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@johndbritton @p2pu

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... and many more

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... and many more What’s the problem?

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There’s nowhere to go for help.

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That’s why we created P2PU.

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What is P2PU exactly?

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Peer 2 Peer University

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Open Source

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No content

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No content

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“social learning” “social coding”

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Social Learning. (WTF is that?)

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No Teachers.

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No Students.

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Only Peers.

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Learn anything...

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Slide 19 text completing tasks...

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...that lead to the right questions...

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...with help from your peers.

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Keep track of everything.

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Share your progress...

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...and get recognition.

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Anything. (really)

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Poker, Ship building, Web development, Poetry, Sustainability...

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Tasks. (along the way)

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No content

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Questions. (it’s hard to know what to ask)

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Help. (from people like you)

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Track. (what you learn)

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Share. (your work, your choice)

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Recognition. (flaunt it)

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No content

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No content

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History. (a short, short time ago)

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six weeks six courses

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• Introduction to Concepts in Behavioral Economics and Decision Making • Copyright for Educators • Introduction to Cyberpunk Literature • Land Restoration and Afforestation • Open Creative Nonfiction - Take Away Narratives • Poker and Strategic Thinking

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6 16 23 50 100+ Courses

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English Spanish Portuguese

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We’re still evolving, beyond courses.

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Today: >20k Users

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No content

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No content

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+ = ?

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“What do speakers of other languages see when they search?” “What is the safest way for me to ride my bicycle home from work?” Mashing Up the Open Web

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Web 200: Anatomy of a Request

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Introduction to Ruby on Rails

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Web Making 101, HTML5, Git, Python, Javascript, Django, PHP...

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Schools. (let’s repeat the pattern)

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+ = ?

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+ = P2PU School of Copyright?

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+ = P2PU School of Entrepreneurship?

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+ = P2PU School of Journalism?

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+ = Awesome! respected industry leader

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What do I do now?

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