitioners Fundamental Knowledges Newcomers Case Studies

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Initiating Scrum Gathering Tokyo 2011, two existing conferences were Agile Japan and XP Matsuri. XP Matsuri is a free, volunteer-run conference, primarily targeting young individuals new to agile methodologies. Agile Japan aimed to promote more agile practices in various companies, focusing on gathering case studies and encouraging participation from companies not previously engaged in agile.

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Sustainability and Community

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Key Insight from RSGT 2013 • Record Attendance: 2013 saw the highest number of participants and robust ticket sales. • Unexpected Turn at Evening Party: Despite the daytime success, most attendees left before the evening party. • Lack of "Gathering Feel": Noticed a significant drop in the enthusiasm and engagement among participants. • Realization: Focusing solely on increasing numbers can detract from creating the desired atmosphere. • Turning Point: This moment was a realization that success isn't just about numbers, but about the quality of engagement and community spirit.

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“Gathering” sees-the-largest-ever-gathering-of-clan-chiefs-1761486.html “A Scottish clan gathering is a tradition where members of a clan come together to celebrate their heritage and traditions. These gatherings are a significant part of Scottish culture and heritage.”

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“Gathering”≒ “Matsuri”(Festival) festival-omatsuri/0000001.html ( F e s t i v a l )

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Traditional Celebrations: Japanese festivals, known as "matsuri," are traditional celebrations rooted in Shintoism, Buddhism, and local customs. •Processions and Parades: Common features include mikoshi (portable shrines) processions, traditional music, and dance performances. •Food and Stalls: Festivals are known for yatai (food stalls) offering a variety of local street foods and games. “Matsuri” (Festival)

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- Annual Event on Fixed Dates - Organized by Local Community - Self-Managed and Operated - Emphasis on Fun and Passion - Long-term Sustainability - Supported by Business Communities “Matsuri” (Festival)

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Kanda Myojin Shrine Daikoku Matsuri Jan 13-14th This weekend!! 6 minutes walk from here.

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Peripheral to Central: Newcomers start at the periphery of a community and move towards the center as they gain knowledge and experience. Legitimate peripheral participation 正統的周辺参加

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Legitimate peripheral participation 正統的周辺参加 • Emphasis on Participant and Speaker Retention • Prioritizing Staff Experience • Sustainable Involvement for Organizing Committee • Consistency in Venue and Format • Familiar Setting and Timing

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Budget System : Cashflow Management Income Expenses Income Expenses Income Expenses Earlybird tickets Sponsors Standard tickets Sponsors Standard tickets Last minutes tickets Novelty Goods T-shirts, Banners Venue payments Keynote Budgets Bento Boxes Parties Conference Days 6 months before the conference

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Adapting to Change

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COVID-19 • The January 2022 conference achieved a record number of participants, with tickets selling out in 30 minutes. • In March, COVID-19 reached Japan, leading to the declaration of a state of emergency in April and the implementation of a lockdown.

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Online Fest in Osaka • We move to Online Scrum Fest Osaka in June. • Gather 19 tracks from various regional communities across Japan and other conferences.

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Virtual Corridor : Discord • We attempted to recreate the various casual conversations that occur in hallways using Discord. Discord served as a conduit to each meeting room's Zoom, and text channels were also used for writing responses to each session. Discord

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Bidirectional Interaction : Zoom Meeting Webinar • We are using Zoom's meeting feature, which allows anyone to speak, instead of the webinar function. • This choice is made to prioritize bidirectional interaction.

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Hybrid Gathering in RSGT2021 • For RSGT2021, due to the subsiding of the COVID-19 pandemic, we held an in- person event. However, we simultaneously streamed all sessions online via Zoom. • This setup allowed both participants and speakers the flexibility to attend or present either in person or online.

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You can access all videos in YouTube Channel

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Lateral Thinking with Withered Technology 「枯れた技術の水平思考」 by 横井軍平

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iPad 9th Generation : Center Stage Dynamic Zooming: If other people join you in the frame, Center Stage widens the view to include them and adjusts as they move or leave.

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iPad has everything we need Zoom Discord Camera / Center Stage HDMI out WiFi Sound I/O

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No Sound Crew No Camera Crew

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“Lateral Thinking with Withered Technology” Gunpei Yokoi : ex-Nintendo Known as the Father of Game Boy Encourages creative and unconventional thinking to repurpose existing technologies in new, innovative ways. 「枯れた技術の水平思考」 by 横井軍平 today_would_have_been_gunpei_yokois_71st_ birthday

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Shinagawa Agile is a small community that gathers every Wednesday night on Discord for casual conversations. Activities include mob programming, exploring broadcasting methods for hybrid events, uploading videos to YouTube, assisting with hybrid event streaming across Japan, and translating the "Scrum Patterns" book. Made by Shinagawa Agile

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Experiments in This Year

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We will provide a transcription service for some sessions, specifically aimed at assisting individuals with hearing impairments. Japanese Transcription

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To enhance the online viewing experience, we will continuously broadcast radio shows and interviews from the main hall. Additionally, those with online tickets can gather colleagues at their workplace to host simultaneous viewing parties. This should be particularly beneficial for those whose mission is to spread practices within their organization. Better Online Experiences

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In an effort to increase our capacity, we have begun exploring new venues for hosting. While moving to a hotel conference setting is expected to significantly increase costs, we view accommodating more people comfortably at our gatherings as an important issue and have thus initiated this research. Searching for New Venues

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Beyond Budgeting Whole Cashflow Conference Conference Conference Jan Feb Mar