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HTML5 apps
Right now nobody’s interested in a mobile solution that does not
contain the words “iPhone” and “app” and that is not submitted to
a closed environment where it competes with approximately 2,437
similar mobile solutions.
Compared to the current crop of mobile clients and developers, lemmings
marching off a cliff follow a solid, sensible strategy. Startling them out of this
obsession requires nothing short of a new buzzword.
Therefore I’d like to re-brand standards-based mobile websites and
applications, definitely including W3C Widgets, as “HTML5 apps.” People
outside our little technical circle are already aware of the existence of
HTML5, and I don’t think it needs much of an effort to elevate it to full
Technically, HTML5 apps would encompass all websites as well as all the
myriads of (usually locally installed) web-standards-based application
systems on mobile. The guiding principle would be to write and maintain one
single core application that uses web standards, as well as a mechanism that
deploys that core application across a wide range of platforms.
What are HTML5 apps?
HTML5 apps
1. have one single core application;
2. are written with web standards, primarily HTML, CSS, and JavaScript;
3. and are deployed on more than one mobile platform.
Written on 8 March 2010
Categorized in HTML5, HTML5 apps
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Maybe we should build buzz
around HTML5 apps