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@benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 1

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Who's this clown? 2 • Security Engineer at Stripe. • Infrastructure security at Etsy. • Now has a commit in osquery, be afraid. • Once wore Mike Arpaia's pants to work, because he leC them in the office. 2 h$ps:/ /twi$ @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 2

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What have the organisers unleashed?! • A lot of Genesis / Phil Collins references. • Some talk of osquery, probably. • Endpoint visibility And you may ask yourself, "Well... how did I get here?" @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 3

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Actually Mac visibility @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 4

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Enter BigMac 2012 Facebook talk of Big Mac "Checks most basic persistence op2ons" @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 5

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ENHANCE! Huh? This looks familiar... @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 7

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Meanwhile, back at stately Wayne Manor @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 8

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Etsy security team • Roll on early 2013 • Etsy looking to make our own version • Standard development prac=ces apply @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 9

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is born • Python based (system python) • modular • persistent datastore (sqlite) • logs to disk, which then goes to splunk @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 11

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Scroll forward to December 2013 @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 12

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Which then got released publicly (and /ever so slightly/ nerfed) as MIDAS, to rave reviews on HackerNews Also, a(er looking at the code, it's barely useful. — [deleted] 22 points 4 years ago @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 13

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Mike -> Facebook Zane -> Signal Sciences @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 14

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2014 • Rich Smith adds a proper build system... • "Stealth mode" of no binaries on disk, by using pyinstaller (yes I know they're s@ll on disk) • I became the overprotec@ve maintainer of it. @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 15

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Etsy security ❤ Facebook security @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 16

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Mike Arpaia @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 17

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"640K ought to be because of architectural limita6on of the IBM XT" • "Facebook has a whole floor of analysts, we have none, so Python is be9er than SQL for us." • "I want to be alerted when someone compromises something, not when I go looking for it." • "We already have something that works, lets just keep maintaining that." @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 19

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So what happened? @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 20

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@benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 21

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"I was completely and u2erly wrong on every level" — Me @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 23

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So why are we even listening to you again? @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 24

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You don't have to always be right, but it's helpful to admit when you're wrong @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 25

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Don't Get A*ached To Your Code @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 26

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being proud of code you write is different to being beholden to it @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 27

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and that was the only catharsis that they could find without violence... @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 28

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@benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 29

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Osquery @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 30

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If leaving me is Etsy @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 31

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We had osquery % osqueryi --version osqueryi version 2.2.3 @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 32

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@benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 33

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Doorman • rad, useful, easy to get going! • has a backing persistent storage, so queries get hunted down. • from looking at it, looked a solid architecture and in python @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 34

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Doorman cont. • from looking at it, argh my eyes, burning... (okay, its very func9onal but not pre;y) • like everything at Stripe, customised forked version • which you could only access over SSH port forwarding @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 35

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kolide/fleet Was just kolide back then, commercial offering @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 36

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How does fleet work? @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 37

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{ "cake": "eccles", "coffee": "long black", "serialisation": "ASN1" } @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 41

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ELK @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 42

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@benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 43

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@benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 44

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Fleet at Stripe • 1000s of endpoints. • mul2ple pla4orms. • phased roll out thanks to Munki • lots of exci2ng interes2ng queries! @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 45

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Ben, it's lunch soon, wrap this up! — everyone @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 46

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Fine, lets Neal Stephenson this slide show! — me @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 47

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Security and opera/ons and everything in between, be careful with that pride @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 48

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Just because you own the code, don't let the code own you @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 49

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Community @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 50

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Lunch! @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 51

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• Twidder: @benjammingh • LinkedIn: • SpeakerDeck: • Stripe: Careers <--- Engineering blog @benjammingh for QueryCon 2018 52