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Hands-on Python for Beginners

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Outline ● Intro ● Basics ● Little Deep ● Hands On ● Taking things ahead!

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At the end of Session

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Why Programming?

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Why Programming? Machines can work faster than humans.

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Why Python?

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Why Python? When your hammer is Python, everything is easy to nail.

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Python Apps in Real Life ● Web -,, instagram. com, mozilla and counting… ● Games -, Disney’s Pirates of Carrebian ● Music - ● Research - PyMol

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The Python Ecosystem (popular libraries) ● Web - django, flask, pyramid, turbogears. ● Research & Analytics - MatPlotLib, SciPy, NumPy, SciKit Learn, Pandas ● Game - PyGame and more. ● Cloud - Ansible, SALT and more. ● Mobile - Kivy and more.

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The Python Ecosystem (community) ● BDFL - He will reply to silliest of your mails. Hail Guido! (does not mean you should write one to bother him :) ● PyCons across the globe ● IRC ● Questions on and Quora. com ● Google Groups ● Open Source Projects on GitHub

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Before we Begin “Ask every question, even the stupid ones. Actually, make sure to ask the stupid questions.” - Daniel Greenfeld(Django Demigod) (Further Reading)

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Skim Through the Notes from here.

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The Zen of Python - import this

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Online Resources ● ● ● ● python-koans ● Learn Python The Hard way ● Think Python ● projects ● Python Module of the Week

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Feel free to Contact gamebit07 at gmail dot com Please do *not* throw rotten tomatoes/eggs!