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Fun with blocks in ObjC Cyril @notorca Lashkevich

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const char *s = "abc" "cde"; ! NSString *ns1 = @"abc" @"cde"; ! NSString *ns2 = @"abc" "cde"; ! NSString *ns1 = "abc" @"cde";

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History First appeared as ObjC/C/C++ extension in iOS 4 and Mac OS 10.6 Was implemented in gcc 4.2 (with bugs) and clang 3.1 First blocks-oriented API is the Grand Central Dispatch iOS 5 ARC (changed __block semantics) iOS 7 no need to call copy for blocks in many cases

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Similar concepts First class functions GCC nested functuons extension C++11 lambdas Ruby blocks Proc’s and lambdas Python lambdas Lua/JavaScript functions

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Syntax As a local variable: returnType (^blockName)(parameterTypes) = ^returnType(parameters) {...}; As a property: @property (nonatomic, copy) returnType (^blockName)(parameterTypes); As a method parameter: - (void)someMethodThatTakesABlock:(returnType (^)(parameterTypes))blockName; As an argument to a method call: [someObject someMethodThatTakesABlock: ^returnType (parameters) {...}]; As a typedef: typedef returnType (^TypeName)(parameterTypes); TypeName blockName = ^returnType(parameters) {...};

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Syntax In the implementation return type is optional and can be inferred by compiler:
 ^(void) { if(something) return 42; else return 43; } No parameters, parentheses are optional:
 ^ { if(something) return 42; else return 43; } Type can be deduced with typeof instruction:
 typeof(^ { if(something) return 42; else return 43; })

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Blocks as first class citizens Blocks are special kind of objects compatible with id Have *isa as first member Managed with retain/release/copy Can be passed as parameters and retuned from functions and methods Can be stored in containers Can be used in C++ algorithms as functors

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vector transfers; ... NSMutableArray *transferHist = 
 [[NSMutableArray alloc]
 initWithCapacity:transfers.size()]; for_each(transfers.begin(), transfers.begin(), ^(const int &x) { [transferHist addObject:@(x)]; }) NSDictionary *commands = @{ @"foo" : ^{ [self foo]; }, @"bar" : ^{ [self bar]; } };

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Blocks are closures They can capture values form lexical scope and prolong their lifetime By default values are captured as const, pointer to objects are referenced so using of self in block creates retain cycle if block somehow stored in the object __block changes semantics of capturing (different with and without ARC)

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Types of blocks NSGlobalBlock NSStackBlock NSMallocBlock

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Block from stack to heap .text invoke() Locals Stack *isa *invoke Scope locals NSStackBlock NSMallocBlock __block Locals *isa *invoke Scope locals

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Reference to self self is captured by strong reference in block Access to ivar is done throw implicit self
 ^ { NSLog(@"%@", _ivar); };
 ^ { NSLog(@"%@", self->_ivar); }; Retain cycle when block is saved as class member

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__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self; [obj doWithBlock:^ { [weakSelf doThing]; [weakSelf doOtherThing]; }]; __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self; [obj doWithBlock:^ { __strong typeof(self) strongSelf = weakSelf; [strongSelf doThing]; [strongSelf doOtherThing]; }]; self still can be used and create retain cycle (for example when using RACObserve)

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@weakify(self); [target.rac_deallocDisposable addDisposable: [RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{ @strongify(self); [self.leadingTerminal sendCompleted]; = nil; }]]; @strongify(self) can be missed @weakify(self) can be missed direct access to ivar -> retain cycle

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Goals Safe using of self in the block: weak until the block is called, strong during call self should called self Checking for ivar access in the block 
 [RACObserve(self, pttState) subscribeNext:@weakselfnotnil(^(NSNumber *state)) { self.isRecordingPTT = !!state.intValue; } @weakselfend];

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Block can be split arguments part:
 ^(NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *error) body:{ if (error) NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); else { self->statusCode = [response statusCode]; NSLog(@"HTTP status %d", statusCode); [self saveData:data forResponse:response]; } }

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#define weakself(ARGS, BODY) weakself(^(NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *error), { … }) ARGS { \ __strong typeof(weakSelf) self = weakSelf; return ^ BODY (); }

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^(NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *error) { __strong typeof(weakSelf) self = weakSelf; return ^{ if (error) { NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); } else { self->statusCode = [response statusCode]; NSLog(@"HTTP status %d", statusCode); [self saveData:data forResponse:response]; } } (); } ARGS { \ __strong typeof(weakSelf) self = weakSelf; return ^ BODY (); }

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^(__weak typeof(self) weakSelf) { return ARGS { \ __strong typeof(weakSelf) self = weakSelf; return ^ BODY (); } } (self) ^(__weak typeof(self) weakSelf) { return ^(NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *error) { __strong typeof(weakSelf) self = weakSelf; return ^{ if (error) { NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); } else { self->statusCode = [response statusCode]; NSLog(@"HTTP status %d", statusCode); [self saveData:data forResponse:response]; } } (); } (self)

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Too much blocks! Code Block Evaluation C Extension

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self.searchBar = ({ UISearchBar *searchBar = [[UISearchBar alloc] initWithFrame:({ CGRect frame = self.tableView.frame; frame.size.height = 50.0f; frame; })]; searchBar.delegate = self; searchBar; }); Example from NSHipster

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#define weakself(ARGS, BODY) ({ __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self; ARGS { \ __strong typeof(weakSelf) self = weakSelf; return ^ BODY (); }; }) #define weakself(ARGS, BODY) ^(__weak typeof(self) weakSelf) { return ARGS { \ __strong typeof(weakSelf) self = weakSelf; return ^ BODY (); } } (self)

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Checking ivar access retainCount method! Unavailable in ARC CFGetRetainCount still works well

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Compare reference count for self #define weakself(ARGS, BODY) ({ __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self; ARGS { \ __strong typeof(weakSelf) self = weakSelf; return ^ BODY (); }; }) Here And here

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How to do something after return? @onExit form libextobjc CFMutableDictionaryRef processedObjects = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &keyCallbacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); if (processedObjects == NULL) return nil; @onExit { CFRelease(processedObjects); };

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({ __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self; NSUInteger refBefore = CFGetRetainCount((__bridge CFTypeRef)self); @onExit { NSUInteger refAfter = CFGetRetainCount((__bridge CFTypeRef)weakSelf); assert(refBefore == refAfter); } ARGS { __strong typeof(weakSelf) self = weakSelf; return ^ BODY (); }; })

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Used extensions Code block evaluation ({ … }) typeof(…) __attribute((cleanup(…)))

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struct RefCountCheckerData { CFTypeRef weakSelf; NSUInteger refCountBefore; }; ! static inline void vbr_CheckRefCountForWeakSelf(struct RefCountCheckerData *data) { const NSUInteger refCountAfter = CFGetRetainCount(data->weakSelf); const NSUInteger countOfSelfRefInBlock = refCountAfter - data->refCountBefore; assert(countOfSelfRefInBlock == 0); } ! #define weakself(ARGS) \ "weakself should be called as @weakself" @"" ? \ ({ __weak typeof(self) _private_weakSelf = self; \ __attribute__((cleanup(vbr_CheckRefCountForWeakSelf), unused)) \ struct RefCountCheckerData _private_refCountCheckerData = { \ .weakSelf = (__bridge CFTypeRef)self, \ .refCountBefore = CFGetRetainCount((__bridge CFTypeRef)self), \ };\ ARGS { \ __strong typeof(_private_weakSelf) self __attribute__((unused)) = \ _private_weakSelf; \ return ^ (void) { ! #define weakselfend \ try {} @finally {} } (); }; \ }) : nil

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 Cool macro with @ #define weakify(...) \ try {} @finally {} \ metamacro_foreach_cxt(mtl_weakify_,, __weak, __VA_ARGS__) #define weakify(...) \ autoreleasepool {} \ metamacro_foreach_cxt(mtl_weakify_,, __weak, __VA_ARGS__)

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#define coolmacro(ARGS) \ 1 ? ({ ... }) : nil ! @coolmacro(111) -> @1 ? ({ ... }) : nil coolmacro(111) -> 1 ? ({ ... }) : nil #define coolmacro(ARGS) \ [@1] ? ({ ... }) : nil ! @coolmacro(111) -> @[@1] ? ({ ... }) : nil coolmacro(111) -> [@1] ? ({ ... }) : nil

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const char *s = "abc" "cde"; ! NSString *ns1 = @"abc" @"cde"; ! NSString *ns2 = @"abc" "cde"; ! NSString *ns1 = "abc" @"cde";

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#define coolmacro(ARGS) \ "@ missed" @"" ? ({ ... }) : nil ! @coolmacro(111) -> @"@ missed" @"" ? ({ ... }) : nil coolmacro(111) -> "@ missed" @"" ? ({ ... }) : nil

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