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Kafka Streams for Event-Driven Microservices DevNation Live - Oct 18, 2018 Marius Bogoevici Principal Specialist Solution Architect @mariusbogoevici

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Marius Bogoevici ● Principal Specialist Solution Architect at Red Hat ○ Specialize in Integration/Messaging/Data Streaming ● OSS contributor since 2008 ○ Spring Integration ○ Spring XD, Spring Integration Kafka ○ Former Spring Cloud Stream project lead ● Co-author “Spring Integration in Action”, Manning, 2012

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INSERT DESIGNATOR, IF NEEDED 3 Why event-driven microservices? ● Event-driven architecture reduces friction ○ From a technical standpoint: ■ Building robust and resilient distributed architectures ○ From a development process standpoint ■ Composability encourage agility and experimentation ○ From a business standpoint: ■ Aligns digital business with the real world ● Microservice use cases ○ State propagation: CDC/Event Sourcing/CQRS ○ Event-driven DDD

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INSERT DESIGNATOR, IF NEEDED 4 Coordinating state is hard

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INSERT DESIGNATOR, IF NEEDED 5 Coordinating events and state is harder

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INSERT DESIGNATOR, IF NEEDED 6 Kafka as a distributed messaging system How about applications that are both producers and consumers and perform complex computations?

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INSERT DESIGNATOR, IF NEEDED 7 ● Client library for stream processing ○ Embed stream processing features into regular Java applications ○ Create sophisticated topologies of independent applications ○ One-record-at-a-time processing (no microbatching) ● Kafka-to-Kafka semantics ○ Event/State management coordination ○ Stateful processing support ○ Transactions/exactly once Kafka Cluster Application Kafka Streams Kafka Streams Overview Events State

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INSERT DESIGNATOR, IF NEEDED 8 Kafka Streams - high level functional DSL KStream words =“words”) KTable countsTable = words.flatMapValues(value -> Arrays.asList(value.toLowerCase().split("\\W+"))) .map((key, value) -> new KeyValue<>(value, value)) .groupByKey(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String()) .count(timeWindows, "WordCounts"); KStream counts = counts.toStream()“counts”)

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INSERT DESIGNATOR, IF NEEDED 9 Key Kafka Streams abstractions ● KStream ○ Record stream abstraction ○ Read from/written to external topic as is ● KTable/GlobalKTable ○ Key/Value map abstraction ○ Read from/written to topic as a sequence of updates based on record key ○ Complex operations: joins, aggregations ● Stream/Table Duality ○ KStream -> KTable - read a stream as a changelog centered around the key ○ KTable -> KStream - table updates are produced as a stream ● Time windowing for aggregate operations

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INSERT DESIGNATOR, IF NEEDED ● Kubernetes makes running complex topologies reliable, transparent and boring ● Not only for applications, but also messaging infrastructure ● In-built resource management ○ Memory, CPU, disk ● Elastic scaling ● Monitoring and failover ○ Health, logging, metrics ● Routing and load balancing ● Rolling upgrades and CI/CD ● Namespacing Kafka Streams and Kubernetes

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Strimzi: Provisioning Kafka on Kubernetes What is Strimzi ? ● Open source project focused on running Apache Kafka on Kubernetes and OpenShift ● Available as a part of Red Hat AMQ ● Licensed under Apache License 2.0 ● Web site: ● GitHub: ● Slack: ● Mailing list: ● Twitter: @strimziio

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Cluster Controller Creating and managing Apache Kafka clusters Zookeeper Kafka Cluster Controller Config Map Manages

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Topic Controller Creating and managing Kafka topics Zookeeper Kafka Topic Controller Config Map Manages topics

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Kafka Streams on Kubernetes 14 Kafka Cluster Application Kafka Streams Container changelog events Application Kafka Streams Container changelog events Application Kafka Streams Container changelog events

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INSERT DESIGNATOR, IF NEEDED 15 Kafka Streams: stateful and stateless deployments Kafka Cluster Application Kafka Streams In-memory state store Local disk ● Changes propagated to changelog topic ● Stored locally for recovery/restart ● Fully stateless deployments require to replay the topic on restart/failover ● State store recovery can be optimized by providing access to stateful deployments changelog events

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INSERT DESIGNATOR, IF NEEDED 16 Kafka Streams with Kubernetes StatefulSets Application Kafka Streams Pod Application Kafka Streams Pod Application Kafka Streams Pod volume-word-count-0 word-count-1 word-count-2 volume-word-count-1 volume-word-count-2 word-count-0

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