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DevOps in Cloud age Developer Cloud Infrastructure User IT

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About me

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Cloud Automation 49

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Unified Management API Management API (Azure Resource Manager) Cloud Service Cloud Service Cloud Service Web Portal CLI SDK 3rd Party

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REST calls PUT{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/ {resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/mystorageaccount ?api-version=2016-01-01 { "location": "westus", "properties": { } "sku": { "name": "Standard_LRS" }, "kind": "Storage" }

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var storageAccount = az.StorageAccounts.Define(storageAccountName) .WithRegion(Region.US_EAST) .WithNewResourceGroup(resourceGroupName) .Create(); SDKs to call those REST endpoints

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az storage account create \ --location westus \ --name samplesa \ --resource-group myrg \ --sku LRS Command-line Tools

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Step-by-step provisioning process Depend on both the current and the target state How to handle failures? Imperative Complex Error-prone SDK and Scripting: Challenges

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Desired State Configuration 51

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Desired State Configuration Target Current Tool

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Managing Resource Graphs Target Current Tool

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Be able to describe the desired state in full, concisely, and correctly Determine the correct order of creation and destruction Preview the changes before running the deployment Expressiveness Correctness Transparency Challenges

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ARM Templates: JSON "resources": [ { "apiVersion": "2016-01-01", "type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts", "name": "mystorageaccount", "location": "westus", "sku": { "name": "Standard_LRS" }, "kind": "Storage", "properties": { } } ]

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resource "azurerm_storage_account" "sa" { name = "mysa" location = azurerm_resource_group.rg.location resource_group_name = account_tier = "Standard" account_replication_type = "LRS" } Terraform: DSL (HashiCorp Configuration Language)

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Lack of fast feedback about errors Which options need to be filled and which values are possible Thousands of lines of markup are hard to write, read, and navigate Tooling Discovery Size Markup Authoring Experience

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Example: Code to infrastructure ratio Storage Table “URLs” Function “Add URL” Function “Open URL” Lines of code Function Code ~20 ARM Templates ~160 Terraform ~140 Estimates based on public examples

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{ "condition": "[equals(parameters('production'), 'Yes')]", "type": "Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets", "apiVersion": "2017-03-30", "name": "[variables('availabilitySetName')]", "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", "properties": { "platformFaultDomainCount": 2, "platformUpdateDomainCount": 3 } } Conditionals Example for Azure RM Templates

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locals { files = ["index.php","main.php"] } resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "files" { count = "${length(local.files)}" key = "${local.files[count.index]}" bucket = "${}" source = "./src/${local.files[count.index]}" } Loops Example for Terraform

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Developer Tools

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Pulumi 56

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General-Purpose Programming Languages Node.js Go Python .NET

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var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("rg"); var storageAccount = new Account("storage", new AccountArgs { ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, AccountReplicationType = "LRS", AccountTier = "Standard", }); C# example

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Still, Desired State! var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("rg"); var storageAccount = new Account("storage", new AccountArgs { ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, AccountReplicationType = "LRS", AccountTier = "Standard", });

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How Pulumi works CLI & engine Last deployed state Program.cs Language host Azure AWS GCP Kubernetes new Resource() CRUD

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Static Website on Azure 59

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Components: Serverless Functions 04

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Resources to Provision an Azure Function Blob Plan Container Storage Account Function App

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Component Resources

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// A resource group to contain our Azure Functions var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("functions-rg"); // A .NET Azure Function var dotnet = new ArchiveFunctionApp("http", new ArchiveFunctionAppArgs { ResourceGroup = resourceGroup, Archive = new FileArchive("./dotnet/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/publish") }); .NET Azure Function

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Let’s run pulumi up … Type Name Plan + pulumi:pulumi:Stack functions-dev create + ├─ azure:appservice:ArchiveFunctionApp http create + │ ├─ azure:storage:Account http create + │ ├─ azure:appservice:Plan http create + │ ├─ azure:storage:Container http create + │ ├─ azure:storage:ZipBlob http create + │ └─ azure:appservice:FunctionApp http create + └─ azure:core:ResourceGroup rg create

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// A Node.js Azure Function var js = new ArchiveFunctionApp("js", new ArchiveFunctionAppArgs { ResourceGroup = resourceGroup, Archive = new FileArchive("./javascript"), Runtime = "node" }); Node.js Azure Function

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var linuxResourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("linux-rg"); var linuxPlan = new Plan("linux-asp", new PlanArgs { ResourceGroupName = linuxResourceGroup.Name, Kind = "Linux", Reserved = true, Sku = new PlanSkuArgs { Tier = "Dynamic", Size = "Y1" } }); var python = new ArchiveFunctionApp(...); Python Azure Function on Linux

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var linuxResourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("linux-rg"); var linuxPlan = new Plan("linux-asp", new PlanArgs { ... }); var python = new ArchiveFunctionApp("py", new ArchiveFunctionAppArgs { ResourceGroup = linuxResourceGroup, Archive = new FileArchive("./python"), Plan = linuxPlan, Runtime = "python" }); Python Azure Function on Linux

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Cosmos App 08

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Cosmos App (1)

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Cosmos App (2)

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Cosmos App (3)

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Cosmos App (4)

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var app = new CosmosApp("functions", new CosmosAppArgs { ResourceGroup = resourceGroup, Locations = ["WestUS", "EastUS", "WestEurope"], Factory = global => region => { var func = new ArchiveFunctionApp("app", new ArchiveFunctionAppArgs { ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, Location = region.Location, Archive = new FileArchive("./app/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.2/publish"), AppSettings = { { "CosmosDBConnection", global.ConnectionString } } }); return new AzureEndpoint(func.AppId); } }); Global Applications

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var app = new CosmosApp("functions", new CosmosAppArgs { ResourceGroup = resourceGroup, Locations = ["WestUS", "EastUS", "WestEurope"], Factory = global => region => { var func = new ArchiveFunctionApp("app", new ArchiveFunctionAppArgs { ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, Location = region.Location, Archive = new FileArchive("./app/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.2/publish"), AppSettings = { { "CosmosDBConnection", global.ConnectionString } } }); return new AzureEndpoint(func.AppId); } }); Global Applications

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Provider models 12

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N providers, M runtimes

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N providers, M runtimes

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O(N*M) complexity

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O(N+M) complexity Intermediate Representation

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O(N+M) complexity

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State Management and Backends 14

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State Management CLI and Engine Last deployed state Program.cs Language host AWS Azure GCP Kubernetes new Resource() CRUD Pulumi Service Blob Storage / S3 Local disk

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Open-source Free for any use Cross-platform Written in Go Open-source Free for any use Can be created by 1st or 3rd party Web API + portal “GitHub for infra” Free for individuals Paid plans for teams Useful but not required CLI Providers SaaS backend Pulumi components

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Cloud credentials must be configured for CLI to run az login Tokens can be set via environment variables CLI Local logins Environment Cloud Authentication

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Deployment process Allow developers to iterate quickly on dev environments. Gain visibility and change management with Continuous Delivery.

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Kubernetes 17

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Kubernetes layers Managed Kubernetes cluster (AKS) Infrastructure Resources (networking, storage, identity) Managed Service Managed Service Application Application Application

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Organizations, Projects, and Stacks Org: acme-corp Project: vpc Stack: dev env: dev region: us-east-1 Stack: prod env: prod region: us-west-2 Project: k8s-cluster Stack: dev env: dev region: us-east-1 Stack: prod env: prod region: us-west-2 Project: svc-userprofile Stack: dev env: dev region: us-east-1 Stack: prod env: prod region: us-west-2 Project: svc-email Stack: dev env: dev region: us-east-1 Stack: prod env: prod region: us-west-2

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Stack References Org: acme-corp vpc Stack: dev env: dev region: us-east-1 k8s-cluster Stack: dev env: dev region: us-east-1 svc-userprofile Stack: dev env: dev region: us-east-1 svc-email Stack: dev env: dev region: us-east-1

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Advanced scenarios 19

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F# 22

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let storageAccount = Account("sa", AccountArgs (ResourceGroupName = io resourceGroup.Name, AccountReplicationType = input "LRS", AccountTier = input "Standard")) let sku = PlanSkuArgs(Tier = input "Basic", Size = input "B1") let appServicePlan = Plan("asp", PlanArgs (ResourceGroupName = io resourceGroup.Name, Kind = input "App", Sku = input sku)) Resources in F#

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let d = deployment "mydep" { deploymentSpec { replicas 3 selector { matchLabels appLabels } podTemplateSpec { metadata { labels appLabels } podSpec { container { name "nginx" image "nginx" containerPort 80 } } } } } Computation Expression DSL?

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Quality Control 24

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[Fact] public async Task InstancesMustNotHaveSshPortOpenToInternet() { var result = await Deployment.TestAsync(); var resource = result.Resources.OfType().Single(); var ingress = await resource.GetAsync(sg => sg.Ingress); foreach (var rule in ingress) foreach (var cidrBlock in rule.CidrBlocks) { Assert.False(rule.FromPort == 22 && cidrBlock == "", "Illegal SSH port 22 open to the Internet (CIDR"); } } Unit Testing

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[Fact] public async Task InstancesMustNotHaveSshPortOpenToInternet() { var result = await Deployment.TestAsync(); var resource = result.Resources.OfType().Single(); var ingress = await resource.GetAsync(sg => sg.Ingress); foreach (var rule in ingress) foreach (var cidrBlock in rule.CidrBlocks) { Assert.False(rule.FromPort == 22 && cidrBlock == "", "Illegal SSH port 22 open to the Internet (CIDR"); } } Unit Testing

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[Fact] public async Task InstancesMustNotHaveSshPortOpenToInternet() { var result = await Deployment.TestAsync(); var resource = result.Resources.OfType().Single(); var ingress = await resource.GetAsync(sg => sg.Ingress); foreach (var rule in ingress) foreach (var cidrBlock in rule.CidrBlocks) { Assert.False(rule.FromPort == 22 && cidrBlock == "", "Illegal SSH port 22 open to the Internet (CIDR"); } } Unit Testing

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Policy as Code (.NET coming later) const policies = new PolicyPack("aws", { policies: [ { name: "prohibited-public-internet", description: "Ingress rules with public internet access are prohibited.", enforcementLevel: "mandatory", validateResource: validateTypedResource(aws.ec2.SecurityGroup, (sg, args, report) => { const publicInternetRules = (sg.ingress || []).find(ingressRule => (ingressRule.cidrBlocks || []).find(cidr => cidr === "")); if (publicInternetRules) { report("Ingress rules with public internet access are prohibited."); } }), }, ], });

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Conclusions 27

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Working on Cloud Apps? Define your infrastructure as code!

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Fine-grained components Better Automation

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Familiar language, experience, toolchain, packages Conditionals, loops, functions, classes, components, modules Reusable components that encapsulate complex logic and provide the right level of abstraction Developer-friendly Logic Abstractions Benefits of Real Code

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м Infrastructure as Code Architecture as Code

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Useful Links