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Data on the Web Will Farrington

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File I/O

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File I/O • Minimal reusability • No "correct" format • Hard to maintain • Prone to problems caused by encoding changes

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Comma Separated Values

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CSV • Used for tabular data • Small footprint • Widely recognized and supported format • Many different flavors • Support in database systems and spreadsheets

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Example CSV Id,Name,Desc,Points,Due 1,Homework 1,Nothing special,15,6/7/2011 15,"Project, número uno",,100,6/21/2001

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Extensible Markup Language

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XML • Open, standard specification • Unicode-friendly • Came to prominence with Java and .NET • Widely used on the web • Good at representing tree-like data

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Example XML Tue Jun 07 21:30:50 +0000 2011 78212343649140736 @skalnik Looks good. <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for Mac</a> false false 78211453777231872 15878923 skalnik 0 false 10403812

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Criticisms of XML • Very verbose • Parsers can be extremely complicated • Does not map well to some type systems • Does not represent highly structured data well

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JavaScript Object Notation

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JSON • Based on a subset of JavaScript circa 2003 • Lightweight • Simple to parse • Designed to be human-readable • Well-suited to structured data as well as trees

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Example JSON [{ "coordinates":null, "created_at":"Tue Jun 07 21:30:50 +0000 2011", "truncated":false, "favorited":false, "contributors":null, "text":"@skalnik Looks good.", "id":78212343649140736, "retweet_count":0, "geo":null, "retweeted":false, "in_reply_to_user_id":15878923, "source":"Twitter for Mac", "place":null, "in_reply_to_screen_name":"skalnik", "user":{"id":10403812}, "in_reply_to_status_id":78211453777231872 }]

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More on JSON • eval() (is bad) • JSON.parse() • Built-in browser support • Popular for AJAX: both single-domain and cross-domain

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JSONP • JSON with Padding • Used for cross-domain requests • Alternative to Cross-Origin Resource Sharing • Only supports GET

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BSON • Binary JSON • Superset of JSON • Used by MongoDB for storage of binary data

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YAML Ain't Markup Language

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YAML • Not often used over the network • Popular for configuration files • Human-readable • Data-oriented • No execution means no injection

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Example YAML --- - coordinates: created_at: Tue Jun 07 21:30:50 +0000 2011 truncated: false favorited: false contributors: text: "@skalnik Looks good." id: 78212343649140736 retweet_count: 0 geo: retweeted: false in_reply_to_user_id: 15878923 source: Twitter for Mac place: in_reply_to_screen_name: skalnik user: id: 10403812 in_reply_to_status_id: 78211453777231872

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What to do with all these formats?

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Application Programming Interfaces

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APIs • Websites tell you what formats they support • Websites document their URL structure • Developers use these APIs to integrate products • You can even consume your own APIs

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Not everyone offers APIs

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What do?

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Screen-scraping • Requests the full HTML for a page • Parses out the content you want • Slow • Website layout may change and break yours

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Will Farrington