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Android dev 
 tools & workflows Saúl Molinero @_saulmm

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Vigo, Galicia Saúl Molinero Saúl Molinero @_saulmm @_saulmm

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GDG, @_saulmm

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Runtime tools Runtime tools @_saulmm

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Pidcat Pleasant output // Breaks by process 
 start/end CLI arguments // Filter by package, 
 tags and more

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@_saulmm APK dragger Drag & drop apks to install Video recorder scrcpy --record file.mp4 Move files drag files to the viewer 
 to store them in device’s 
 /sdcard/ SCRPY

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Stetho Database inspector Preferences inspector Network inspector View hierarchy

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Flipper Logcat Crash reporter leak canary plugin iOS compatible Standalone app Easy to extend

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cpu CPU profiler
 A. Studio Tracks the input Tracks 
 lifecycles Profile times

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cpu Network prf.
 A. Studio Analises
 how much 
 data is 
 sent /received Analises 
 requests @_saulmm

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cpu Memory prf.
 A. Studio Analise
 memory change 
 patterns Dump the memory
 on a given range @_saulmm

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GPU Rendering @_saulmm

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@_saulmm Destroy activities Show layout bounds

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Overdraw Good Improvable @_saulmm

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cpu Emulator 
 snapshots $ emulator @Nexus5 
 -snapshot db_v13 @_saulmm

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cpu Emulator 
 screen record as gif @_saulmm

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cpu A. S. Layout Inspector @_saulmm cmd + a ‘Layout inspector’

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Intellij Plugins: ADB idea uninstall clear app and restart kill app revoke permissions start app with debugger @_saulmm

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Passive tools @_saulmm

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Intellij Plugins: Presentation 
 assistant @_saulmm

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Intellij Plugins: Nyan cat @_saulmm

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Track your projects Track your versions on
 jetbrains software Minor settings Jetbrains toolbox @_saulmm

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Track your API Shared across teams Multiple environments Postman @_saulmm Automation scripts

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cpu Command line Autojump Autosuggestions iTerm2 Oh my zsh @_saulmm

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Trouble shooting @_saulmm

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 Remote Lab. @_saulmm

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Lifecycle // Log activity / fragment events, know what was the path made by the user Weird response codes from the API // Log the OkHttp requests. which have returned an status code >= 300 Crashlytics Background jobs & their results // Log what were the results of the different background jobs executed and their names Analytics // Log the events sent to the different analytics services

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Crashlytics Data User id interesting data from the affected user for further investigation

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Activity // The activity shown when at the crash
 moment Heap state // Free and Max memory Crashlytics Report keys Settable via Crashlytics.setString(key, value)

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Samsung Remote Lab

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Samsung Remote Lab

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Code reviews, git, workflow
 and pull requests @_saulmm

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Detekt @_saulmm

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Bitrise @_saulmm

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@_saulmm Github As an author - I told how to test and the key parts 
 to review - I made all checks to pass,
 validators & CIs As a reviewer - As I comment what can be improved
 I comment what is well done - Our goal is to provide value and learn - I’ll put gifs Code reviews

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@_saulmm priority low, or high title validator starts with feature/ bug/ description validator #fixes #closes an issue Pull Request validator Code reviews assignee and reviewer at least one

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Github labels priority Can’t this PR wait for review? status: Why is this PR stuck? type: feature, bug, refactoring

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Open on Github cmd + A ‘Open on Github’ // Reference code with ease from A.S / IntelliJ status: {waiting for design, translations} // Why is this PR stuck? type: {feature, bug, refactoring} // What’s the outcome of this PR? @_saulmm

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cpu Our git flow feature branches develop & master release & hotfix branches

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$ git town hack // Creates an up to date
 branch from main $ git town sync // Updates ongoing branch with 
 main ongoing changes and push $ git town new-pull-request // Pushes latest changes and creates 
 a pull request git town @_saulmm

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Fork @_saulmm

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Thanks! @_saulmm

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Resource management
 and design tools @_saulmm

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IconJar @_saulmm

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Abstract @_saulmm

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svgomg @_saulmm

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sketch @_saulmm #greach

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name that color @_saulmm #greach