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Realm ݽ߄ੌ ؘ੉ఠ߬੉झܳ ࢎਊ೧ ࠁ࣑աਃ?

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Realm ݽ߄ੌ ೒ۖಬਸ ࢎਊ೧ ࠁ࣑աਃ?

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যڌѱ Realm೯ࢎী ؀೧ ঌѱ غ࣑աਃ?

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૕ޙ SY큲잊뺂펞컪맏맏픦PCTFSWBCMF핂FNJU쇮쌚잖삲SFBMNJOTUBODFDSFBUFDMPTF읊솒캏뫎펔쁢힎뭏믖삖삲 SFCBTF퐎찒킅켗핆슽섾쇪멑핂핖빦푢 퓇뫊벦칺푷삲졂%#읊졶짢핊뫊퓇픒싾옪빦뿮컪칺푷쁢맪뼞핆많푢 
 3FBMN펞샎컪쫆멷헏픊옪팚팒쫂몮탄펂많삖삲퓮핃킪맒핂쇦밆짢앛삖삲 킲줂펞컪펂쎉멚푷쇦몮핖쁢힎뭏믖삖삲 펂썲킫픊옪칺푷쁢힎뭏믖삖삲 3FBMN핂42--JUF퐎찒묞픒쌚핳헞뫊삶헞핂줂펕핆많푢 졶짢핊앹슿킲줂펞헏푷쿦핖쁢핳믾쁳 팖슪옪핂슪펞컪3FBMN맫읊3FDZDMFS7JFX빦5BC-BZPVU펞컪70맫옪힏헟칺푷몋푾짪캫많쁳삲퍟줆헪펞샎읺뽆 푾읊팚몮탄킃삖삲 뮪졶펞컪픦칺푷폖 3FBMN푷찒힎삖큲짷팖 3FBMN픒퓶헏픊옪칺푷쁢짷쩣 펆헪핂SFMFBTF쇦쁢힎 0CKFDU4FSWFSBOE"OESPJE펾솧 4RMJUF몮줂펕핂삲읆힎 짾쌚펂썲헒얃픊옪짾많쇦쁢힎 *UTTVSQSJTFEUPLOPXZPVPFSUIFPJOFPDJBMNFFUVQJO4FPVM%PFTJUNFBOZPVXBOUUPSFJOGPSDFTBMFTIFSFJO 4,PSFB 홙픎칺훊켢컪맞칺삖삲 J04팮읺핂켦맪짪펞컪3FBMN픒헏푷쿦핖쁢짷쩣픒짾푾몮탄킃삖삲

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Realm QnA Made with

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Minwoo Park߅޹਋ @tebica *OD

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No content

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Realm employees

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Realm Korea

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ݽ߄ੌ ؘ੉ఠ߬੉झ

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Mobile DB World

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old fashioned SQLite is good but,

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Object Store

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referencing the Object Store

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 3FBMNIBTPXO$DPSF Core Data GreenDAO ORM lite ActiveAndroid are Sqlite based

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C++ core & cross platform

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뼒 풢핊뫃맪

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2 ֙੉ ૑դ ૑Ә, ׼न਷ ੉޷ Realmਸ ॳҊ੓׮

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Korean iOS Apps using Realm ݮۿ

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Korean Android Apps using Realm

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No content

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Realm [relm] ۬ sLn=kr&entryId=57e330e64f644ffda62f545eb1ed4bbe

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Why Realm?

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1. Fast 2. Easy to use 3. Features

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Results ੗ز সؘ੉౟

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Easy to use

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рѾೠ ௏٘

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 for mobile developers

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In-memory Realm

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AES-256+SHA2 by 64-byte encryption key Encryption

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String & Data upto 16MB

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Open source

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Realm features Fine-Grained Notifications Swift 3 Relationships Results Background Updates Encrypted Realm &Debugging tvOS / watchOS Realm browser Multiple DB AES encryption In-memory Realm Migrations Various add-ons CSV converter Fully open sourced

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CSV Converter

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No content

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ॳӝ औҊ ز੘ࣘبо ࡅܰҊ ׮নೠ ӝמਸ ઁҕೞҊ য়೑ࣗझ੉ݶࢲ ޖܐੋ

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ݽ߄ੌ ೒ۖಬ

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Why Realm Mobile database Syncח ੗زਵ۽ ੉ܖয ૘פ׮ ୡӝ ࢸ੿ ੉റ ಣࣗ৬ э੉ Realm database ݅ ࢎਊ Syncܳ ૑ਗೞח ׮নೠ Type Full featured SQLite replacement Syncח opt-in ӝמ -> Realm Mobile Platform੄ ӝୡ

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оמೞ૑݅ ҳഅೞӝ য۰਍,

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REST API, simple?

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Realm Mobile Platform

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Realm Mobile Platform

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Realm Mobile Platform

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Realm Functions

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Data connector Legacy DB ৬੄ ੗ز োѾ

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+ Custom Conflict Resolution

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RMP۽ औѱ ҳഅೡ ࣻ ੓णפ׮

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use cases

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Realm Tasks

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Realm Draw

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Realm Scanner

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Realm Puzzle

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Realm Chat

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Shared database

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API mobilization

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Realm QnA Realm Object Server Admin App Node.js app

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And so on and on..

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World Tour

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No content

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Realm tour t-shirts!

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No content

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Facebook Community

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• ೠҴ ಕ੉झ࠘ ಕ੉૑: • ೠҴ ಕ੉झ࠘ Ӓܛ: • ೠҴ ౟ਤఠ: • GitHub: • StackOverflow: • Email: 묻펂 &OHMJTITVQQPSU Strong support

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Build better mobile apps, faster.

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