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1ST-CLASS HONOURS Interactive Media Production

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THE TIME IS NOW Threshold of something cool

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NOTABLE EVENTS Recent events in HTML5 gaming

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* made by Phil Banks (@emirpprime)

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WRITE ONCE Use anywhere

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NO COMPILATION Save time with development and testing

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LIGHTWEIGHT Text and image files take up little room

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OPEN DEVELOPMENT Gives you a warm fuzzy feeling

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FULL COMPATIBILITY Not all browsers support everything

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NO DRM These technologies aren’t made for it

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TECHNOLOGY Some of the tech involved in Web gaming

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CANVAS & WEBGL 2D and 3D graphics

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HTML5 AUDIO Sound effects and background music

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WEBSOCKETS Multiplayer communication

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NODE.JS JavaScript on the server

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LOCAL STORAGE Storing data on the player device

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MONGODB & REDIS Storing data on the server

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EXISTING GAMES Some of my favourite and best examples

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QUAKE II Google port using Web technologies

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MINECRAFT We’ll see this fully working in JavaScript soon

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WORD² Massively multiplayer Scrabble

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FREECIV Open source clone of Civilisation

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RAWKETS Because I made it and it’s addictive

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LOADS MORE Games directories are everywhere

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FUNDAMENTALS Making games with HTML5

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GAME LOOP The heart of the game

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PHYSICS UPDATE Updating positions

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GRAPHICS UPDATES Making things visible

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NETWORKING Breaking out of single player

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CONTROLS AND UI So important to get right

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PERFORMANCE Keeping things running smoothly

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GAME ENGINES Making game development easy

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LIBRARIES & SERVICES Saving you time in the long run

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BOX2DWEB JavaScript port of the Box2D physics engine

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MOTION.JS Solving client-side prediction issues

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KEY LESSONS What I’ve learnt so far

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CUT DOWN LOOPS Less is more

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NO TIMEOUTS Use requestAnimationFrame instead

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NETWORK TRICKS Cutting down on communication

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1 4 4 1 1 4 4 1 MESSAGES IN 4 MESSAGES OUT 16

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MESSAGES IN 30 MESSAGES OUT 900 1 30 30 1 1 30 30 1

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MESSAGES IN 100 MESSAGES OUT 10000 1 100 100 1 1 100 100 1

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CHEATERS You can’t avoid them completely

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DOM OR CANVAS Which one should you use?

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THE FUTURE What HTML5 gaming still needs

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DOCUMENTATION Specific to HTML5 game development

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WEBGL SUPPORT Support is shocking right now

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MORE ENGINES Not many decent ones around right now

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IMPROVED AUDIO More reliable looping

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POWERFUL MOBILE Better hardware acceleration

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BETTER CONTROLS Break away from the keyboard and mouse

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MONETISATION Making profit from games

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Slide 76 text HTML5 & WebSockets game. Twitter sentiment analysis Delving into your soul. RECENT PROJECTS Personal website and blog MORE COOL STUFF Web development podcast. Mozilla Technical Evangelist My job ROB HAWKES @robhawkes

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Become a canvas master FOUNDATION HTML5 CANVAS My amazing book on canvas, animation, and making games. RAWKES.COM/FOUNDATIONCANVAS Out now Paperback and digital formats Learn how to animate Make two cool space games

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COFFEE FWD Mozilla Web FWD get together Innovation acceleration FRI JULY 15TH @ RED ROCK CAFE, MV Friday July 15th Red Rock Cafe, Mountain View Meet some great people Show off your stuff

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DEV DERBY Experimenting with the latest Web technologies Manipulate video with canvas DEVELOPER.MOZILLA.ORG/EN-US/DEMOS/DEVDERBY Every month This month is HTML5 video Win prizes (like an Android) Next month is all about touch

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