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Hadoop Operations JaxLUG, 2013 Ovidiu Dimulescu @odimulescu

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About @odimulescu • Working on the Web since 1997 • • Organizer for • Co-Organizer for Jax Big Data meetup

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• Background • Architecture 1.0 vs 2.0 • Installation • Security • Monitoring • Demo • Questions? Agenda

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• Apache Hadoop is an open source Java software framework for running data-intensive applications on large clusters of commodity hardware • Created by Doug Cutting (Lucene & Nutch creator) • Named after Doug’s son’s toy elephant What is ?

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Processing diverse large datasets in practical time at low cost • Consolidates data in a distributed file system • Moves computation to data rather then data to computation • Simplifies programming model CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU What and how is solving?

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Why does it matter? • Volume, Velocity, Variety and Value • Datasets do not fit on local HDDs let alone RAM • Scaling up ‣ Is expensive (licensing, hardware, etc.) ‣ Has a ceiling (physical, technical, etc.)

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Why does it matter? • Scanning 10TB at sustained transfer of 75MB/s takes ~2 days on 1 node ~5 hrs on 10 nodes cluster • Low $/TB for commodity drives • Low-end servers are multicore capable

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HDFS Distributed filesystem designed for low cost storage and high bandwidth access across the cluster. Map-Reduce Programming model for processing and generating large data sets. Architecture – Core Components

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HDFS - Design • Files are stored as blocks (64MB default size) • Configurable data replication (3x, Rack Aware*) • Fault Tolerant, Expects HW failures • HUGE files, Expects Streaming not Low Latency • Mostly WORM • Not POSIX compliant • Not mountable OOTB*

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Namenode (NN) Datanode 1 Datanode 2 Datanode N Namenode - Master • Filesystem metadata • Files R/W control • Blocks replication Datanode - Slaves • Blocks R/W per clients • Replicates blocks per master • Notifies master about block-ids H D F S Client ask NN for file NN returns DNs that has it Client ask DN for data Architecture - HDFS

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HDFS - Fault tolerance • DataNode  Uses CRC32 to avoid corruption  Data is replicated on other nodes (3x)* • NameNode  fsimage - last snapshot  edits - changes log since last snapshot  Checkpoint Node  Backup NameNode  Failover is manual*

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JobsTracker (JT) TaskTracker 1 JobTracker - Master • Accepts MR jobs submitted by clients • Assigns MR tasks to TaskTrackers • Monitors tasks and TaskTracker status, re-executes tasks upon failure • Speculative execution TaskTracker - Slaves • Runs MR tasks received from JobTracker • Manages storage and transmission of intermediate output J O B S API Client starts a job TaskTracker 2 TaskTracker N Architecture - MapReduce

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JobsTracker TaskTracker 1 DataNode 1 J O B S API NameNode H D F S * Mini OS: Filesystem & Scheduler Hadoop - Core Architecture TaskTracker 2 DataNode 2 TaskTracker N DataNode N

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Hadoop 2.0 - HDFS Architecture • Distributed Namespace • Multiple Block Pools

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Hadoop 2.0 - YARN Architecture

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Java - Native C++ - Pipes framework Any – Streaming Pig Latin, Hive HQL, C via JNI hadoop pipes -input path_in -output path_out -program exec_program hadoop jar hadoop-streaming.jar -mapper map_prog -reducer reduce_prog - input path_in -output path_out hadoop jar jar_path main_class input_path output_path MapReduce - Clients

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HDFS HBase Storage MapReduce Data Processing ZooKeeper Chukwa Management Pig Sqoop Data Access Hive MPI Giraph Hama Impala Ambari Hadoop - Ecosystem HUE Flume Mahout

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Installation - Platforms Production Linux – Official Development Linux OSX Windows via Cygwin *Nix

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Installation - Versions Public Numbering 1.0.x - current stable version 1.1.x - current beta version for 1.x branch 2.X - current alpha version Development Numbering 0.20.x aka 1.x - CDH 3 & HDP 1 0.23.x aka 2.x - CDH 4 & HDP 2 (alpha)

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Installation - For toying Option I - Official project releases Option 2 - Demo VM from vendors • Cloudera • Hortonworks • Greenplum • MapR Option 3 - Cloud • Amazon’s EMR • Hadoop on Azure

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Installation - For real Vendor distributions • Cloudera CDH • Hortonworks HDP • Greenplum GPHD • MapR M3, M5 or M7 Hosted solutions • AWS EMR • Hadoop on Azure Use Virtualization - VMware Serengeti *

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Security - Simple Mode • Use in a trusted environment ‣ Identity comes from euid of the client process ‣ MapReduce tasks run as the TaskTracker user ‣ User that starts the NameNode is super-user • Reasonable protection for accidental misuse • Simple to setup

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Security - Secure Mode • Kerberos based • Use for tight granular access ‣ Identity comes from Kerberos Principal ‣ MapReduce tasks run as Kerberos Principal • Use a dedicated MIT KDC • Hook it to your primary KDC (AD, etc.) • Significant setup effort (users, groups and Kerberos keys on all nodes, etc.)

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Monitoring Built-in • JMX • REST • No SNMP support Other Cloudera Manager (Free up to 50 nodes) Ambari - Free, RPM based systems (RH, CentOS)

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References Hadoop Operations, by Eric Sammer Hadoop Security, by Hortonworks Blog HDFS Federation, by Suresh Srinivas Hadoop 2.0 New Features, by VertiCloud Inc MapReduce in Simple Terms, by Saliya Ekanayake Hadoop Architecture, by Phillipe Julio

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Questions ? Ovidiu Dimulescu @odimulescu