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JAVA8 Such Streams… Much functional

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NEWFEATURES • Lambdas • Streams API • java.util.Optional • Improved APIs for Collections @bsideup

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LAMBDAS @bsideup Replace this… executor.submit(new Callable() { @Override public String call() throws Exception { return "Hello!"; } });

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LAMBDAS @bsideup Replace this… executor.submit(new Callable() { @Override public String call() throws Exception { return "Hello!"; } }); With this! executor.submit(() -> “Hello!");

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SYNTAXOPTIONS Compact Much less code compared to anonymous classes One liners No need to use “return” for one line statements Same scope You can use “this” inside a lambda expression, they also captures variables (by making them effective final). // Inline without an argument () -> "Hello" // With code block as a body () -> { String name = "John"; return "Hello " + name; } // With parameter lastName -> "Mr. " + lastName // With explicit type of parameters (int a, int b) -> a + b @bsideup

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STREAMS @bsideup

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STREAMS @bsideup filter sorted map collect Predicate Comparator Function Data

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STREAMS @bsideup filter sorted map collect Predicate Comparator Function Data 1 2 3

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STREAMS @bsideup filter sorted map collect Predicate Comparator Function Data 1 3 2

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STREAMS @bsideup filter sorted map collect Predicate Comparator Function Data 1 3

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STREAMS @bsideup filter sorted map collect Predicate Comparator Function Data 1 3

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STREAMS @bsideup filter sorted map collect Predicate Comparator Function Data

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CODE List items = ...; .filter(item -> item.getType() == Type.CIRCLE) .sorted(Comparator.comparing(Item::getId)) .map(item -> "Mr. " + item.getName()) .collect(Collectors.toList()) @bsideup

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CODE List items = ...; .filter(item -> item.getType() == Type.CIRCLE) .sorted(Comparator.comparing(Item::getId)) .map(item -> "Mr. " + item.getName()) .collect(Collectors.toList()) @bsideup Predicate

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CODE List items = ...; .filter(item -> item.getType() == Type.CIRCLE) .sorted(Comparator.comparing(Item::getId)) .map(item -> "Mr. " + item.getName()) .collect(Collectors.toList()) @bsideup Comparator

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CODE List items = ...; .filter(item -> item.getType() == Type.CIRCLE) .sorted(Comparator.comparing(Item::getId)) .map(item -> "Mr. " + item.getName()) .collect(Collectors.toList()) @bsideup Mapper

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CODE List items = ...; .filter(item -> item.getType() == Type.CIRCLE) .sorted(Comparator.comparing(Item::getId)) .map(item -> "Mr. " + item.getName()) .collect(Collectors.toList()) @bsideup Collector

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Puzzles @bsideup

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CASE1SIMPLE @bsideup int maximum = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (Person person : persons) { if (person.age() > maximum) { maximum = person.age(); } } assert maximum == maxAge;

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CASE1SIMPLE @bsideup int maximum = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (Person person : persons) { if (person.age() > maximum) { maximum = person.age(); } } assert maximum == maxAge; int maximum = .mapToInt(Person::age) .max() .orElse(Integer.MIN_VALUE); assert maximum == maxAge;

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CASE1BENCHMARK Ops/s 1 000 10 000 100 000 1 000 000 544 223 563232 Old Streams @bsideup Explanation Old implementation is simple For loop Streams still provide a good performance

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CASE2”LESS CODE” @bsideup Map> personsByAge = new HashMap<>(); for (Person person : persons) { int age = person.age(); List persons = personsByAge.get(age); if (persons == null) { persons = new ArrayList<>(); personsByAge.put(age, persons); } persons.add(person); } assert personsByAge.get(24).size() == 10;

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CASE2”LESS CODE” @bsideup Map> personsByAge = new HashMap<>(); for (Person person : persons) { int age = person.age(); List persons = personsByAge.get(age); if (persons == null) { persons = new ArrayList<>(); personsByAge.put(age, persons); } persons.add(person); } assert personsByAge.get(24).size() == 10; Map> personsByAge = persons .stream() .collect( Collectors.groupingBy(Person::age) ); assert personsByAge.get(24).size() == 10;

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CASE2BENCHMARK Ops/s 1 000 10 000 100 000 42966 45024 Old Streams @bsideup Explanation Collections are already heavily optimised Streams were designed and optimised with concurrency in mind, so they can handle concurrent grouping, old code is not

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CASE3”LEGACY” @bsideup Map> agesBySex = new HashMap<>(); for (Person person : persons) { List ages = agesBySex.get(; if (ages == null) { ages = new ArrayList<>(); agesBySex.put(, ages); } ages.add(person.age()); } Map averageAgeBySex = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry> entry : agesBySex.entrySet()) { double sum = 0; for (Integer age : entry.getValue()) { sum += age; } averageAgeBySex.put(entry.getKey(), sum / (double) entry.getValue().size()); }

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CASE3”LEGACY” @bsideup Map> agesBySex = new HashMap<>(); for (Person person : persons) { List ages = agesBySex.get(; if (ages == null) { ages = new ArrayList<>(); agesBySex.put(, ages); } ages.add(person.age()); } Map averageAgeBySex = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry> entry : agesBySex.entrySet()) { double sum = 0; for (Integer age : entry.getValue()) { sum += age; } averageAgeBySex.put(entry.getKey(), sum / (double) entry.getValue().size()); } Map averageAgeBySex = .collect( Collectors.groupingBy( Person::sex, Collectors.averagingDouble(Person::age) ) );

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CASE3BENCHMARK Ops/s 0 26 667 53 333 80 000 68454 44274 Old Streams @bsideup Explanation Not a good quality of old code, but one of the most popular ways of doing such things Heavily optimised algorithms under Stream implementation

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CASE4”NULL HELL” @bsideup Person person = getPersonFromCache(); if (person == null) { person = getPersonFromDatabase(); if (person == null) { person = createPerson(); } } if (person != null) { blackhole.consume(person); }

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CASE4”NULL HELL” @bsideup Person person = getPersonFromCache(); if (person == null) { person = getPersonFromDatabase(); if (person == null) { person = createPerson(); } } if (person != null) { blackhole.consume(person); } Stream.>of( this::getPersonFromCache, this::getPersonFromDatabase, this::createPerson ) .map(Supplier::get) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .findFirst() .ifPresent(blackhole::consume);

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CASE4BENCHMARK Ops/s 90 000 91 500 93 000 91939 91077 Old Streams @bsideup Explanation Magic :D JIT optimisations for Optional

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THANKYOU! @bsideup