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Decade of

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Happy 15th Anniversary, NIX.CZ !!!!! 01001000 01100001 01110000 01110000 01111001 00100000 00110001 00110101 01110100 01101000 00100000 01000001 01101110 01101110 01101001 01110110 01100101 01110010 01110011 01100001 01110010 01111001 00101100 00100000 01001110 01001001 01011000 00101110 01000011 01011010 00100000 00100001 00100001 00100001 00100001 00100001

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Japanese Internet in 2011 • Number of fixed broadband subscribers are 20 million and increasing. But increasing ratio is gradually down. • Global IPv4 address has been run out, and IPv6 Internet access service is about to launch. • Smart phone users are rapidly increasing, and LTE service is already available since Dec. 2010.

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Japanese Internet

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JPNAP • 10 years old • 4 footprints in JAPAN • ~100 x 10GE, 60 x 1GE • 250Gbps+ in Total

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JPNAP • jpnap-all-longlong.png

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Back in 2004 • 30Gbps+ • ~50 customers • Large ISPs started using 10GE • Annoying traffic congestion • New technologies were getting mature

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What the Japanese Internet looked like in 2004 Transit 2 ICP ICP IX IX ISP2 END ISP3 ISP4 ISP5 ISP1 END END END END ICP Transit 1 CDN, Large ICP

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Still Good Old Days? • Game! • MMORPG hosted in North Asia (Korea, China, ...) • TE was the most important for QoE • p2p • Transit price going downhill • Since Cogent hit the market

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New Technologies

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More Focus on Applications

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Hyper Giants were already big enough (2008) Transit 2 ICP ICP IX IX ISP2 END ISP4 END END END END END Transit 1 ISP1 ISP3 ISP5 ISP3 CDN, Large ICP

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• Anomaly traffic was a headache • Flow based Analysis More focus on applications

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Japanese authorities permitted providers to limit huge customer traffic (like p2p) in some cases for network neutrality More focus on applications

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In case that access networks become oligopoly Transit 2 ICP ICP IX IX ISP2 END ISP4 END END END END END Transit 1 ISP1 ISP3 ISP5 ISP3 CDN, Large ICP

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Possible future trends

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How do we get along with

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Possible scenario? • Changing role of IX • IX in Japan will be an aggregator of content providers and application service providers, and connect to access providers

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Aggregating contents providers Transit 2 ICP ICP IX IX ISP2 END ISP4 END END END END END Transit 1 CDN, Large ICP ISP1 ISP3 ISP5 ISP3 ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP ICP

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If IX market shrinks, … Transit 2 ICP ICP IX IX ISP2 END ISP4 END END END END END Transit 1 CDN, Large ICP ISP1 ISP3 ISP5 ISP3 ICP ICP

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Possible scenario? • IXes in Japan will be merged • JPIX and JPNAP as one?? • Commercial competition ends • Merged and transferred to non- profit organization??

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Asia •  Asian countries will become much more closely related than before •  Materials, designing, manufacturing, delivery, … and market is expanding as well •  Supply-chain is supported by communications •  On the other hand, communication on the Internet in Asian countries is smaller than expected •  More than tens of gigabit traffic in IX are in Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, and India •  We can see a lot of room to growth in other Asian countries

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IX Ring in Asia •  ISPs in Asia should be a lplatformz for communication in this region, which accelerates economical growth in Asia •  Their peering should not be restricted by a few transit providers. IX and layer 2 connection among them possibly support it Next step •  Global Ring? •  Or alliances and competition between IXes?

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What is Internet Exchange? •  IX is inherently lLayer-2 networkz and lconnecting ASesz •  Already we are in the age of not lexchange POINTz but lexchange PLANEz •  Combination of IX and L2 network will expand •  Not only in a city or country but regionally or globally •  Layer 2 network: Keyword is lvirtualizationz •  L2 pseudo-wire can be provided over various network infrastructures. •  Increasing lflexibilityz of our services

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